ECT Follow Paul!

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john w

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Little Johnny W the Dance Director is a King James Onlyist.

His KJB might have the Apocrypha between the two testaments.

He once again admits that he is obsessed with other men, a sodomite, as he still spreads this "Johnny," and the "Dance Director" "homosexual" accusation. Why is that, pervert? We know about your man crush on me, other men, and your impending divorce.Tettie, sent me a PM, last year, admitting he was a sodomite, and made advances on me.

Sorry, wimp, soddy Craigie-I dig chicks, as I've told you for years. I reject your "come on's."

And Craigie is a satanic "Originals Only-ist," Errors Only-ist," All Versions are the word of God Only-ist."

And what job do you have, Craigie? Oh yes,-none-unemployed, living/sponging off your wife, since your "business" went under.

"Little," you qip? You wife could beat you up, wimp- I saw her hands, and huge arms, under all that make up she plasters on her face,effeminate one. And I've fought bigger girls than her, sweetie.
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Tell us about the Roman army, sweetie.

(Isaiah 19:1) A prophecy against Egypt: See, the LORD rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt. ...

Did the Lord literally ride a literal cloud into Egypt and wage war against the Egyptians by Himself?

Or was it the Assyrian army that did so?


he was asking you about "tears and crying",remember?,,,,does it still exist?

tears and war exist on planet earth right now.

In the kingdom of heaven (which is not of this world), where Christ Jesus reigns with the Saints, there are no tears or wars.

Why is this so hard for you guys to understand?

Where is that you guys think you go when you die?

Cross Reference

New member
yep,,Paul was quoting the things written down for an example to us/them in 1 Corinthians 10:11 KJV ,,,things recorded back then,,,but the part where "thy kingdom come thy will be done on "EARTH", as it is in heaven is sure going to need some tall splainin...

The prayer is for it to be done [future] and not that it had already been accomplished. "The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one" John 17:22 (ESV) . . .. . . . unto a heaven on Earth scenario.


Well-known member
tears and war exist on planet earth right now.

In the kingdom of heaven (which is not of this world), where Christ Jesus reigns with the Saints, there are no tears or wars.

Why is this so hard for you guys to understand?

Where is that you guys think you go when you die?

Do you believe that Gods "will" is that there be no more tears and crying on earth and in heaven?

john w

New member
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Did you ever notice how all the people who claim to follow Paul hardly ever quote Paul for their eschatology?

They are always quoting prophecies from the OT that have already been fulfilled.

They quote more OT verses than they do from Paul's epistles.

Notice how all the Catholics, like Craigie, who claim to follow Peter, like Craigie, hardly ever quote Peter, but instead, regurgitate the satanic replacement theology of Romanism, which Craigie adheres to, or Wiki, or Josephus, a Christ rejector, and follow the pope, like Craigie does, which he has stated, on record?


Do you believe that Gods "will" is that there be no more tears and crying on earth and in heaven?

As long as humans continue to be born with a sin nature (separated from God) because of what Adam did, there is always going to be war and tears on planet earth.

Like I said, I'm just an ambassador for Christ here on planet earth. My citizenship is in heaven, in the kingdom of God.

Where do you think you go when you die?


Well-known member
As long as humans continue to be born with a sin nature (separated from God) because of what Adam did, there is always going to be war and tears on planet earth.

Like I said, I'm just an ambassador for Christ here on planet earth. My citizenship is in heaven, in the kingdom of God.

Where do you think you go when you die?

seems you've stumbled across unfulfilled ground,,,lol you neophyte dispy...

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
(Isaiah 19:1) A prophecy against Egypt: See, the LORD rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt. ...

Did the Lord literally ride a literal cloud into Egypt and wage war against the Egyptians by Himself?

Or was it the Assyrian army that did so?

Deceit. He spams his "Did the Lord literally......." as his "argument" that, since there is figurative language employed throughout the book, the second coming is figurative. That is sophistry, deception, and he knows it.

You piece of trask. Deceit.

You missed it-answer my previous post:

How's all those signs about the coming rapture working out for you?

Tell us a little more about that Roman army being the second coming, sweetie. Go ahead-unpack it for us.

And explain why you lied about that, per...

“And that is what happened. The Lord came in a way that everyone could see Him. However, He never touched planet earth, and when this event was over, He then sat on the throne in Heaven NOT on planet earth.”-Tet.

And identify this "everyone" that allegedly saw Him return-documentation, please.

Wait...everyone saw Him....He came, but...

"Jesus never physically returned, and never will physically return to planet earth after He ascended to Heaven"-Preterist deceiver Tet.

Tell us how it is possible to "see" a coming/return, if He did not come physically?

Well, Craigie?

Chapter, verse, where He lost his flesh and bone body, after His ascension. Chapter, verse, where He is not a man, today, as you satanically assert.

Watch the song and dance, deceit, or punt, forth coming.....Watch.........

Let me guess:I know, I know....Darby...Bullinger....You follow the teachings/inventions/theories of fallible men, unlike me, as I, Craigie, follow the teachings of infallible men, or women, or the of a teenage girl.....Darby.....Bullinger.....figurative.....hy perbole...fulfilled AD 65, or 66, 0r 70, 0r 666......No one taught dispensationalism, until Darby, and no one taught that the earth was round, until, and no one taught of the concept of "God the Father," until this "Jesus" I reference, in disrespect, flipping the bird at him, came around, and the idea that he will be King on the planet earth, ..........and Pluto was a planet, at one time, as when you discover objective truth, determines if it is, in fact, objective truth, you see, well, uh, urr, and thus, the Lord Jesus Christ was not really the Lord God, until I, Gomer Tet., discovered it, you see.....Darby.....Bullinger....


Satanic clown.
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