For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud

Right Divider

Body part
So stop blabbering on about how "sexual perversion" is going to lead to the downfall of civilization where others are undergoing that as we speak. Be actually grateful for what you have cos I am. Chances are tomorrow we'll be doing the same thing at certain points, making something to eat and drink, going to the shops if required. Things we won't be doing (barring overnight cataclysm) are worrying about where the next meal and drink is coming from, whether the shelves are empty in the shops, worrying about whether it's safe to even venture to the shops and if they're still even there and haven't been wiped out in an airstrike, worrying about whether our home is going to be hit by a mortar bomb or worse, worrying about those we've been separated from in conflict or dealing with their death etc etc etc.

And you're prattling on about "sexual perversion" as if people who don't share your beliefs on the score, who are gay or whatnot and *shock horror* are allowed the same rights are going to lead to the sky falling in. There's no insult in calling you what you are RD. You are utterly clueless and just chock full of tired ole far right tropes. Just get on with your life and don't even think about gay people if they bother you so much. Geez...
You don't make the rules for me. I'll post whatever I want, whenever I want.

They're not "gay", they are sexual perverts. God calls sexual perversion an abomination.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
"So stop blabbering on about..." is what you said.

I will continue to agree with God and His Word, while you support sexual perversion.
Oh, maybe I should have prefaced the comment with "If you don't mind" or "if you please" before you construed that as some sort of order? This is a forum, get a grip!

Pffft, I support people's civil liberties and freedoms is what I do doofus.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I stick with God when it comes to moral standards and you should too.
Which is essentially a way of saying that those who don't conform to what you believe on any given score are going against God. Heard it all before from a myriad different people with differing beliefs. Nothing new.

Right Divider

Body part
Which is essentially a way of saying that those who don't conform to what you believe on any given score are going against God. Heard it all before from a myriad different people with differing beliefs. Nothing new.
Don't shoot the messenger. I can't help it that you have no moral standards and will support sexual perversion.

Right Divider

Body part

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your opinion is not worth the time it took you to type it.

Well aren't you special?

Look in a mirror. The only one "self impressed" and "pompous arrogant" here is you.
But apparently worth the time it took you to respond to it.


I'm not the one arrogantly accusing others of having no moral standards.

Right Divider

Body part
Oh, I actually need a source to have a functioning moral compass?
Yes, because your opinion is not good enough for the rest of us.
Let me guess, anything other then the Bible is a complete no-no right?
Like what? Harper's Bizarre?
Well, as it happens the Bible informs a lot of it.
"A lot of it"... like this?

Lev 18:22 (AKJV/PCE)
(18:22) Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.

Lev 20:13 (AKJV/PCE)
(20:13) If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yes, because your opinion is not good enough for the rest of us.

Like what? Harper's Bizarre?

"A lot of it"... like this?

Lev 18:22 (AKJV/PCE)
(18:22) Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.
"The rest of us"? Shame, thought you might have been ready to have a proper conversation but apparently not. Still, as it is.. I didn't need the Bible to give me a conscience, to be moved by the suffering of others, to be appalled at cruelty or the notion of inflicting it etc. Still, if that was bestowed by God then does everyone need a Bible? Not everyone has access to one.

No, but some are more accurately translated than others and that notwithstanding, the amount of times where Jesus not only imparts wisdom, compassion and understanding but also takes on and criticizes those who were the religious legalists of the time is something else. Initially, Monty Python were going to make The Life Of Brian a satire on Jesus until they realized they had nothing to satirize...

Ah, the go to verse of those who have a hang up with homosexuality and think that it should even be a capital crime today. That was a surprise...