gather in His name


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-hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

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Ben Masada

New member
On the contrary my non-friend, more people than ever are saved every day by the gospel of grace from Christ Jesus

Okay Patrick, what was the gospel of Jesus, do you happen to know? Do you even know that he was a Jew? If you do, the gospel of a Jew is the Tanach aka the Law and the Prophets. (Mat. 5:17-19) That's the gospel Jesus warned us all to listen. Let them listen to "Moses" aka the Law in order to escape hell-fire. (Luke 16;29-31) It's beyond my understanding how Christians fight against the gospel of Jesus!

Ben Masada

New member
False on every level...the world was under the heel of the oppressers when Christ came. The non Jewish world was pagan....they used to worship gods by burning children alive.

Everywhere the gospel has gone it has bye and bye set men and women free...those nations that have not been reached by the gospel still lived enslaved, oppressed by poverty and brutality.

But salvation is PERSONAL God deals with each individual.

Are you sure I was false in every level? You missed the level of six million Jews murdered not before Jesus was born but after he died. Did you know that a "Concordat" was signed between Hitler and Pope Pius 11, the highest representative of Christianity so that the Church would never interfere with the Final Solution of the Jewish People? Nothing worse than that ever happened before Jesus was born.

Ben Masada

New member
We have His life, His faith, He Himself is the gospel, the good news.

Sorry Linnet, but you don't have the Faith of Jesus which was Judaism neither his gospel which was the Tanach. The gospel is not what one IS but what one preaches and you don't preach the gospel of Jesus. The only way to save yourself from this one is to declare that Jesus was not a Jew.

patrick jane

Okay Patrick, what was the gospel of Jesus, do you happen to know? Do you even know that he was a Jew? If you do, the gospel of a Jew is the Tanach aka the Law and the Prophets. (Mat. 5:17-19) That's the gospel Jesus warned us all to listen. Let them listen to "Moses" aka the Law in order to escape hell-fire. (Luke 16;29-31) It's beyond my understanding how Christians fight against the gospel of Jesus!
The gospel/good news of Jesus is that He died for our sins and rose the third day according to scripture

Romans 1:16 KJV -

Ben Masada

New member
The gospel/good news of Jesus is that He died for our sins and rose the third day according to scripture

Romans 1:16 KJV -

That's not the gospel of Jesus but of Paul's. (II Timothy 2:8) You say above, "According to the Scripture" and, the only scripture I found is II Timothy 2:8 the place where Paul fabricated the myth about the resurrection of Jesus.


That's not the gospel of Jesus but of Paul's. (II Timothy 2:8) You say above, "According to the Scripture" and, the only scripture I found is II Timothy 2:8 the place where Paul fabricated the myth about the resurrection of Jesus.

Paul did have his own gospel but he learned of the resurrection from those who witnessed it. So you have that backwards.

The original good news is that all people are sons and daughters of God, that by faith we can realize this ennobling truth,. Salvation is by faith, it can be taken for granted by those who are dedicated to Gods will. Paul brought his own ideas from the Roman world.
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Lazy afternoon

Are you sure I was false in every level? You missed the level of six million Jews murdered not before Jesus was born but after he died. Did you know that a "Concordat" was signed between Hitler and Pope Pius 11, the highest representative of Christianity so that the Church would never interfere with the Final Solution of the Jewish People? Nothing worse than that ever happened before Jesus was born.

Do not think the RCC represents God in the world, and neither do the Jews.

The fight between the flesh is a distraction to finding the Truth.



Well-known member
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-hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
-hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

-today is Sunday

-we put away our differences

-we give thanks
-we give praise

-we ask for forgiveness
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-we do it together

-good night charity


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
-hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

-today is Sunday

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-we give thanks
-we give praise

-we ask for forgiveness
-we ask for guidance
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-we do it together

-good night charity


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
-hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

-today is Sunday

-we put away our differences

-we give thanks
-we give praise

-we ask for forgiveness
-we ask for guidance
-we ask for help

-we do it together

-good night charity


Okay Patrick, what was the gospel of Jesus, do you happen to know? Do you even know that he was a Jew? If you do, the gospel of a Jew is the Tanach aka the Law and the Prophets. (Mat. 5:17-19) That's the gospel Jesus warned us all to listen. Let them listen to "Moses" aka the Law in order to escape hell-fire. (Luke 16;29-31) It's beyond my understanding how Christians fight against the gospel of Jesus!

The gospel of Jesus was the good news that ALL men and women of the earth are sons and daughters of the Living God, that by faith we may realize this ennobling truth, and by this same faith we are saved. God is not just a national God of a of a "chosen people", but a personal God of each individual. We are saved by faith not by sacrifices and works. Therefore there is neither Jew nor Gentile, rather all mankind are brothers and sisters.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
-hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

-today is Sunday

-we put away our differences

-we give thanks
-we give praise

-we ask for forgiveness
-we ask for guidance
-we ask for help

-we do it together


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
-hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

-today is Sunday

-we put away our differences

-we give thanks
-we give praise

-we ask for forgiveness
-we ask for guidance
-we ask for help

-we do it together


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
-hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

-today is Sunday

-we put away our differences

-we give thanks
-we give praise

-we ask for forgiveness
-we ask for guidance
-we ask for help

-we do it together

-good night charity


-hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

-today is Sunday

-we put away our differences

-we give thanks
-we give praise

-we ask for forgiveness
-we ask for guidance
-we ask for help

-we do it together

-good night charity

And Hi Chrys, it's
weird but this thread is like one I
came to in 2010. Still love the hopes and ideas in it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
-hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

-today is Sunday

-we put away our differences

-we give thanks
-we give praise

-we ask for forgiveness
-we ask for guidance
-we ask for help

-we do it together

-good night charity