gather in His name


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so who are the 24 elders?

well I can only speculate

I love it when you speculate

there are twelve minor prophets

that would be before Christ

there are twelve apostles

that would be after Christ

do you think they are the elect?

many are called but few are chosen

so the rest of us are being tested?

I think so

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New member
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

today is Sunday

we put away our differences

we give thanks
we give praise

we ask for forgiveness
we ask for guidance
we ask for help

we do it together

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We exist best in community. Therefore, it behooves us to pay attention to what is happening in our various communities.


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so who are the four beasts?

do you mean the four living creatures?

yes, there are far too many beasts in the King James version

they could be significant time periods

they introduce the four horsemen

or do they control them?



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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so the Lamb is worthy to open the book?

He wast slain, and hast redeemed us

I love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it is Revelation 5:9 KJV

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

so we are all redeemed?

yes, but not saved or forgiven

don't we have to repent for that?


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Well-known member
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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so the Lamb has redeemed us all?

not just the elect, everyone

what does redeemed mean?

it doesn't mean saved or forgiven

so what does it mean?

it means we can be saved

so before the Lamb redeemed us we couldn't be saved no matter what we did?

that's right

so now we must repent, overcometh, and endure?

if you want to be saved

so it does matter what you do?


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Well-known member
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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so the Lamb has redeemed us all?

it is the only thing that makes sense

some say it is limited to the elect

there are many false teachers

do you test them?

you must


with common sense

they sure know scripture

and all the wrest

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so who are the four living creatures?

well they are not beasts

okay so the KJV got that one wrong

they introduce the four horsemen

are we going to talk about that again?

I do consider it rather significant


you have seven seals but only four of them are introduced by these living creatures

that is interesting


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Well-known member
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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

today is Sunday

we put away our differences

we give thanks
we give praise

we ask for forgiveness
we ask for guidance
we ask for help

we do it together

good night charity


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so are we going to talk about the four horsemen again?

it's my favorite part

you really do have a unique take on this

this is true

so where do we start?

with the colors

white, red, black, and pale

we do have a red and black sea in the area

but not a white one

not so fast my friend

there is a white sea but it is not in the area

the Mediterranean is

how is that the white sea?

that is what the Turks call it

that is interesting


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Well-known member
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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so what about the pale horse?

there is no pale sea

maybe it is generic

could be

so we do have a white, red, and black sea

white being the Mediterranean

so what do we do with this?

start with the red sea

the one that takes peace from the earth?

that one

are you thinking Islam?

it must be considered

that is interesting


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Well-known member
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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

Islam is a threat to Christianity

and from the red sea

are there others?


that is a threat

and from the black sea

and it did come after Islam

is the white horse a threat?

I don't think so

that is interesting


good night charity


New member
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so who are the four living creatures?

well they are not beasts

okay so the KJV got that one wrong

they introduce the four horsemen

are we going to talk about that again?

I do consider it rather significant


you have seven seals but only four of them are introduced by these living creatures

that is interesting


good night charity

I think this writer of Revelations, whoever he may be, has been absorbed by reading Eze, chapers 1, 2, 3.
every thought came from a thought! as such they all eat books to preach,

Never the Less, seeking such wonders as the son of Man, that will apare as a rain bow over the sky.. in the Shape of the Lord, That thought began in ezekiels vision.
Jesus was not heard, was cut off an Killed for a shall be sacrifice. Not matchingto the context of Ezekiels words,
so faith should set up another ocasion for a son of Man to Talk with four Living creatures, to convince them, of whom is the Lord,
even the beasts of heavens don't know to aknowledge the ressurection of Jesus, why should we, whem they catch themselves out, writing such words, that prove them currupt.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so who is the rider of the white horse?

he has a bow

so he is an archer?

not that kind of bow

what kind?

I do set my bow in the cloud

I love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it is Genesis 9:13 KJV

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

so the rider is Noah?

no ah we are talking about another covenant

that is interesting


good night charity


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so who is the rider of the white horse?

he has a bow, a new covenant with God

so he is a good guy

he is definitely a game changer

like Constantine?

who else?

he did make the world safe for Christians

he is the third most significant person who has ever lived

after Jesus and Mohammed?


that is interesting


good night charity
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so what is so great about Constantine?

he mortally wounded the first beast and protected the west from the second beast

is that all?

he made the world safe for Christians

can you tells us something about these beasts?

the first one was paganism and the second is Islam

didn't Constantine start the Byzantine Empire?

and the dragon was bound for a thousand years

that is interesting


good night charity


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

today is Easter

He is risen

we are redeemed

Happy Easter

good night charity

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Low in the grave He lay
Jesus my Saviour
waiting the coming day
Jesus my Lord

Up from the grave He arose
with a mighty triumph o'er His foes
He arose the Victor of the dark domain
and He lives forever with His saints to reign

He arose
He arose
Hallelujah Christ arose.

Happy Easter everyone.


New member


Up from the grave He arose
with a mighty triumph o'er His foes
He arose the Victor of the dark domain
and He lives forever with His saints to reign

who were His Foes?
Who were the victors?
three days is to Long to rise, Taken from the Grave, I see, could be a victory