Fox Hosts Text Trump to Stop Insurrection


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Super Moderator
I don't see why this is even an issue. Trump organizes a normal Trump peaceful rally outside the capital. He hears, via text, that the rally is becoming a bit unruly. So the text naturally urges Trump to do something about it. So Trump gets on the podium and tells the crowd to go home peacefully. So where is the big story?
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Well-known member
I don't see why this is even an issue. Trump organizes a normal Trump peaceful rally outside the capital. He hears, via text, that the rally is becoming a bit unruly. So the text naturally urges Trump to do something about it. So Trump gets on the podium and tells the crowd to go home peacefully. So where is the big story?
The first issue is about timing. If Trump received a barrage of texts hours before reacting, it suggests he wanted the goings on at the capitol to continue. The behavior of the rioters was consistent with what Trump had wanted. I believe Trump wanted to intimidate congress and Pence to thwart the will of the people. This is a criminal act. EVERYONE knew that Trump was the inciter-in-chief on January 6th.

Second, it is hilarious to read the Fox news hosts texts and listen to their later attempts to minimize the event. Hypocrisy of this height tickles me greatly, and it speaks to the shallowness of the right.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The first issue is about timing. If Trump received a barrage of texts hours before reacting, it suggests he wanted the goings on at the capitol to continue. The behavior of the rioters was consistent with what Trump had wanted. I believe Trump wanted to intimidate congress and Pence to thwart the will of the people. This is a criminal act. EVERYONE knew that Trump was the inciter-in-chief on January 6th.

Second, it is hilarious to read the Fox news hosts texts and listen to their later attempts to minimize the event. Hypocrisy of this height tickles me greatly, and it speaks to the shallowness of the right.
When you walk down the street, do people point at you and laugh and say "Hey! Look at the retard"?


I don't see the point. The media didn't like the text where calling the national guard [was] suggested. I mean that isn't shocking.
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Gary K

New member
So, Fox hosts at first were complicit with a false anti-trump narrative? Why did Trump direct the mob to go home and that he loved them? Did he fall for the narrative that he incited the mob as well? Why did Trump's plea contribute to the disbanding of the mob?

The videos show that a variety of reactions were occurring at different points and at different sides of the building. Some police were acquiescent, some were firm, and some were brilliant in misdirecting the crowd. Does complexity scare you?

This is non-responsive to my question.

Fox hosts never disclosed that they tried to get Trump to act reasonably. They now either blame liberal elements or downplay it. Do you see how this can be seen as opportunism rather than journalistic integrity. Ingraham and Hannity should have disclosed their attempts at input.
It's like you can't put a series of events together. Fox was the lead network in the felony stealing of the election from Trump. If you had bothered watching Trump's speech you would know there was no incitement in Trump's speech. If you had bothered understanding who Trump's supporters were you would know they are not prone to violence.

It's the left that is prone to violence. They spent that previous entire summer burning, looting, attacking the police, destroying property, etc.... The average Trump supporter is a middle class American who is far happier just running their business and spending time with their families. They have been a large part of the silent majority for a long time. The reason they came out to support Trump was because they were sick of seeing people like you and the swamp mindlessly destroying their country, their lives, and the nation's economy.

Yeah, truth is always non-responsive to your posts according to you as all you ever post is marxist claptrap. If you don't know what claptrap is it's what marxists always say. Just pure nonsense on any subject they comment on. It's never based in reality. I've studied it for years and it's all foolishness. Marx and Engels never got a single thing right in their entire lives as when people live their lives following the devil and idolizing him rather than God they live outside of reality. The devil lost the war 2000 years ago on a small mountain outside of Jerusalem. Anyone who follows him is living in a fantasy world which will destroy them in the end.

As much as has been proven false that the mockingbird media spun as a narrative they are the ones who need to come clean and acknowledge their years of lies, but they won't because they have zero integrity. Nobody on the political left has any integrity. And only a few on the right have real integrity as there is little difference in their actions. They support mostly the same things.


Well-known member
It's like you can't put a series of events together. Fox was the lead network in the felony stealing of the election from Trump. If you had bothered watching Trump's speech you would know there was no incitement in Trump's speech. If you had bothered understanding who Trump's supporters were you would know they are not prone to violence.
Fox wanted Trump out? Amazing. Why did they rarely ever give Trump a tough interview and kiss his butt so much? They fooled me.

Fox called Arizona early which is surprising. I thought the news division was just going out of their way to show they were not biased.

