Gap theory - Gen 1-2 ??


New member
We know the universe had a beginning,because God tells us...not because of consensus. Likewise we know the age of the universe from God's Word. The sun, moon and stars were created on day 4 of the creation week. Adam and Eve were created 2 days later.
This is correct, and is called Faith by us believers in an Almighty God who can't lie. But we now have Scientific Evidence, and you can't discount that fact, and unbelievers see this also. The Big Bang was the greatest testament to Gods truths, yet many Christians don't even understand that the Big Bang proved the bible to be correct in all its Glory. We already knew that, but we should use all evidence possible to bring people to Christ Jesus.

The sun,moon and stars were not created on the fourth day, that's silly. And when you get to heaven you will find that out. Because God isn't going to lie to us to make us feel better. And I will just be honest with you, I actually know people who refuse to become Christians, because they see these kind of inaccuracies and to them its like Santa Clause. We have to be factual.

Yes...we know the 2way speed of light. (You confuse istance with speed). *You didn't answer the questions.

*Perhaps tell us how you measure the one way speed of light.*

*Perhaps tell us how fast God spread the heavens.
We know the rate of inflation was faster than the speed of light, and the universe is still expanding. So when other stars are formed now, is God RESTING or CREATING ? God is Resting, He gave the command to COME FORTH and thus He created the Heavens and the Earth with ONE COMMAND. The timing was different as per the actually coming to pass.

You are mistaken choosing to believe secular interpretations of the evidence. We can observe the same evidences through the lens of God's inerrant Word. And..... we don't need to invent rescue devices to explain away evidence like old earthers do. (young appearance of Pluto, recession rate of moon, comets, etc)

What is up with you and the word secular. Its like the leftists and their Alinsky tactics, GET OUT with that man. I listen to God, you try to use the word "SECULARIST" to insinuate that you must be correct and others are wrong, but you are wrong and saying that word over and over until you are blue in the face doesn't change the facts. I find people who believe the earth is 6000 years old to be utterly gullible. But I usually don't sound off about it so vehemently, I try to be courteous and just play along. You can call it what you like, but you can't change the facts sir.


*God tells us "in six days God created the heavens and the earth and everything in them" Humans were created during those six days, and Jesus believed it...and repeated it.*

The word YOWM was used not DAY...haha.

It happens the way He tells us.*

* He tells us Jesus was born of a virgin..I believe it.

* He tells us He spoke the universe into existence...I believe it.

* He tells us He formed Eve from Adam's rib...I believe it.

* He tells us Jesus rose from the grave...I believe it.*

Being a Preacher I believe everything God says in his Holy Word also. However there are plenty of Translations that ARE WRONG !! God said YOWM (TO BE HOT) Not Day.

Hmmmmm..... I wonder how many accepted you low view of scripture. Hopefully none, but unfortunately many do have "itching ears".*

There you go again casting aspersions. You are the one that is wrong, not me. You stay in your backward thinking. I am surprised you aren't still claiming the earth is flat. Your ears should be burning, I suspect when God tells you the truth in Heaven, you will need to go get some talcum powder.

You continue to confuse science with opinions, or interpretations.

YUP....Coming from a 6000 year old earth guy.:jawdrop:

Of course... SEE Genesis 1

That would be a problem for your god... not the Creator who spoke the universe into existence.*

Again with the snide remarks. You are showing your "Christian nature", its telling of you, whether you understand that or not.

I don't think God's Word is nonsense, nor all the other supporting evidence.*

Its not, you just don't understand the fact that the universe is 13.7 Billion years old.

Yes... that is what I have said...over and over. We know the creation days are the same as our 24 hour periods...

* from an understanding of Hebrew context; the grammar demands it.

* exegetical word study of the 2200 timea the word is used in the OT. When the word refers to a longer, or shorter period of time, its easy to tell using context.

* From the various Biblical authors...and Jesus who referred to Genesis as literal history.

You know nothing of the kind. You assert you know, but since the universe is 13.7 Billion years old, God was not speaking bout 24 hour DAYS.......You need to actually study factual things instead of running from the facts. You hide behind Genesis, when Genesis does not say what you imply.

