For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud


Well-known member
Um, nah. This is just sensationalist rubbish that appeals to gullible people and especially those on the far right. There is no widespread fraud, Trump just lost the election and nobody needed to 'cruelly lie' about him either. His atrocious barrage of tweets and embarrassing press briefings took care of that.
While democrats and lefties condemn every effort to secure voting from fraud and obstruct investigations into fraud sensible Americans continue to do what they can to restore confidence in our elections.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
While democrats and lefties condemn every effort to secure voting from fraud and obstruct investigations into fraud sensible Americans continue to do what they can to restore confidence in our elections.
Nope. There's nothing sensible about denying the legitimate results of an election or endorsing asinine conspiracy garbage. The Republican party is a global laughing stock with this shambles and the sensible ones are rightfully distancing themselves away from the continuing farce and condemning it also.


Well-known member
Nope. There's nothing sensible about denying the legitimate results of an election or endorsing asinine conspiracy garbage. The Republican party is a global laughing stock with this shambles and the sensible ones are rightfully distancing themselves away from the continuing farce and condemning it also.
Blah...blah...blah... Republicans are bad... racist atheist democrats are good... blah...blah...vomit.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Blah...blah...blah... Republicans are bad... racist atheist democrats are good... blah...blah...vomit.
There's nothing good about racism at all no matter what its stripe so that isn't anything you can attribute to me. Unlike you, I'm not some gullible, biased conspiracy theorist who gladly laps up anything that fits a narrative. There's plenty wrong with both democrats and republicans but you're that focussed on besmirching the 'opposition' that you don't realize just how ridiculous and bat crazy the far right and Trumpsters look to the sane right now.
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Well-known member
Um, nah. This is just sensationalist rubbish that appeals to gullible people and especially those on the far right. There is no widespread fraud, Trump just lost the election and nobody needed to 'cruelly lie' about him either. His atrocious barrage of tweets and embarrassing press briefings took care of that.
While leftists keep proclaiming from the housetops that democrats did not commit voter fraud, Texas continues to prosecute hundreds of cases of voter fraud and has already secured hundreds of voter fraud convictions in recent years.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton told an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on July 11 that his office is investigating nearly 400 more alleged cases of voter fraud and told audience members that concern about election fraud isn’t overblown.
The 386 cases that are being investigated are in addition to more than 500 cases that his office has prosecuted, Paxton said, without elaborating on the details of some of the cases.


Well-known member
There's nothing good about racism at all no matter what it's stripe so that isn't anything you can attribute to me. Unlike you, I'm not some gullible, biased conspiracy theorist who gladly laps up anything that fits a narrative. There's plenty wrong with both democrats and republicans but you're that focussed on besmirching the 'opposition' that you don't realize just how ridiculous and bat crazy the far right and Trumpsters look to the sane right now.
Democrats: 'Whiteness is an incurable disease that needs to be destroyed.' 'White people are of the devil and worship the false god of whiteness.' 'We are black and we hate America because of its whiteness.'

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Democrats: 'Whiteness is an incurable disease that needs to be destroyed.' 'White people are of the devil and worship the false god of whiteness.' 'We are black and we hate America because of its whiteness.'
Where the heck is this coming from? How does it apply to democrats as a whole or even in part? Get a grip.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
While leftists keep proclaiming from the housetops that democrats did not commit voter fraud, Texas continues to prosecute hundreds of cases of voter fraud and has already secured hundreds of voter fraud convictions in recent years.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton told an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on July 11 that his office is investigating nearly 400 more alleged cases of voter fraud and told audience members that concern about election fraud isn’t overblown.
The 386 cases that are being investigated are in addition to more than 500 cases that his office has prosecuted, Paxton said, without elaborating on the details of some of the cases.
Nope. Just more sensationalist rubbish that appeals to those who seem to have a problem with actual reality on the score.


Well-known member
Where the heck is this coming from? How does it apply to democrats as a whole or even in part? Get a grip.
You keep demonstrating how little you know or understand of the world in which you live. In answer to your disrespectful challenge, let me direct you to ok doser's excellent post #173 on the thread "Wokey McWokeface." Furthermore, allow me to post this irrefutable evidence that what was posted there on post #173 is irrefutably correct.

