Follow Government guidelines for sex, or be labeled a rapist


New member
Who would have guessed that liberalism leads to fascism? :think:

California's sexual re-education camps are coming soon

.......every time two college students have sex they have to act like they've never met before and ask for approval for everything from the first kiss and touch through intercourse. I tried multiple times to ask the sponsor of the California bill, State Sen. Kevin de Leon, how someone could prove they obtained consent under his law, but only received press releases and quoted paragraphs from the bill. When asked to clarify how one would prove they had obtained consent, his spokeswoman didn't respond.

The "yes means yes" law effectively defines every sexual encounter as rape unless you follow the law's specific requirements — or unless neither party turns the other in to police.

Now de Leon is moving on to round two: Teaching high school students the "correct" way to have sex. Human nature is no longer the correct way. De Leon knows the correct way — and it involves a lot of questions.

The California state senate just passed S.B. 695, which adds affirmative consent instruction to high school health courses. The bill passed by a vote of 39-0 and had bipartisan support.

"As it stands, we are not doing nearly enough. We can and must educate the youth of our state, especially our young men, about affirmative consent and healthy relationships," de Leon said in a press release about the new bill. "This bill represents the next step in the fight to change behavior toward young women."

This is an example of using the law to change human behavior: "Have sex this way or be labeled a rapist."

The bill now heads to the state assembly. Given that "yes means yes" passed through the legislature and was signed by the governor, I have no doubt that California students will soon be taught how to have government-approved sex.


New member
I live in California, and this might shock you, but I agree, at least in part. I'm very unsettled by the fact that the state is regulating how sex can occur between consenting adults. But it's also true, I think, that there is a pretty negative culture about consent, and that needs to change, and the law might help there. College is where the greatest problem seems to be, and women must be protected from predators on college campuses, and the (usually young) men involved may also benefit from clearer rules.


New member
I live in California, and this might shock you, but I agree, at least in part. I'm very unsettled by the fact that the state is regulating how sex can occur between consenting adults. But it's also true, I think, that there is a pretty negative culture about consent, and that needs to change, and the law might help there. College is where the greatest problem seems to be, and women must be protected from predators on college campuses, and the (usually young) men involved may also benefit from clearer rules.
Actually, if you are a true liberal, then you are right to be suspicious of this. I agree that adult sex should not have to be conducted under government guidelines: That's kindergarten fascism. I also think young women need to drink less and learn to take care of themselves like adults.


New member
Actually, if you are a true liberal, then you are right to be suspicious of this. I agree that adult sex should not have to be conducted under government guidelines: That's kindergarten fascism. I also think young women need to drink less and learn to take care of themselves like adults.
Why is it only women? Don't men need to do the same thing?


New member
Oh I see, so its the fault of women they are sexually assaulted?
Um, I didn't say that, no. But I do think as adults they should drink less and pursue more serious activities than partying. Sorry, but I'm allowed my opinion.


New member
Um, I didn't say that, no. But I do think as adults they should drink less and pursue more serious activities than partying. Sorry, but I'm allowed my opinion.
You appear to be saying sexist things and if you believe women are the problem here then my suspicion is confirmed.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
sexist things
Sexist, another dweeb word, meaningless rhetoric with no tradition, just a made up take-off word from another made up word, racist, taken from racialism, meaning to think of some people as being members of a unique race and being inferior! There no separate human race, and liberals want race as a valid construct, because it makes 'racism' there pet take-off word for all their other mind control tactics. They do not care about the fate of people of colour, rather they care about controlling the way people think, and act.

1965, from sex (n.) on model of racist, coined by Pauline M. Leet, director of special programs at Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, U.S., in a speech which was circulated in mimeograph among feminists. Popularized by use in print in Caroline Bird's introduction to "Born Female" (1968).

Why should I care what Pauline Lett and Caeoline Bird has to say? She has no advantage over me; all she did is create a new way to take away human reasoning in young people. Little mindless young people being led by 60s radicals who now wish to stop them from thinking! These feminists are the cause of their eventual downfall, as you will live to see it!


New member
Sexist, another dweeb word, meaningless rhetoric with no tradition, just a made up take-off word from another made up word, racist, taken from racialism, meaning to think of some people as being members of a unique race and being inferior! There no separate human race, and liberals want race as a valid construct, because it makes 'racism' there pet take-off word for all their other mind control tactics. They do not care about the fate of people of colour, rather they care about controlling the way people think, and act.

1965, from sex (n.) on model of racist, coined by Pauline M. Leet, director of special programs at Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, U.S., in a speech which was circulated in mimeograph among feminists. Popularized by use in print in Caroline Bird's introduction to "Born Female" (1968).

Why should I care what Pauline Lett and Caeoline Bird has to say? She has no advantage over me; all she did is create a new way to take away human reasoning in young people. Little mindless young people being led by 60s radicals who now wish to stop them from thinking! These feminists are the cause of their eventual downfall, as you will live to see it!


New member
Sexist, another dweeb word, meaningless rhetoric with no tradition, just a made up take-off word from another made up word, racist, taken from racialism, meaning to think of some people as being members of a unique race and being inferior! There no separate human race, and liberals want race as a valid construct, because it makes 'racism' there pet take-off word for all their other mind control tactics. They do not care about the fate of people of colour, rather they care about controlling the way people think, and act.

1965, from sex (n.) on model of racist, coined by Pauline M. Leet, director of special programs at Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, U.S., in a speech which was circulated in mimeograph among feminists. Popularized by use in print in Caroline Bird's introduction to "Born Female" (1968).

Why should I care what Pauline Lett and Caeoline Bird has to say? She has no advantage over me; all she did is create a new way to take away human reasoning in young people. Little mindless young people being led by 60s radicals who now wish to stop them from thinking! These feminists are the cause of their eventual downfall, as you will live to see it!
If you don't like the word, you don't have to use it.