Without knowing your beliefs about the gospel, I suspect you preach a different Jesus and gospel.

Again with the accusations. We know Satan accuses the brothers in heaven 24/7. No one pushes the Atheist message, just because it belittles your 6000 year old belief, which basically, NO ONE BELIEVES !!

I understand your type, believe me. You don't believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. You believe that we must go through a TRIAL/TRIBULATION period to be tested. Even though we don't. These are well educated guesses. You might believe in the Sabbath etc. etc.

God Bless.........I will be prying for you.
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George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
Do you see that the father away a star is, the older the earth would have to be to receive that light ?
Not at all.

We do not know, empirically, that the speed of light is constant in the deep regions of space away from gravitational forces. For all we know, light travel could be instantaneous except where it encounters gravitational pull.

The current model of the universe suggests that light coming from distant stars is, in some cases, a record of what was happening thousands or millions of years ago. According to this, we cannot even be certain that any of them still exist.

If, as I suspect, time is not an ultimate reality (2Pe 3:8), like faith, hope and love (1Co 13:13), then we make a mistake thinking of measurement as anything other than convenient relativity within our immediate context. It cannot, therefore, be included as reliable to establish, or even contribute to, the establishment of truth. It will always remain a trivial pursuit.

Like it or not, the calculations of a worm, however correct from his viewpoint, will never tell him the age of the earth he is living in (should he ever be interested to find out). His calculations are only relative to his experience and can, therefore, never contribute to a meaningful knowledge of objective truth. It is impossible for him to discover a correct path to an answer that is always above his ability to comprehend because he does not even know how to frame the question.

Upon becoming a Christian, the question can now be asked correctly.
"What does God communicate to us regarding the length of time it took Him to create?"
The answer is:
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Exo 20:11


New member
Not at all.

We do not know, empirically, that the speed of light is constant in the deep regions of space away from gravitational forces. For all we know, light travel could be instantaneous except where it encounters gravitational pull.

Yes we do. You might want to check out the WMAP/Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe that mapped out the whole universe. Here's just the Top Ten Facts

WMAP's Top Ten

The WMAP science team has…
... has put the "precision" in "precision cosmology" by reducing the allowed volume of cosmological parameters by a factor in excess of 68,000. The three most highly cited physics and astronomy papers published in the new millennium are WMAP scientific papers--- reflecting WMAP's enormous impact.

…mapped the pattern of tiny fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation (the oldest light in the universe) and produced the first fine-resolution (0.2 degree) full-sky map of the microwave sky.

…determined the universe to be 13.77 billion years old to within a half percent.

…nailed down the curvature of space to within 0.4% of "flat" Euclidean.

…determined that ordinary atoms (also called baryons) make up only 4.6% of the universe.

…completed a census of the universe and finds that dark matter (matter not made up of atoms) is 24.0%

…determined that dark energy, in the form of a cosmological constant, makes up 71.4% of the universe, causing the expansion rate of the universe to speed up. - "Lingering doubts about the existence of dark energy and the composition of the universe dissolved when the WMAP satellite took the most detailed picture ever of the cosmic microwave background (CMB)." - Science Magazine 2003, "Breakthrough of the Year" article

… mapped the polarization of the microwave radiation over the full sky and discovered that the universe was reionized earlier than previously believed. - "WMAP scores on large-scale structure. By measuring the polarization in the CMB it is possible to look at the amplitude of the fluctuations of density in the universe that produced the first galaxies. That is a real breakthrough in our understanding of the origin of structure." - ScienceWatch: "What's Hot in Physics", Simon Mitton, Mar./Apr. 2008.

…detected that the amplitude of the variations in the density of the universe on big scales is slightly larger than smaller scales. This, along with other results, supports "inflation", the idea is that the universe underwent a dramatic period of expansion, growing by more than a trillion trillion fold in less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a second. Tiny fluctuations were generated during this expansion that eventually grew to form galaxies.