Trump incited that crowd. One quick reference to peaceful protest does not negate the deceptive rhetoric in the speech and in comments in the weeks before it. I think Trump wanted them to be loud and threatening, but not violent. But, even when they were violent, he only acted to de-escalate them hours later. Which speaks volumes.

Prone to violence or not, some were violent and callously so on January 6th. All deserve prosecution including their reckless and feckless leader.


Fox wanted Trump out? Amazing. Why did they rarely ever give Trump a tough interview and kiss his butt so much? They fooled me.

Fox called Arizona early which is surprising. I thought the news division was just going out of their way to show they were not biased.

Trump incited that crowd. One quick reference to peaceful protest does not negate the deceptive rhetoric in the speech and in comments in the weeks before it. I think Trump wanted them to be loud and threatening, but not violent. But, even when they were violent, he only acted to de-escalate them hours later. Which speaks volumes.

Prone to violence or not, some were violent and callously so on January 6th. All deserve prosecution including their reckless and feckless leader.
You mean their leader Jacob Chansley the tool.

Gary K

New member
Fox wanted Trump out? Amazing. Why did they rarely ever give Trump a tough interview and kiss his butt so much? They fooled me.

Fox called Arizona early which is surprising. I thought the news division was just going out of their way to show they were not biased.

Trump incited that crowd. One quick reference to peaceful protest does not negate the deceptive rhetoric in the speech and in comments in the weeks before it. I think Trump wanted them to be loud and threatening, but not violent. But, even when they were violent, he only acted to de-escalate them hours later. Which speaks volumes.

Prone to violence or not, some were violent and callously so on January 6th. All deserve prosecution including their reckless and feckless leader.
Well, that isn't very hard to do as you fool yourself 99% of the time. Your own prejudices and hatreds are all that is needed to cause you to believe lies.

You have shown no evidenc of incitement and neither did your heroes, the mockingbird media. As usual with you and your ilk you have nothing to back up your wild accusations. I watched Trump's speech live. There was nothing in it that would incite people to violence.


Staff member
Super Moderator
The first issue is about timing. If Trump received a barrage of texts hours before reacting, it suggests he wanted the goings on at the capitol to continue.
The New York Times said the building was not breached until about 2:13 pm. The Washington Post said it was about 2:15 pm. Trump's first tweet (saying, "Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our country. Stay peaceful!") went out at 2:38 and 58 seconds.


Well-known member
The New York Times said the building was not breached until about 2:13 pm. The Washington Post said it was about 2:15 pm. Trump's first tweet (saying, "Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our country. Stay peaceful!") went out at 2:38 and 58 seconds.
Nice. This is actually evidence I was unaware of. Trump's tweet seems too casual as a response to the breach. He does not say get out of the building and pretends no violence has yet been perpetrated. Given how fast tweets can be written and sent, I would have expected it faster. Had he given the exact same video message that he delivered hours later at that time, I would not be criticizing him on this point.
1) How can it be that Fox hosts believed that Trump could influence the mob and later purport that the event was orchestrated by liberals?

2) What was there to stop it if it was only a group of tourists and peaceful protestors?

3) Does revising the narrative after-the-fact qualify as fake news?

Am I the only one here who will state the fact that this post I quoted is totally meaningless, a straw man, and void of any connection to reality?

So somebody texted somebody else to see if they could put a stop to something. And?

So what? It means nothing. It proves nothing. It has no value. This thread is literally a Seinfeld episode, a thread about nothing.

If I text the Chief of the New York State Police and tell him to stop all the speeding on the highways, what does that mean? Can he? Is it all his fault? Can he wave a wand? What does it mean? It means nothing. It proves nothing.

This thread is STUPID and based on sheer IGNORANCE, The only purpose of a useless thread like this is to smear the name of the greatest president ever, Donald J. Trump, something that this "person" has neither the wit not the ability to do.

Don't even give this thread life by posting in it. This thread literally dumbs down the forum by its very existence.

I don't see why this is even an issue

Its not

So where is the big story?

The big story is that the OP is a professional disruptor, as another member recently and correctly surmised.
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Well-known member
So what? It means nothing. It proves nothing. It has no value. This thread is literally a Seinfeld episode, a thread about nothing.
Seinfeld is not a show about nothing. It is a show about how a comic gets his material, and an examination of human foibles, it's a farce. But, a clever farce unlike your posts which often become unintentional farce.


Well-known member
This claim of doctoring a text message is bogus. Is Quoting an excerpt doctoring? Anytime we quote part of a post of a fellow poster are we doctoring it? The portion left out is Jordan's lame reach at precedent. It did not change the meaning of the sentence.