Forced Vaccination is Wrong


Well-known member
We were created in his image. I think that means we have the ability to understand God's act of creation and to use His creation to meet our wants and needs.

Isaiah 55:8 "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares the LORD.

I do not think God intends that we have to suffer disease as He has provided for us a way to avoid them.

That's like saying He didn't intend you to suffer a fever as He has given men the intelligence to create drugs that reduce fever. The problem with that type of thinking is that you miss the possibility that God intended you to suffer a fever to control the virus or bacteria interacting with your body and that reducing the fever could cause worsening of infection or other life-threatening complications. With vaccines, in an attempt to prevent some relatively harmless diseases, you and society miss the potential down-stream benefits of a natural infection and take on unnecessary and potentially greater risks. Had you watched the videos I posted earlier or really studied the research and I've posted over several threads, you would know that.

While I agree that vaccines are not risk free...

That's a cliché, a throw away line. You've continually tried to downplay the risks while having no clue of the comparative risks between getting a vaccine or getting the disease. Every vaccine is different, too.

... many of the vaccines we use today are safer than the risks carried by getting infected with the wild strain of the disease.

You cannot and will not prove that claim. The evidence doesn't exist and, in my opinion, you're too lazy.

I would think that God's answer would be somewhat different today.

God commanded feces should be buried and also commanded the sterilization by fire and washing of items that came into contact with diseased persons. He commanded quarantine and avoiding contact with infectious diseases by not touching dead animals, not living with certain animals, not touching sick people, etc. These are the practices of "modern medicine," along with improved nutrition (another gift of God), that have resulted in the reduction of mortality and morbidity throughout history.

When a reasonable, intelligent person carefully exams the controversy about the necessity, safety and effectiveness of certain vaccinations, they will likely discover as I have that we've been misled, and that children and society are being endangered more by vaccines than by the diseases they allegedly prevent.

Dr Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D. - Natural Immunity and Vaccination


New member
Vaccinations are not immoral. There is nothing inherently immoral about getting a shot to keep on healthy.

All vaccines are not equal. There are many kinds of vaccines, tainted vaccines, abortion vaccines, vaccines that accidentally victimize people with weak immune systems or otherwise healthy people with vulnerable mitochondria.

I'm glad your not prone to overstatements, that would make this conversation weird. I do not see Pakistan as being the same as the US in terms of vaccination.

How much different is it if CPS claims you are a bad parent because the State of California considers your child at risk and truant over a vaccine refusal or delayed schedule?

Pakistan is fighting a battle against Polio that the US fought and won a while ago. The US does have active laws to "imprison" people with active cases of typhoid until treatment is complete. Keeping them from spreading a truly deadly disease certainly does not sound at like rape or worse to me.
Healthy people are not spreading disease. Times of outbreak can lead to temporary disease containment policy without immoral discrimination or assault.
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New member
I'm glad your not prone to overstatements, that would make this conversation weird.

Is this sarcasm or straight-up what you mean?

I do not see Pakistan as being the same as the US in terms of vaccination. Pakistan is fighting a battle against Polio that the US fought and won a while ago. The US does have active laws to "imprison" people with active cases of typhoid until treatment is complete. Keeping them from spreading a truly deadly disease certainly does not sound at like rape or worse to me.

I know it doesn't sound like rape to you. You want it. That's different.

What if instead you actually feared that your child would become very ill or be used by the government for evil? What if you were suspicious because foreign agencies already manipulated your vaccine programs in immoral ways?

Then imagine if you were so stubborn and frightened of the shot you were jailed with 500 other resisters, and you were then even more frightened because your 8 little children were now all alone living in a politically unstable area, clueless about what happened, thinking mom and dad were never coming home again?

That's enough like rape to me.

Since I don't see vaccines as immoral, I see no basis for resisting vaccines based on moral grounds.

If you were asked to get a vaccine that would ensure your daughters never got pregnant in school because their bodies would be guaranteed allergic for the next 5 years to their children, at least, would you take it?