… determined that the distribution of these fluctuations follows a bell curve with the same properties across the sky, and that there are equal numbers of hot and cold spots in the map. The simplest version of the inflation idea predicted these properties and remarkably, WMAP’s precision measurement of the properties of the fluctuations has confirmed these predictions, in detail.

We have a very clear picture of how fast the Universe expanded. God doesn't change the Laws of Nature.

If, as I suspect, time is not an ultimate reality (2Pe 3:8), like faith, hope and love (1Co 13:13), then we make a mistake thinking of measurement as anything other than convenient relativity within our immediate context. It cannot, therefore, be included as reliable to establish, or even contribute to, the establishment of truth. It will always remain a trivial pursuit.

God is not restrained by Time, that is why he can be Eternal without having to be Created. We are restrained by time because God created Time and Space for us to live in.

The Answer is the Universe is clearly 13.7 Billion years old. That's the evidence.


According to the ancient cultures, we live in an eternal oscillating universe that expands outward and contracts back to its beginning in space time, (Not to a new beginning, but to the very beginning of three dimensional space-time) a living universal being who is all that exists, and in who, all that is, exists. A universe that exists in the two states of visible matter and invisible energy.

“Universe after universe is like an interminable succession of wheels forever coming into view, forever rolling onwards, disappearing and reappearing; forever passing from being to non being, and again from non being to being. In short, the constant revolving of the wheel of life in one eternal cycle, according to fixed and immutable laws, is perhaps after all the sum and substance of the philosophy of Buddhism. And this eternal wheel has so to speak, six spokes representing six forms of existence.” ---- Mon. Williams, Buddhism, pp. 229, 122.*

The days and nights of Brahma are called Manvantara, or the cycle of manifestation, ‘The Great Day,’ which is a period of universal activity, that is preceded, and also followed by ‘Pralaya,’ a dark period, which to our finite minds seems as an eternity. ‘Manvantara,’ is a creative day as seen in the six days of creation in Genesis, ‘Pralaya,’ is the evening that proceeds the next creative day. The six periods of Creation and the seventh day of rest in which we now exist are referred to in the book of Genesis as the “GENERATIONS OF THE UNIVERSE.”*

The English word “Generation,” is translated from the Hebrew “toledoth” which is used in the Old Testament in every instance as ‘births,’ or ‘descendants,’ such as “These are the generations of Adam,” or “these are the generations of Abraham, and Genesis 2: 4; These are the generations of the Universe or the heavens and earth, etc. And the ‘Great Day’ in which the seven generations of the universe are eternally repeated, is the eternal cosmic period, or the eighth eternal day in which those who attain to perfection are allowed to enter, where they shall be surrounded by great light and they shall experience eternal peace, while those who do not attain to perfection are cast back into the refining fires of the seven physical cycles that perpetually revolve within the eighth eternal cosmic cycle.*

Enoch the righteous wrote that God created an eighth day also, so that it should be the first after his works, and it is a day eternal with neither hours, days, weeks, months or years, for all time is stuck together in one eon, etc, etc, and all who enter into the generation of the Light beings, are able to visit all those worlds that still exist in space-time, but not in our three dimensional time.

A series of worlds following one upon the other-- each world rising a step higher than the previous world, so that every later world brings to ripeness the seeds that were imbedded in the former, and itself then prepares the seed for the universe that will follow it. This is the true resurrection in which all from the previous cycle of universal activity, who still have the judgmental war raging within them, are cast back into the refining fires of physical life again, born again into the eternal cycles of rebirths or reincarnation..

According to the best theory we have today as to the origin of this generation of the universe, it was some 14 billion years ago, that an immense explosion, known as the Big Bang, spewed out massive amounts of liquid like electromagnetic energy in the trillions and trillions of degrees, creating a rapidly expanding universe.

Another universe may have preceded ours, study finds. May 14th, 2006. Courtesy Penn State University and World Science staff.*

Three physicists say they have done calculations suggesting that before the birth of our universe, which is expanding, there was an earlier universe that was shrinking.*

To arrive at their pre-existing universe finding, Ashtekar’s group used loop quantum gravity, a theory that seeks to reconcile General relativity with quantum physics.

