A question that may well be dumb

Does not MAD completely reduce the importance of Jesus and his teachings? If Jesus was sent to the Jews and his teachings can be interpreted as pertaining to the Jews and not the Gentiles, then...:idunno:
Is there some clean and clear way of understanding what was said to the Jews and what was said to the Gentiles? And why did Jesus preach to Gentiles at times?
"Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea,
though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more(my emphasis)." 2 Cor. 5:16
We are not saved by the Lord Jesus Christ's earthly ministry; we are saved by 1 Cor. 15:1-4. Paul, our apostle, tells us, in no uncertain terms, that we are not to know our Saviour any longer, in this dispensation, in His earthly ministry. We can learn(Romans 15:4) from the "4 gospels"- Matthew:the Lord Jesus Christ presented as King; Mark:Servant(and notice no geneology given in Mark-not relevant for servants); Luke: Man; John: God- as they have many beautiful intra-dispensational spiritual applications/truths. However, the body of Christ's doctrine in this age is contained in Romans-Philemon. Remove Romans-Philemon and you have no Christianity-
you have Jews under the law.
Contrary to what "Joe Blow pastor/teacher/theologian with 15 titles before and after his/her name" has "spoon-fed" most(children need spoon-feeding, as opposed to adults-"milk" vs. "meat"-2 Cor. 3:2) to accept, much of Matthew-John is "Old Testament"(read Hebrews 9:16,17) "law-ground", with the Jews living under the law, not Christians under grace, who have been freed from the burdensome demands of the law(Romans 6:14,15). As an aside, did you know that the era we commonly refer to as "The Old Testament", "The Old Covenant", did not begin at Genesis 1:1, but at Exodus 20:4?(per Hebrews 9:22)
The "gospels" were not written to teach Christianity,
but to reveal the Lord Jesus Christ in the different aspects of His person and work as Israel's Messiah, Jehovah's servant, Son of Man, and Son of God, no book being complete in itself. We must not "down play" the Lord Jesus Christ's earthly ministry-"God forbid"(Romans 3:4 and others). However, the foundation of our faith rests upon our risen, ascended, glorified, and coming Lord Jesus Christ.
We are not now, in this dispensation, to know our great Saviour as "Jesus"(a very "common" name during His times), his name of humiliation. NO, we are to recognize him, know Him, love Him, and worship Him as the risen, ascended, and glorified Lord Jesus Christ, and not as some "sweet little baby lying in the manger", who is no threat there, nor as merely a wise, itinerant teacher/preacher traveling in Israel, who is no threat there either. This is the point Paul was driving home in Philippians 2:5-11, i.e., one day soon, this same "Jesus", the one who suffered for us all, and endured the humiliation of a servant when he humbled himself in His earthly ministry and in the death of the cross, the one who was "...despised and rejected of men...."(Isaiah 53:3), the one who was thought to be "out of his mind" by even his friends(Mk. 3:21), will be acknowledged(whether willingly, or by force, I know not), not in this former state/reputation/office as just the rejected and non-threatening "Jesus", but as the risen, ascended, and glorified LORD JESUS CHRIST(and I am shouting this, and one day soon everyone, without exception, will).
We need to ask each and every believer:Are you "following Jesus", or are you a believer in and on
the Lord Jesus Christ, our living "...Lord from heaven..."(1 Cor. 15:47), who "...died for our sins according to the scriptures.... was buried.....and.... rose again the third day according to the scriptures..."(1 Cor. 15: 3,4), and who now reigns in glory in heaven, and is coming again in glory?
We are to worship Him as Colossians 1:16, acknowledge Him as Colossians 1:18("the head of the Body"), praise Him for Colossians 2:10, and! pray to Him as Colossians 2:19.
And remember, the Lord Jesus Christ is not the "King of the Church"; for if He was, we would be subjects, not "joint- heirs"(Romans 8:17)!
I find it quite telling that many believers, those who were bought with a tremendous price(1 Cor. 6:20, 7:23), refer to each other as saints, and rightly so, but only because what was done by this "... the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ..."(Titus 2:13), this "...man of war..."(Exodus 15:3). And yet, we do not accord this same honour to our "Wonderful"(Isaiah 9:6) Saviour of ours, the only Saviour, who accomplished this miracle on our behalf, who made each one of us a "new creature in Christ Jesus"(2 Cor. 5:17, Galatians 6:15). Even those who followed "Jesus" in His earthly ministry, those who were "followers of Jesus", never called Him "Jesus", never exhibited such disrespect as to call Him by such a familiar name ("check it out" per Acts 17:11-"Master", yes; "Jesus", no). They honoured His person and His office. Only his enemies referred to Him as "Jesus." This is a great object lesson the LORD God would have each of us to realize, and the apostle Paul, "...the apostle of the Gentiles..."(Romans 11:13), and thus our/your apostle, not Peter, "raises the bar" with the revelation of the mystery.
How much more so those such as us, given our former miserable condition, given what we once were, "...-without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world..."(Eph. 2:12), as compared to what we have "in Christ" as a present possession, as revealed to Paul by this same risen, ascended, and glorified Lord Jesus Christ from ! heaven!
No, I no longer, as a new creature in Christ Jesus, know "Jesus". I know, acknowledge, love, serve, thank, and worship not a crucified man still hanging on the cross as a victim(being a former Roman Catholic), but a victorious "...the God of the living..."(Mk. 12:27)-a living, resurrected, ascended, and glorified LORD JESUS CHRIST! I pray each one of us will now shout the following within our hearts, and give Him His due honour, as it is written:
"Sing forth
the honour of his name(my emphasis): make his praise glorious." Psalms 66:2
For, eventually:
"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him
a name which is above every name(my emphasis): That at
the name of Jesus(my emphasis) every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord(my emphasis), to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:9-11
I also pray that all of us that "....have the mind of Christ...."(1 Cor. 2:16) would "...think on these things"(Philippians 4:8).
we preach(emphasis mine) not ourselves, but
Christ Jesus the Lord(emphasis mine); and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake." 2 Cor. 4:5