They might "mean well," the murderers, but you don't want to risk committing murder yourself. Don't you want to be able to opt out and still use the services you pay for without discrimination?

That is just me. I would oppose them based on medical necessity if needed.

What if your medical necessity didn't meet their too-narrow criteria?

For others who do see them as immoral, they can refuse but they must bear the consequences of that refusal including being denied access to public schools if that is the will of the people. Sometimes taking the moral high road requires sacrifice.

But some people want to take that ability to make sacrifices by force. It was done it 1991. Here's how;

Public health officials turned to the courts to intervene. First, they got a court order to examine the churches’ children in their homes, then to admit children to the hospital for medical care. Finally, they did something that had never been done before or since: They got a court order to vaccinate children against their parents’ will. Children were briefly made wards of the state, vaccinated and returned to their parents. At the time, a religious exemption to vaccination had been on the books in Pennsylvania for about a decade - See more at:

Nothing leaps to mind. I think the childhood vaccinations that we currently have do a very good job of keeping diseases under control.

Gardasil is "required" in a lot of places. Just wait until the abortion vaccine is, just the same.

None the less, we will not be re-vaccinating. As to my taking the vaccine, there would be no reason to. Older man in a monogamous relationship. I am at no risk of contracting or spreading HPV at this point in my life.

But there are other HPV viruses, and they are spread via other more casual contact than sexual. You can very soon nab them all, or at least most that are found in tumors. (Still, I really don't want you or your girls to take Gardasil 9. Just test it on yourself first if you change your mind.)

And he lied. He flat out lied. He deserved to lose his liscens as he completely violated the Hippocratic oath to cause no harm.

Briefly, in your own words, what was the lie and what was the harm?

So it is your contention that vaccines attack the brain, is that correct?

No. First off, that's acting like all vaccines are the same. Yes, some kinda do. That's what they are supposed to do in some cases. But typically, no. Of course, that's not the intent, even when we find infections of vaccine strains in the brains of damaged people.

And that's not even directly the cause of the brain damage I had in mind. When you turn up one part of the immune system, the other part tunes down. So if your child is using the immune system and you turn off the pruning program that is running, what will happen? Will the brain continue to develop just as before? No, of course not!

And a whole lot of people died miserable deaths.

From vaccine reactions? Because modern pro-vaccinator journalists claim that it was 50/50 good/bad to get an inoculation back then. It's known there were deaths but vaccine liberty didn't stop the disease from coming under control.

They aren't. God gave us brains created in His image to learn and understand the world around us. To control and use it as we see fit. One of those ways is medicine and, specifically, vaccines. I do not vaccines as inherently immoral or in any way contradictory to anything God has said in either the Old or New Testament.

Inherently immoral would be hyperbole. Actually the problem is, not all vaccines are the same. And for some people all are unclean.

But beyond that we don't even know why God made viruses, scientifically speaking.

They have a role in the food-chain of the micro-biome of our bodies. Some wild types have been witnessed curing cancer all on their own, without medical tinkering.

What if viruses were God's genetic doctors, helping this human race as we mingle our genetic lines together, helping to homogenize our genome and make mixing our tribes together safe in the long run?

Or what if they were like maggots in a wound? Doctors keep finding them in cancer.... what if they are just there to make the cancer grow more slowly, because the cancer is a good feeding ground?

I want them to do a thousand more years of research on vaccines. Honest research, though, and after that my family *may* partake if the rest of humanity hasn't decided by then that they were actually foolish babies playing with fire!

You-all need natural-human backups, in case you accidentally extinguish your lineage!


Well-known member
Joking aside, what do you think of what Cali is doing?

Some of these children might actually take a forced vacation from school - or even life, if these vaccines are pushed on them.

I have not followed this thread so any answer I give will be general in nature.

My chiropractor clinic has books on their shelves that are against vaccinating.

What little I read of them suggests that this issue is well worth rethinking.