These two seemingly fundamental theories are otherwise contradictory in some ways.*Loop quantum gravity, which was pioneered at Ashtekar’s institute, proposes that spacetime has a discrete “atomic” structure, as opposed to being a continuous sheet, as Einstein, along with most us, assumed.*In loop quantum gravity, space is thought of as woven from one-dimensional “threads.” The continuum picture remains mostly valid as an approximation. But near the Big Bang, this fabric is violently torn so that it’s discrete, or quantum, nature becomes important. One outcome of this is that gravity becomes repulsive instead of attractive, Ashetkar argued; the result is the Big Bounce.*

Paul Steinhardt of Princeton University, a cosmologist who has explored some related concepts, wrote in an email that the new research “Supports, in a general way, the idea that the Big Bang need not be the beginning of space and time.”*The universe “may have undergone one or more bangs in its past history,” he added.*Steinhardt and colleagues have also proposed a bounce of sorts, but it’s different. It could turn out that the two scenarios are equivalent at some deep level, but that’s not known, he added. Steinhardt‘s scenario makes use of string theory, another attempt to reconcile General Relativity with quantum physics.*Some versions of string theory portray our visible universe as a three -dimensional space embedded in an invisible space having more dimensions.

Our zone, called a braneworld [the word comes from its similarity to a sort of membrane] could periodically bounce into another, parallel braneworld.*Such an event might look to us, stuck in a few dimensions as we are, as a Big Bang. “I don’t know if Ashetkar’s case translates into a bounce between braneworlds like we are describing,” Steinhardt wrote. But by his estimate, this cataclysm won’t take place for another roughly 300 billion years—so there is hopefully plenty of time to answer the question.*

300 billion years? I don't think so.

Just as the Big Bang theory has been evolving over the years and is continuing to evolve as new data becomes available, these big Crunch scientific theories that are just beginning to emerge are still in their infancy.

Because three dimensional time as we know it, does not exist prior to the Big Bang: from the return of the universe to the infinitely hot, infinitely dense and infinitesimally small singularity of origin to the next Big Bang when three dimensional space and time would begin, it would appear that no time had elapsed, thus [As I believe] the erroneous Big Bounce theory.

I would rather a theory which states that there are many galactic clusters out there within the eternal and boundless cosmos, each cluster=universe in its own position in Space-time, consisting of billions of Galaxies falling inward toward a Great Abyss, Black Hole, or Bottomless Pit, where it is torn to pieces Molecule by molecule, atom by atom, sub-atomic particle by sub-atomic particle, and reconverted into the electromagnetic energy from which they were created and accelerated along the dark worm hole to speeds far, far in excess of the speed of light, where that liquid like Electromagnetic energy is locked in the fourth dimension where time as we know it, does not exist, until it is spewed out in the trillions of degrees, somewhere far beyond the visible horizon of the eternal and boundless cosmos, where, from the cooling quantum of that electromagnetic energy a new universe is created, or rather, the old universe is resurrected, to continue on in its eternal process of evolution and where the light from its old position would take billions of years to reach it.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
According to the ancient cultures, we live in an eternal oscillating universe that expands outward and contracts back to its beginning in space time, (Not to a new beginning, but to the very beginning of three dimensional space-time) a living universal being who is all that exists, and in who, all that is, exists. A universe that exists in the two states of visible matter and invisible energy.

“Universe after universe is like an interminable succession of wheels forever coming into view, forever rolling onwards, disappearing and reappearing; forever passing from being to non being, and again from non being to being. In short, the constant revolving of the wheel of life in one eternal cycle, according to fixed and immutable laws, is perhaps after all the sum and substance of the philosophy of Buddhism. And this eternal wheel has so to speak, six spokes representing six forms of existence.” ---- Mon. Williams, Buddhism, pp. 229, 122.*

The days and nights of Brahma are called Manvantara, or the cycle of manifestation, ‘The Great Day,’ which is a period of universal activity, that is preceded, and also followed by ‘Pralaya,’ a dark period, which to our finite minds seems as an eternity. ‘Manvantara,’ is a creative day as seen in the six days of creation in Genesis, ‘Pralaya,’ is the evening that proceeds the next creative day. The six periods of Creation and the seventh day of rest in which we now exist are referred to in the book of Genesis as the “GENERATIONS OF THE UNIVERSE.”*

