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Well-known member
I'll take that as a "yes", you think the "love" you have shown to Truster is acceptable Christian behavior.
Thanks for confirming.

I love watching the worker bees argue over whose dirty works are the dirtiest.
As I said, take a look at yourself before you speak about others!


Well-known member
I am judging you. I have judged you and I will judge you by the words you post. Not the anger, not the hatred, but the twisting of the scriptures to your advantage. That is to glorify man and in man Satan...the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.

Collectively you are the synagogue of Satan.
Yeah nice truster, and all because I believe that it's right that we are to obey God and do his will.

You're are full of hardness, and you have set yourself on a pedestal and you see yourself as above others.
May God forgive you!


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Anyone who calls people wicked, saying that they have wrong spirits because they say that it's right to obey God and do his will, isn't speaking the truth and they are a false witness.
OR ..... it could be that he sees that your "obedience" of turn the other cheek has fallen by the wayside.

I haven't spoken to truster in the way he has been speaking about others. There is no love, coming from him, even when people say really good things in God, he condemns them and reviles them. This is not of God!
Yes, yes, the dirtier gutter rat scenario.
Doesn't exclude you from still being a dirty gutter rat.


New member
Yeah nice truster, and all because I believe that it's right that we are to obey God and do his will.

You're are full of hardness, and you have set yourself on a pedestal and you see yourself as above others.
May God forgive you!

That is not the only reason. You say amen when the mescap and GL speak heresies and blasphemies. You are like a pack of hounds and you will eat the fruit of your doings.

"Now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish mine anger upon thee: and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thine abominations".


New member
Anyone who calls people wicked, saying that they have wrong spirits because they say that it's right to obey God and do his will, isn't speaking the truth and they are a false witness.

I haven't spoken to truster in the way he has been speaking about others. There is no love, coming from him, even when people say really good things in God, he condemns them and reviles them. This is not of God!

I speak in love and in love only.

My love for the Father and His Son Messiah Yah Shua.

I speak in love of the truth and the trust.

I speak in the love of the evangelism.

I speak in love and awe of the sovereignty of the Eternal Almighty.

I speak in love for people that will read these posts, so that, they will know for a certainty what the truth is when it works in them. Then they will know for an absolute certainty what truths have been spoken here and what lies have been brought down.

I knew before I started what I would face, but love constrains me. I am in awe of the responsibilities and in weakness and love I say what needs to be said.

Here I stand Elohim help me.

God's Truth

New member
Message from GT or GL as I prefer Liar.

Did God tell you to look up women from Germany who were in the camp so that you can slander me by calling me Doreathea blnz and greta bosel?

When I recognised how evil the spirit working in you is. I Googled "the most evil women ever"' I expected to find you there, but instead I found women of the same spirit. I read some articles to make sure and then thought how similar you are to these disgusting women. I gave you the benefit of the doubt by suggesting you were just practising imitating them for a talent show.

Thanks for the pm or whatever.

Slander is the spoken word and libel is the written word.

A saved person spends their time thinking about what is lovely and true. You spent your time researching evil women to slander me with.


New member
A saved person spends their time thinking about what is lovely and true. You spent your time researching evil women to slander me with.

Stop being so evil and I'll stop recognising the spirit at work in you. At least give me some credit for knowing modern history.

Wait for it....wait....hold the line!

God's Truth

New member
This is what I got after I googled truster!



God's Truth

New member
It is being devout to GOD by living out the commands of the Christ for the sake there of, and not for self. The heart is where the spirit resides. A bad spirit in a bad heart produces bad works, and the opposite for the opposite.

It's pretty basic friend, why do you act so confused? Is it only to spring a trap on our brothers and sisters that you might set yourself above them. Are we not all equals, but in faith?


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New member
The heart in a human is a muscular organ that pumps blood.

In scripture the heart is mentioned 830 times and very few of those mentions is to do with the blood pump, but thanks for confirming your blindness. By blindness I don't mean those physical orbs...get it? Rhetorical ?
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