I paid attention to those books because of the chiropractors that I have visited, this one is producing the best and longest lasting results. My present chiropractor takes a different view than most chiropractors. They take the treatment only so far as the pain goes away, for the reason that they work with the insurance companies and that patients only want to do what insurance companies pay for

These chiropractor's view is that stopping when the pain is gone is not enough. They wish to take the treatments to the point that the spine is back to normal as much as possible. This takes out of pocket money, but it works. They are actually fixing the problem, not just ending pain. Thus my incidents of pulling my back out have completely ceased, except for very minor pulls, instead of weeks of recovery and treatment.

Thus, in conclusion, since my chiropractors goals work for me, I would give them more credibility in the area of vaccinations.

Medical doctors tend to treat symptoms in many cases not causes.

For instance, for Chiropractors cancer is a symptom, not the root cause.

From what I have read on this issue, the substances directly injected into the patient include mercury, and some other toxic substances that no doctor could willfully administer to a patient.

Injecting foreign substances like that into healthy tissue has its downsides.

I had the measles, I had the mumps, I did not die.

There are people I know that get the flu from the vaccinations.

We have immune systems.

There may be some place for vaccinations but to force them on families against the parent's will is wrong.

Government intrusion into private lives is wrong.


New member
My chiropractor clinic has books on their shelves that are against vaccinating.
Be careful how seriously you take such information. Anyone can publish a book, there is no process of review to ensure they are accurate like there is journals.

Furthermore regardless of how good you think your chiropractor is they have little to no training in immunology or vaccines. Their opinion on this matter is little more reliable than a layman's.

What little I read of them suggests that this issue is well worth rethinking.
It is constantly being rethought and the scientific consensus is that vaccines are still worthwhile in general.

Thus, in conclusion, since my chiropractors goals work for me, I would give them more credibility in the area of vaccinations.
That's not a good policy, if you have a good mechanic do you rely on him for legal advice?

Medical doctors tend to treat symptoms in many cases not causes.
This is completely incorrect. Except in cases where the cause is incurable and then there just being honest, not over promising and doing what is possible.

For instance, for Chiropractors cancer is a symptom, not the root cause.
Then your chiropractor is wrong, and I don't know why you are trusting a profession that specializes in spinal manipulation on things that have nothing to do with the spine.

From what I have read on this issue, the substances directly injected into the patient include mercury, and some other toxic substances that no doctor could wilfully administer to a patient.
"Toxic" is dose dependent, technically water is a toxic substance at high enough doses. Don't let people trick you with buzzwords.

Injecting foreign substances like that into healthy tissue has its downsides.
That is correct, but these downsides have been documented and there are large databases filled with adverse events from them in the interests of detecting rare ones which have been missed.

Over all the downsides have been determined to be vastly outweighed by the positives.

I had the measles, I had the mumps, I did not die.
Most people don't, but a not inconsequential number of people do die or get significant long term disability.
Also am i not also equally able to say I have been vaccinated and did not die?

There are people I know that get the flu from the vaccinations.
Did they get the flu or did they get a fever? Most people in my experience who say the for the flu generally didn't (often they have just a bad cold)

We have immune systems.
Which vaccines take advantage of by "teaching" it how to fight an infection before they encounter it.
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New member
A Canadian boy, 12, was arrested for resisting vaccination. Really, it should have been school staff!

(Sorry, 1PM. I tried getting to the article twice and twice my virus protector said that there was a virus associated with the webpage. Nori)
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Well-known member
A Canadian boy, 12, was arrested for resisting vaccination. Really, it should have been school staff!

(Sorry, 1PM. I tried getting to the article twice and twice my virus protector said that there was a virus associated with the webpage. Nori)

No, he was arrested for threatening to damage the school.
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New member
Is your health system free from corruption? Are you sure?

Of course it will have some corruption, no system is completely immune to it (done are just better than others). But that was never my point.

Can you name a single health department of a nation with modern healthcare and an advanced economy which shares your views on vaccination? Because the proposal requires not just the absolute corruption of the US and Australian health departments but every health department of advanced nations (& the WHO). That's such an impressive level of hidden organized corruption that you have to wonder why they aimed so low?


New member
Of course it will have some corruption, no system is completely immune to it (done are just better than others). But that was never my point.

