Freedom of Speech

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Regulate: FEC Dems lay groundwork to ban FOX, WSJ political coverage

Britain Carries out Preemptive Strike On RT's Freedom of Speech: All of RT' Accounts in the UK Blocked, Says Editor-in-Chief Simonyan

Russia Today bank accounts 'frozen in UK' Jn 8:36, Re 13:1-18


Freedom of Speech
"Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk 9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Jud 1:9


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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
A few points in response.

The professor sounds like a doofus who needs to separate her private political stake from classroom materials and presentations.

The student shouldn't be recording without permission. If he did so in violation of school policy he's subject to discipline. If he did it in a state that prohibits one sided recordings he may have more pressing legal troubles.

In either case the video should come down.

The student sounds like some of the people Trump supporters have been calling babies and whiners. You "feel" censored and bullied? Drop/add. You think it affected your grade? Due process and the Dean's office await. You don't like the education you're getting? Transfer and/or be more selective in the classes/professors you take.

He's a member of a Republican club on campus and her views/political position isn't common knowledge? :rolleyes: I'm getting almost as tired of these staged public outrages as I am of the people who give them the excuse.


The professor sounds like a doofus who needs to separate her private political stake from classroom materials and presentations.
Now the public is aware of her teaching

The student shouldn't be recording without permission.
I disagree (Eph 5:11).

…If he did so in violation of school policy he's subject to discipline.
He will be subject to discipline when he comes up against a Leftist (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). You all value freedom of speech as long as the speech agrees with you. :sozo2:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Now the public is aware of her teaching
I don't know what her level of competence is within her field, but she should divide it from the obviously personal and subjective use in class. I've always believed a teacher can't be as effective as a partisan UNLESS he or she can accept and encourage contrary notions and put the people who have them at ease within the academic environment--all but impossible except at the graduate level.

I disagree (Eph 5:11).
I was speaking to the law and/or rules the student agrees to abide by when he enrolls, not how either of us feel about what she said. If it's against policy then he's violating his word on the point. If it's in a jurisdiction that forbids one sided recordings then he's in violation of the law.

Off that point, I think some of what she said was idiotic, but I wouldn't characterize her actions as evil, only infantile and knee-jerk.

He will be subject to discipline when he comes up against a Leftist
Shouldn't factor into it. It's simpler and about the rules or law and his word in relation to it.

You all value freedom of speech as long as the speech agrees with you.
I'm not a plurality and I value the right to have, hold and express opinion. The opinions expressed? It varies. I've read things I differed with that impressed me and heard people argue for points of agreement in a way that disheartened me. So I'll defend the Klan's right to speak and my right to lampoon, decry and oppose what they're saying.

But this isn't really about that.

In this instance I'm disagreeing with the practice of the teacher, as well as a few of her zealot's drum rolls. And I'm disagreeing with the response by the student, who had available to him any number of private means to address legitimate concerns. She's acting inappropriately as a professional and overreaching into the personal in a way that seems unlikely to prompt real discourse and considered difference, stifling the point of a classroom. He's using her error to make hay while pretending to be cowed by her conduct, which he obviously isn't. You can't lament your intimidation while publicly stating you won't back down on a point.

Well, he can, but it's almost as idiotic an effort as the professor's train of thought past the point of derailment. So both are playing politics with the moment and I find their conduct as needless as it is pointlessly divisive.


I think some of what she said was idiotic, but I wouldn't characterize her actions as evil, only infantile and knee-jerk.
Her comments:

“A white supremacist…”

Donald Trump is not a white self-proclaimed supremacist. He’s a child-killing
serial adulterer :banana: (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14) but he’s not a white self-proclaimed supremacist (Ac 17:26).

“…[A]nd a vice president that is one of the most anti-gay humans in this country…”
A moral man should be anti-Sodomite. The Donald :greedy: is a Sodomite.

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

“…[A]nd a vice president that is one of the most anti-gay humans in this country…”

His VP pick would likely cozy up to :eek:linger: the Vatican (Jud 11 :burnlib:). They are very happy to help the pope fake a Gog/Magog war.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Her comments: “A white supremacist…”Donald Trump is not a white self-proclaimed supremacist. He’s a child-killing serial adulterer (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14) but he’s not a white self-proclaimed supremacist (Ac 17:26).
She didn't say he was "self-proclaimed" did she? And I suppose she believes he's of the mindset. While I don't share her opinion I understand he's given reason to wonder about how comfortable he is with some of that thinking.

A moral man should be anti-Sodomite. The Donald is a Sodomite
That's not actually a quote from me in the post you've linked or even this thread, so I'd need a link that works to comment on it given the absence of context.


She didn't say he was "self-proclaimed" did she?
I added that. A white can’t claim supremacy over a black :freak: if you believe the bible (Ac 17:26). :dizzy:

While I don't share her opinion I understand he's given reason to wonder about how comfortable he is with some of that thinking.
Which is why calling another :yawn: a racist today means nothing. :idunno: You Leftists :sozo2: cried wolf too many times. :listen: No one believes you anymore (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :blabla:

We were the least racist nation :5020: on the planet--before Barack Obama. :Nineveh:


Hate Whitey

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:yawn: Ad hominem :noway:
Didn't call you a single name. Didn't attack you at all. I said you weren't listening. This response backs that up.

When someone doesn't know me or listen enough to distinguish a pro gun, anti abortion mostly conservative voting moi from a "leftist" they aren't asking for me to take them seriously or pay particular attention to what follows.

Again, that seems fair.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The habit of running around calling everyone a racist is found on the left not the right.
That's not responsive to my noting that your "ad hominem" charge was without foundation, that despite your making it you'd failed to illustrate any insult offered to you at all.

I'd agree racism is more often a charge leveled at the right and by the left (or middle, for that matter). Mostly that's true because conservatives tend to be line holders and tradition protectors. Sometimes that's a very good thing. But thinking less of blacks and other minorities was in the main once and opposing it was the work of "radicals" and "progressives".

That's one reason I've consistently noted there is a necessity and good to be found in the existence of both ideologies. They restrain the worst impulses and errors inherent in each individual approach.

We don't happen to believe that man came from a monkey and certain monkeys are more special than other monkeys.
And that has nothing to do with anything I've said either. :plain: So...thanks for doubling down on illustrating the ol not listening bit.


[Crying wolf, calling everyone :yawn: a racist (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10) ] TH quote: "I just stop listening to you when you do that."] That's not responsive to my noting that your "ad hominem" charge was without foundation...

:yawn: Let the reader decide (Eph 4:14). :peach:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Let the reader decide
Suits me. Easy peasy.

But since you didn't just say that, but boxed accusations: I never labeled everyone a racist, only people whose rhetoric and actions make any other response unreasonable.

The leftists tactics business isn't applicable because I'm not a leftist and it's a charge only the willfully ignorant would level...and before you cry ad hom, it's up to you as to what camp you fall in, so your complaint (if you have it) is with yourself.

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