A white New York City psychoanalyst is under fire after publishing a report decrying his skin color as a “malignant, parasitic like condition” without a “permanent cure.”
Dr. Donald Moss — a published author who teaches at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute — published “On Having Whiteness” last month in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association.
“Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has — a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which ‘white’ people have a particular susceptibility,” an abstract of the article on Sage Journals says.
“The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world.
“There is not yet a permanent cure,” the abstract says.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You keep demonstrating how little you know or understand of the world in which you live. In answer to your disrespectful challenge, let me direct you to ok doser's excellent post #173 on the thread "Wokey McWokeface." Furthermore, allow me to post this irrefutable evidence that what was posted there on post #173 is irrefutably correct.

A white New York City psychoanalyst is under fire after publishing a report decrying his skin color as a “malignant, parasitic like condition” without a “permanent cure.”
Dr. Donald Moss — a published author who teaches at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute — published “On Having Whiteness” last month in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association.
“Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has — a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which ‘white’ people have a particular susceptibility,” an abstract of the article on Sage Journals says.
“The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world.
“There is not yet a permanent cure,” the abstract says.
Oh, there was no 'disrespectful challenge' going on as you so put it and the world I live in is the same as yours albeit with less preponderance for the bat crazy in the area where I live thankfully. There's no irrefutable proof for any sort of ridiculous posit and yours was just that, no matter how much you like to convince yourself that "leftists" are racist, evil, idol worshippers or whatnot.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If you tell people that Texas has not secured hundreds of convictions for voter fraud then you will be lying.
Proof? The incontrovertible sort, mind? Otherwise, I'm pretty sure there are cases of minor fraud in any given election and from any side.


Well-known member
Proof? The incontrovertible sort, mind? Otherwise, I'm pretty sure there are cases of minor fraud in any given election and from any side.
So what are you now saying, that Texas has achieved hundreds of convictions for voter fraud but that the number of convictions is so low as to mean no significant voter fraud occurred anywhere else in the nation? Is that new math logic? Core curriculum? Unscientific quantum logic?

Why not encourage investigations so that Americans can see the results and have their confidence in American voting restored?


Well-known member
So what are you now saying, that Texas has achieved hundreds of convictions for voter fraud but that the number of convictions is so low as to mean no significant voter fraud occurred anywhere else in the nation? Is that new math logic? Core curriculum? Unscientific quantum logic?

Why not encourage investigations so that Americans can see the results and have their confidence in American voting restored?
Texas is also restoring election securities to thwart voter fraud in their state and the leftists are going ape with rage over that.

The GOP-controlled Texas Legislature moved closer to passing several voting measures that had prompted Democrat lawmakers in May to stage a walkout.
During a special legislative session called by Gov. Greg Abbott, Republicans over the weekend worked quickly to advance several voting bills during oversight hearings.
On July 11, a state House committee voted to advance a bill that would bring back a number of voting integrity-related proposals that didn’t pass during the previous session, which ended May 30. Later that day, Senate lawmakers advanced their version of the voting legislation in a committee vote.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So what are you now saying, that Texas has achieved hundreds of convictions for voter fraud but that the number of convictions is so low as to mean no significant voter fraud occurred anywhere else in the nation? Is that new math logic? Core curriculum? Unscientific quantum logic?

Why not encourage investigations so that Americans can see the results and have their confidence in American voting restored?
Nope, not saying any of that.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Texas is also restoring election securities to thwart voter fraud in their state and the leftists are going ape with rage over that.

The GOP-controlled Texas Legislature moved closer to passing several voting measures that had prompted Democrat lawmakers in May to stage a walkout.
During a special legislative session called by Gov. Greg Abbott, Republicans over the weekend worked quickly to advance several voting bills during oversight hearings.
On July 11, a state House committee voted to advance a bill that would bring back a number of voting integrity-related proposals that didn’t pass during the previous session, which ended May 30. Later that day, Senate lawmakers advanced their version of the voting legislation in a committee vote.
Yeah, erm, credible evidence yes? Not "theepochtimes" or some other wingnut site. Else corroborate it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Waiting for Arthur Brain to answer this question.
Answered a number of times already. I'm not averse to voting processes coming under scrutiny or being investigated. There's a flip side to that of course. Baseless allegations of fraud and the ridiculous sort of conspiracy garbage all too evident on here deserve to be ridiculed, mocked and derided all ends up once said 'investigations' and the like are shown to be a complete farce.


Well-known member
Yeah, erm, credible evidence yes? Not "theepochtimes" or some other wingnut site. Else corroborate it.
Idiots claim commonly reported facts are wrong if reported by sources they have some unjustified animosity against.

Emerging from closed-door negotiations between the Texas House and Senate, a GOP priority bill to enact new restrictions on voting has swelled beyond what each chamber originally passed to limit local control of elections and curtail voting options, and now includes even more voting law changes.