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Well-known member
And she didn't say it was.....but you will be sorry if you depend upon law keeping to keep you out of hell .

Don't you even read what I write before you comment?
Show me where I said we have to obey the old law and get circumcised.

Don't you even read what he writes before you comment?

Show us where he said we had to get circumcised. :mock: God's UNtruth

God's Truth

New member
Oops you added repent to the Gospel of Grace, but your forgot to add "obey". You can't keep your story straight, can you. :chuckle:

Why is it that it bothers you so much that, before I was saved, I looked at my life and noted my sins, and then was sorry for them and told Jesus I would repent of them?

I was raised strict Catholic and thought I was already a forgiven person, so I did NOT think I was a sinner, for I lived a life contrite.

When I searched for God's Truth instead of some denominations truth, I repented of all that I had thought was true and I got Jesus' teachings and started doing exactly as he said. In the Bible, He says he came for sinners. I did not think I was a sinner because I was a Catholic. So then, I had to really look at my life and see if I really was a sinner. I was not married but I was living as I was. I used to make excuses for that sin by saying at least I loved the person I was with. I thought about other things too, and without any more excuses for my sins I saw all my sins.

Why does that sound like condemnation to you? Why?


Well-known member
Why is it that it bothers you so much that, before I was saved, I looked at my life and noted my sins, and then was sorry for them and told Jesus I would repent of them?

I was raised strict Catholic and thought I was already a forgiven person, so I did NOT think I was a sinner, for I lived a life contrite.

When I searched for God's Truth instead of some denominations truth, I repented of all that I had thought was true and I got Jesus' teachings and started doing exactly as he said. In the Bible, He says he came for sinners. I did not think I was a sinner because I was a Catholic. So then, I had to really look at my life and see if I really was a sinner. I was not married but I was living as I was. I used to make excuses for that sin by saying at least I loved the person I was with. I thought about other things too, and without any more excuses for my sins I saw all my sins.

Why does that sound like condemnation to you? Why?

It doesn't.

It sounds perfectly normal for a person being drawn by the Lord for His mercy and Grace. Your problem seems to be that you can't believe He wants you to come as you are...with empty hands. The gift of salvation seems too good to be true. That doubt is stronger than faith, and it is for so many people. They don't really understand that Jesus preached the law so that people would see they were absolutely unable to do what was required. That proud stiff-necked "I" must be brought low that it can never rear up again. It has to be totally by His MERCY that we are saved.

When you float on the water, you have to let go of all your efforts to stay afloat, or you aren't really floating.

You must fall at His feet as though dead. Don't even try to get up. When He's ready, He will lift you up.

God's Truth

New member
It doesn't.

It sounds perfectly normal for a person being drawn by the Lord for His mercy and Grace. Your problem seems to be that you can't believe He wants you to come as you are...with empty hands.
Jesus taught to admit I was a sinner and to confess and repent of those sins.

The gift of salvation seems too good to be true. That doubt is stronger than faith, and it is for so many people.

Jesus says to repent, not to talk myself into being saved.

They don't really understand that Jesus preached the law so that people would see they were absolutely unable to do what was required.

No way, Moses came with the law, not Jesus.

Jesus came with grace. Jesus is the Way and he taught the Way to the Father.

That proud stiff-necked "I" must be brought low that it can never rear up again. It has to be totally by His MERCY that we are saved.
Jesus says he exalts those who humble themselves, and that if you do not humble yourself, you will NEVER ENTER.

When you float on the water, you have to let go of all your efforts to stay afloat, or you aren't really floating.

You must fall at His feet as though dead. Don't even try to get up. When He's ready, He will lift you up.

Could you give me the scriptures for that, because it sounds like a teaching from men.

As for Jesus lifting me up when he is ready, He has already saved me, and it was not from playing dead.

God's Truth

New member
I believe I was dead, not just playing dead.

I appreciate your testimony of repentance, GT.

Thank you, EW!

I know that you are a Calvinist, and I know you are taught that you were saved when you were dead; but, Calvinists misunderstand the scriptures about our being dead.

Those who were dead in their sins were the Gentiles.

The Jews had the works, the Ceremonial laws to clean themselves, to atone for their souls. The Gentiles did not. The Gentiles were dead in their sins, and in their uncircumcised flesh.

Jesus did not make them get circumcised in the flesh first before he saved them, for we are made clean by faith in his blood. However, we still have to obey Jesus. We still have to do what he says. We still have to do right and abstain from evil.

Colossians 2:13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,

Ephesians 2:1
As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins,

Ephesians 2:5
made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved.


Well-known member
Jesus taught to admit I was a sinner and to confess and repent of those sins.

Jesus says to repent, not to talk myself into being saved.

No way, Moses came with the law, not Jesus.

Jesus came with grace. Jesus is the Way and he taught the Way to the Father.

Jesus says he exalts those who humble themselves, and that if you do not humble yourself, you will NEVER ENTER.

Could you give me the scriptures for that, because it sounds like a teaching from men.

As for Jesus lifting me up when he is ready, He has already saved me, and it was not from playing dead.

Never mind. I spoke the truth and you rejected it. I'm not in the least surprised. :sigh:

Playing dead won't help more than your claims of obedience will.

You must die. But, don't believe me. Just keep fiddling away until you burn.

Colossians 3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.​

God's Truth

New member
I honestly don't believe that's true.

Obedience is much deeper than simple do-and-don'ts.

The heart of obedience in Christ, has it's heart listening carefully to His Word.

Thank you again, EW. I love every word of God. After he saved me, when I read his words, my heart soars. I do what he says and I see my life being transformed.

God's Truth

New member
Never mind. I spoke the truth and you rejected it. I'm not in the least surprised. :sigh:

Playing dead won't help more than your claims of obedience will.

You must die. But, don't believe me. Just keep fiddling away until you burn.

Colossians 3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.​

We die by repenting of our sins. We die to doing the sins of the world.
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