Funny and tragic...televangelists / Scamgelists


Literal lunatic
Those verses were written to the lost sheep of Israel. They weren't
pertaining to the gentiles. One of your many problems is, you don't
know how to rightly divide the Bible. Also, you should stop
predicting the deaths of fellow posters. Awhile back, you seemed
addicted to that.


It was spoken by the last Adam to all the the first Adam's who would hear Him.



Literal lunatic
:singer: Sing it Charlie!!

"....but Iyain't askin' nobudy for nuthin'....

if I cayn't git it on mah own.

If you don like the way I'ma livin'

ya just leave this long hayerd cuntry boy 'lone!"

Maybe back before Ol' Charlie was saved but I liked singing it with my dad when I was little. Shared some memories and sang it with him just a few days ago in fact.

(Sorry, just had to jump in on that one. Now back to your regularly scheduled wicked, greedy, televangelist bashing program.)

Glad you and yer Dad found a little joy together, Sis.

I just saw this and it brought a smile to my face.

My wife's dad is in the hospital with a urinary tract infection.

At 72 it had him acting a little loopy.

He called us earlier so we had to go to the city and get him a little help.

Didn't get back till 2:00 am.

Anyhow love in Christ to yuh. :)
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
This whole chapter condemns Madists here, in particular John W.

Thanks again! A Christ rejector not approving of me!!!!

2Ti 3:1...............................

Translated: I, Christ rejector LALaw, as is my MO, will spam this verse, and others, that will make me look oh so "spiritual," even a computer/6 year old could do it, and think, "I showed those MADists, and that future pushed off a cliff, mean spirited John W, a thin, or two, Lucy," and next time I will paint every word in these verses yellow, and really woo the TOL audience!!

Weighty. You stumped us again. Teach us.....Please?

And get saved.