It was my point, though. All systems are infected with corruption, almost as a rule. Maybe it's generally on a petty scale and less commonly a large one, but it's ridiculously common from my point of view.

Can you name a single health department of a nation with modern healthcare and an advanced economy which shares your views on vaccination?

Big pharma trains and promotes themselves to our doctors and politicians. They spawn conferences, sales reps, lobbyists and more. And I understand the principles by which they are taken in. But the science behind vaccines is so inadequate. It's really in its infancy.

Because the proposal requires not just the absolute corruption of the US and Australian health departments but every health department of advanced nations (& the WHO). That's such an impressive level of hidden organized corruption that you have to wonder why they aimed so low?

And Big Pharma like Bayer and Tylonol - are they corrupt? They've been disciplined for criminally sociopathic practices. So have individual doctors. How big of a stretch is it to see hospitals in the same light?

My mom was exposed to MSRA and it's a disease that might keep her from visiting us for the rest of her life, if she can't get rid of it. She has diabetes, so it won't be easy. We have small children we can't afford to expose.

Policy is to stay hush about ugly truths unless your metaphorical arm is twisted.



New member
No, he was arrested for threatening to damage the school.

He was justified to defend himself against his assailants. I think it would be obscene to arrest a rape victim for threatening to damage school property if his assailant were a school nurse or principle. This isn't rape but it is an assault and abuse of power against a minor.


Hall of Fame
He was justified to defend himself against his assailants.

No, because no such thing happened. He was entitled to refuse and walk to the office to call home.

Students such as this need to be expelled.


New member
And Big Pharma like Bayer and Tylonol - are they corrupt? They've been disciplined for criminally sociopathic practices. So have individual doctors. How big of a stretch is it to see hospitals in the same light?
Yes corporations can be corrupt, as can governments, as can book publishes, as can doctors, as can hospital officials, as can chiropractors, as can anti-vax campaigners, as can politicians, as can Bob the 15 year old behind the counter at McDonalds.

However just because there is corruption somewhere does not mean it is EVERYWHERE. That is the problem, what is being suggested is corruption on such a colossal, well controlled and covert manner that they make every other organisation in the world look like ineffective chumps.

My mom was exposed to MSRA and it's a disease that might keep her from visiting us for the rest of her life, if she can't get rid of it. She has diabetes, so it won't be easy. We have small children we can't afford to expose.
I'm sorry to hear that however I don't see what relevance it has to what we are discussing. MRSA and other antibiotic resistant organisms are well known to be a problem within hospitals around the globe and while there are preventative measures there is no easy fix. Its presence has nothing to do with vaccines or corruption, at most it may represent negligence in the management or staff of an institution if it is unusually prevalent.

Policy is to stay hush about ugly truths unless your metaphorical arm is twisted.
Please don't extrapolate a few bad responses by management somewhere to a general indictment on everyone anywhere who works in the field.


New member
Yes ...

However just because there is corruption somewhere does not mean it is EVERYWHERE.

I am not claiming otherwise.

That is the problem, what is being suggested is corruption on such a colossal, well controlled and covert manner that they make every other organisation in the world look like ineffective chumps.

Not really, it only takes presumptuous arrogance, coupled with the motivation to continue on in the same line of thinking that has backfired before because of insufficient experience and information, like the kind you see when doctors declare a patient brain dead or unconscious/hopeless and are wrong about 20% of the time.

I think it's safe to assume we should give people the chance to say they aren't so sure and don't feel safe or confident, for reasons that they share in common with plenty of credentialed vaccine critics.

I'm sorry to hear that however I don't see what relevance it has to what we are discussing. .... at most it may represent negligence in the management or staff of an institution if it is unusually prevalent.
Just look at what they wanted to do; ignore what was really wrong and focus on more and more antibiotics.
That's the point.
Please don't extrapolate a few bad responses by management somewhere to a general indictment on everyone anywhere who works in the field.

I wouldn't want to do that because not all who work in the field think we should force the vaccination issue.
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