God's Truth

New member

but now it is your turn to see something that Jesus never did ...

HE NEVER TAUGHT “every day is Holy shall live forever as a spirit”

so why are you so ignorant here teaching and there LIVING as if He did?

So YOU stop being ignorant...LOL

Jesus taught to be holy as God is holy---and that is for EVERY DAY.

1 Peter 1:16 for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."


New member
Jesus taught to be holy as God is holy---and that is for EVERY DAY.

1 Peter 1:16 for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."

Yes BUT being HOLY does NOT mean you get to MAKE anything you want a golden calf...or water...or statue...or every other day of the week...catholics make holy every day with a saint day...LOL...stop worshipping Him the way pagans worship their gods ok?

being HOLY means you recognize what else is MADE HOLY BY Him...

wow you really think Peter gives you permission to make every day holy when he uses an OT text from the middle of a clean dietary clause? LOL

the irony...

Look up IN ENGLISH the OT text Peter references Lev 11:44-45 “you shall not defile yourselves with any creeping thing” you know verse 47 “distinguish between the unclean and the clean the animal that may be eaten and the animal that may NOT be eaten” LOL

Lev 19:2 “Say to ALL the congregation of Israel” you know NOT JUST JEWS...oh wait you so MAD you not Israel? Keep forgetting CAN’T TELL by your fruits...LOL

ok where were we? Oh yes “Say to ALL the congregation of Israel” hmmm congregation is body right Who is the Head?

Sorry you aint that MAD nevermind...

ok so “ALL the congregation of Israel” prolly including those NOT of Jacob with them right? “You shall be holy for I the Lord your God am Holy”

ok so what does that mean? I mean HOW do we be holy right? How do we apply this to our lives NOW?

Verse 3 Every one of you shall revere your mother and father and KEEP MY SABBATHS I am the Lord your God”...LOL

but noooo to you Peter says I get to make EVERY DAY HOLY...LOL

ok so far we have 2 out of three of your “make every day will never die”

Here comes the third...READY?

Lev 20: 7 “Sanctify yourselves therefore and be holy for I am the Lord your God”


did you say 6? Yes you are CORRECT

here is what Lev 20:6 says: “And the person who turns after mediums and familiar spirits to prostitute himself with them I will set My face against that person cut him off from his people.”

Not sure being circumcised is gonna help here...LOL

oh it is repeated

Lev 20:26 “And you shall be holy to Me for I the Lord am holy and have separated you from the peoples that you should be Mine.”

ok but HOW to be holy? so glad you asked

verse 27 “A man OR A WOMAN” HEY YOU READING THIS?!!! IT IS IN ENGLISH “who is a medium or who has familiar spirits shall surely be put to death...”

hmmm what’s more familiar than family loved ones looking down from heaven as spirits SO familiar?

Oh I laugh or cry at your self condemnation?

you DARE to use Peter who kept clean and warned of false teachings and those going back to vomit they made themselves and wallowing

and the IRONY of Peter USING the OT EXACTLY about being HOLY by dietary cleanliness Sabbath keeping and NO SPIRIT believing...LOL

You really are hilarious...sadly

please repent...back to Him His ways...and works befitting repentance

do not turn from the holy commandment...please be He did...claim to abide IN HIM you must live AS He did

and REMEMBER to KEEP Holy that day which He made Holy...and gave to man...not just jews...

God's Truth

New member
Yes BUT being HOLY does NOT mean you get to MAKE anything you want Holy..

Jesus makes one holy and being in Jesus and not sinning and living through him every day makes it a Sabbath Rest in the Lord every day.

God says to not work on the Sabbath, and not to do evil but do good on the Sabbath that is about being saved and that is about being in Christ.

When one obeys and is saved through the blood of Jesus, they do not do the works to purify themselves, but relies on Jesus to purify.

When a person obeys Jesus, they think only on God every day all day, every thought is about God, just as God said to do on the Sabbath, the saved do every day.

Thus making like the Sabbath every day when you are in the Lord.

God said not to go out and it food and that He will supply it.

God gave manna.

Jesus is the manna from heaven and it is his food we eat.


New member
Jesus makes one holy and being in Jesus and not sinning and living through him every day makes it a Sabbath Rest in the Lord every day.
says ONLY you and other disobedient ones like you...thought you didnt teach once saved...we are in need of saving EVERY DAY...repenting every day for things we don’t even know we did...need of grace...every day

a sabbath rest is WORK six days FIRST rest the seventh...He did NOT alter the calendar week days...He both taught and demonstrated a Sabbath KEEPING not rest every day but WORK six days FIRST

God says to not work on the Sabbath,
you say it is good to work on the Sabbath for the family or something two jobs something

and not to do evil but do good on the Sabbath that is about being saved and that is about being in Christ.
in Christ is to LIVE AS HE DID...He kept the Sabbath Holy...not every other week day...just ONE the seventh...

[quoet]When one obeys and is saved through the blood of Jesus, they do not do the works to purify themselves, but relies on Jesus to purify.[/quote] you baptise? Every day? I choose Him Paul Peter not your reprobate new way another christ...

When a person obeys Jesus, they think only on God every day all day, every thought is about God, just as God said to do on the Sabbath, the saved do every day.
LOL...I have seen your posts on TOL...not EVERY thought you have is about God...LOL...sounds like your works has you think you more righteous than Paul even...

Thus making like the Sabbath every day when you are in the Lord.
LOL...sabbath is a seventh can not make seven every other you even break the laws of surprise...your reprobate mind perverts and spreads into ALL things ALL the time indeed

God said not to go out and it food and that He will supply it.
so you sit there every raven fly to you with food? LOL

sounds more like indolent insolence to me...infantile in need of only milk...and change of diapers and cleaning of vomit

God gave manna.
yup IN THE OT only to the Jews...LOL but now you want to claim it...typical

and He gave it to not only feed BUT TO TEACH THE SABBATH COUNT...again the irony of USING the OT which DESTROYS your heresy

Jesus is the manna from heaven and it is his food we eat.
yup your Roman Catholic is showing...

I notice too you COMPLETLEY AVOIDED your “KEEP HOLY AS I AM HOLY” Peter referenced from the OT

which ALSO destroyed your “every day is Holy eat whatever I will live forever”

as keep holy = keep from being defiled by what you eat Lev 11:44-47

as keep holy = keep my Sabbaths Lev 19:2-3

as keep holy = keep from familiar spirits Lev 20:26-27

but your reprobate mind and uncircumcised heart blinds your eyes and clogs your ears...

you claim to abide in Him you must live as He does...ask John