The English word “Generation,” is translated from the Hebrew “toledoth” which is used in the Old Testament in every instance as ‘births,’ or ‘descendants,’ such as “These are the generations of Adam,” or “these are the generations of Abraham, and Genesis 2: 4; These are the generations of the Universe or the heavens and earth, etc. And the ‘Great Day’ in which the seven generations of the universe are eternally repeated, is the eternal cosmic period, or the eighth eternal day in which those who attain to perfection are allowed to enter, where they shall be surrounded by great light and they shall experience eternal peace, while those who do not attain to perfection are cast back into the refining fires of the seven physical cycles that perpetually revolve within the eighth eternal cosmic cycle.*

Enoch the righteous wrote that God created an eighth day also, so that it should be the first after his works, and it is a day eternal with neither hours, days, weeks, months or years, for all time is stuck together in one eon, etc, etc, and all who enter into the generation of the Light beings, are able to visit all those worlds that still exist in space-time, but not in our three dimensional time.

A series of worlds following one upon the other-- each world rising a step higher than the previous world, so that every later world brings to ripeness the seeds that were imbedded in the former, and itself then prepares the seed for the universe that will follow it. This is the true resurrection in which all from the previous cycle of universal activity, who still have the judgmental war raging within them, are cast back into the refining fires of physical life again, born again into the eternal cycles of rebirths or reincarnation..

According to the best theory we have today as to the origin of this generation of the universe, it was some 14 billion years ago, that an immense explosion, known as the Big Bang, spewed out massive amounts of liquid like electromagnetic energy in the trillions and trillions of degrees, creating a rapidly expanding universe.

Another universe may have preceded ours, study finds. May 14th, 2006. Courtesy Penn State University and World Science staff.*

Three physicists say they have done calculations suggesting that before the birth of our universe, which is expanding, there was an earlier universe that was shrinking.*

To arrive at their pre-existing universe finding, Ashtekar’s group used loop quantum gravity, a theory that seeks to reconcile General relativity with quantum physics.

These two seemingly fundamental theories are otherwise contradictory in some ways.*Loop quantum gravity, which was pioneered at Ashtekar’s institute, proposes that spacetime has a discrete “atomic” structure, as opposed to being a continuous sheet, as Einstein, along with most us, assumed.*In loop quantum gravity, space is thought of as woven from one-dimensional “threads.” The continuum picture remains mostly valid as an approximation. But near the Big Bang, this fabric is violently torn so that it’s discrete, or quantum, nature becomes important. One outcome of this is that gravity becomes repulsive instead of attractive, Ashetkar argued; the result is the Big Bounce.*

Paul Steinhardt of Princeton University, a cosmologist who has explored some related concepts, wrote in an email that the new research “Supports, in a general way, the idea that the Big Bang need not be the beginning of space and time.”*The universe “may have undergone one or more bangs in its past history,” he added.*Steinhardt and colleagues have also proposed a bounce of sorts, but it’s different. It could turn out that the two scenarios are equivalent at some deep level, but that’s not known, he added. Steinhardt‘s scenario makes use of string theory, another attempt to reconcile General Relativity with quantum physics.*Some versions of string theory portray our visible universe as a three -dimensional space embedded in an invisible space having more dimensions.

Our zone, called a braneworld [the word comes from its similarity to a sort of membrane] could periodically bounce into another, parallel braneworld.*Such an event might look to us, stuck in a few dimensions as we are, as a Big Bang. “I don’t know if Ashetkar’s case translates into a bounce between braneworlds like we are describing,” Steinhardt wrote. But by his estimate, this cataclysm won’t take place for another roughly 300 billion years—so there is hopefully plenty of time to answer the question.*

300 billion years? I don't think so.

Just as the Big Bang theory has been evolving over the years and is continuing to evolve as new data becomes available, these big Crunch scientific theories that are just beginning to emerge are still in their infancy.

Because three dimensional time as we know it, does not exist prior to the Big Bang: from the return of the universe to the infinitely hot, infinitely dense and infinitesimally small singularity of origin to the next Big Bang when three dimensional space and time would begin, it would appear that no time had elapsed, thus [As I believe] the erroneous Big Bounce theory.

I would rather a theory which states that there are many galactic clusters out there within the eternal and boundless cosmos, each cluster=universe in its own position in Space-time, consisting of billions of Galaxies falling inward toward a Great Abyss, Black Hole, or Bottomless Pit, where it is torn to pieces Molecule by molecule, atom by atom, sub-atomic particle by sub-atomic particle, and reconverted into the electromagnetic energy from which they were created and accelerated along the dark worm hole to speeds far, far in excess of the speed of light, where that liquid like Electromagnetic energy is locked in the fourth dimension where time as we know it, does not exist, until it is spewed out in the trillions of degrees, somewhere far beyond the visible horizon of the eternal and boundless cosmos, where, from the cooling quantum of that electromagnetic energy a new universe is created, or rather, the old universe is resurrected, to continue on in its eternal process of evolution and where the light from its old position would take billions of years to reach it.
Don't do drugs, kids.


Don't do drugs, kids.

I'm 75 young fellow and never been on drugs, but I think that anyone who believes that God created the entire boundless cosmos in 6 literal days of 24 hours in the one day of 24 hours, is definitely in serious need of psychiatric help.

Genesis 2: 4; These (The six creative days) are the generations of the heavens and of the earth (The boundless cosmos) when they were created, in the 'DAY' (YOM) that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,(The entire Cosmos)

It would be advisable for anyone who believes such rubbish to be sure to take their medication, before going to bed at night.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
I believe in a gap, but I can't prove it.

You know why you can't prove it, right? Because the Bible says other wise. In fact, Moses repeated the claim outside of Genesis.

11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
*Perhaps tell us how you measure the one way speed of light.*

*Perhaps tell us how fast God spread the heavens.

Job 38

4“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.

I don't know about you, but I find it interesting when "Christians" step in it, big time.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
You know why you can't prove it, right? Because the Bible says other wise. In fact, Moses repeated the claim outside of Genesis.

11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

I agree with Moses, here..."made"

Wick Stick

Well-known member
Question for those that believe in the Gap Theory that includes a previous
Another question I have is ....
Was there only one male and one female first created, and they had offspring that married each other, or did GOD create several males and females?
Ebolution, clearly. Now everyone can be right! Hurray!

Wick Stick

Well-known member
I'm 75 young fellow and never been on drugs, but I think that anyone who believes that God created the entire boundless cosmos in 6 literal days of 24 hours in the one day of 24 hours, is definitely in serious need of psychiatric help.

Genesis 2: 4; These (The six creative days) are the generations of the heavens and of the earth (The boundless cosmos) when they were created, in the 'DAY' (YOM) that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,(The entire Cosmos)

It would be advisable for anyone who believes such rubbish to be sure to take their medication, before going to bed at night.
Don't mind Stripe. He's just an idiot. He proved long ago that if he talks long enough and loud enough on this subject, that he can drive away everyone else who might disagree with him.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
The Answer is the Universe is clearly 13.7 Billion years old. That's the evidence.

You're looking at the wrong evidence.

Here's the good stuff - you can count on this:

For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Exo 20:11

Oh, and Stripe is right, a conclusion is not evidence.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
What should we make of this?

"It’s not just the young who are moving in favor of secular evolution. The overall proportion of Americans who believe in secular evolution has doubled since 1999, from 9 percent to 19 percent, according to a 2014 Gallup poll. But it’s important to note that the jump in secular evolution does not necessarily correspond to an increase in the total number who believe in evolution. Instead, most of that increase has been drawn from the pool of Americans who previously reported that they believed in evolution guided by God, which simultaneously dropped from 40 percent to 31 percent."
Slate Magazine

Seems like teaching Christians they can believe God has used evolution to create is Satan's waiting room.