Five Things You Need To Know About The Paris Climate Deal


New member
They can't even help telling the truth...occasionally.

"Klein says she "spent six years wandering through the wreckage caused by the carbon in the air and the economic system that put it there." Clearly, it is her goal to shatter the free-market system. The climate? It's just a vehicle, a pretext for uprooting the only economic system in history that has brought prosperity and good health.
Klein's statement is perfectly in line with Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of United Nation's Framework Convention on Climate Change, and in fact is almost an echo. Figueres acknowledged earlier this year that the environmental activists' goal is not to spare the world an ecological disaster, but to destroy capitalism."

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New member
Just how wrong have they been?

"A predicted rise in sea level of one foot within the next 30 to 40 years will drive much of the Atlantic and Gulf shoreline inward by 100 feet and some of it by more than 1,000 feet, according to marine geologists." Erik Eckholm, “The Rising Seas Problems will Seep Far Inland,” Chicago Tribune, March 16, 1986

"In 1982 Hermann Flohn gave the Arctic ice only 20 more years of life. He said it would be totally gone by 2002'

"It's the year 2008 and global warming has caused half of London to be submerged under water. Rocky Mountain News - May 1, 1992"


New member
This is a fun one:

Dec 2015: Paris is the last chance!

Bonn 2001

A Global Warming Treaty’s Last Chance. That teetering edifice that is the Kyoto Protocol gets some emergency repair work this week as delegates from 180 countries gather in Bonn to work out problems that threaten to scuttle the deal altogether.
Time Magazine, 16 Jul 2001

Montreal 2005

In an open letter to delegates at the Montreal environmental summit, beginning today, campaigner Mark Lynas explains why action on climate change can no longer be stalled.

“I’m scared. For 15 years I’ve watched international progress on climate change get slower and slower, even while the pace of global warming seems to get ever more rapid. With time running out for the global climate, your meeting in Montreal represents a last chance for action.”
The Independent, 28 Nov 2005

Bali 2007

World leaders will converge on Bali today for the start of negotiations which experts say could be the last chance to save the Earth from catastrophic climate change. Bali could be the last chance to avoid the worst effect of global warming, said Tony Juniper, executive director of Friends of the Earth.
The New Zealand Herald, 3 Dec 2007

“Resistance is a suicidal tactic,” the former Australian of the year, scientist and author told reporters in Poland. “This round of negotiations is likely to be our last chance as a species to deal with the problem.”
The Age, 9 Dec 2008

Humanity is approaching the last chance to prevent catastrophic climate change, according to WWF’s analysis of the latest climate science.The warning comes during UN climate talks in Poznan, Poland.

“Governments in Poznan must agree to peak and decline global emissions well before 2020 to give people reasonable hope that global warming can still be kept within limits that prevent the worst,” said Kim Carstensen, leader of WWF’s global climate initiative.
WWF, “Poznan provides last chance to curb climate change” 5 Dec 2008

Copenhagen 2009 (the real last chance, we really mean it this time!)

The world faces a final opportunity to agree an adequate global response to climate change at a U.N.-led meeting in Copenhagen in December, the European Union’s environment chief said on Friday.

It is now 12 years since Kyoto was created. This makes Copenhagen the world’s last chance to stop climate change before it passes the point of no return, European Union Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas told a climate conference in Budapest on Friday.

Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations Secretary-General, has warned of “catastrophic consequences” unless a new international agreement on greenhouse gas emissions is reached.

Climate change is “simply the greatest collective challenge we face as a human family”, Mr Ban said in a speech on Monday in Seoul. He urged international leaders to reach a deal to limit their countries’ carbon emissions at the UN climate conference in Copenhagen in December.
The Telegraph, 10 Aug 2009

“No one said the road to Copenhagen would be easy. But the agreement we all hope to reach in Copenhagen next year represents the last chance to bring climate change under control before it is too late. There is progress, but we need to step up the pace. With resolve, cooperation and imagination, we can conclude an agreement at the end of next year, delivering the ambitious global action that is needed.”
Speech by Stavros Dimas, European Commissioner responsible for environment at a Climate Change Conference, 31 October 2008, Prague

The Copenhagen summit is the world’s last chance to save the planet from “catastrophic” global warming, according to a major study led by Lord Stern of Brentford, the country’s leading authority on climate change.

Cancun 2010

A sense of foreboding is one of the few points of general agreement among the 15,000 participants congregating for the next two weeks on this long thin strip of land, marooned between a wide lagoon and the Caribbean Sea. Jairem Ramesh, the Indian environment minister, sees it as the “last chance” for climate change talks to succeed; Connie Hedegaard, the EU’s climate chief, believes a disappointing outcome would “put the whole process in danger”.
The Telegraph (UK), 29 Nov 2010

Durban 2011

Rev. Dr. Olav Fyske Tveit, who leads the World Council of Churches, says the upcoming climate conference in South Africa is mankind’s ‘last opportunity’ to address climate change. This week the World Council of Churches general secretary, Reverend Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, called the United Nations UNFCCC COP 17 meeting a “last opportunity for the international community to be responsible in addressing climate change”, and called on the meeting to “act now for climate justice.”
Spero News, 27 Nov 2011

Durban climate change meeting is “the last chance”. Attended by over 200 countries, this week’s major UN conference has been described by many experts as humanity’s last chance to avert the disastrous effects of climate change.

Doha 2012

Tomorrow: the earth’s last chance with climate change? Tomorrow, the whole world talks about irreversible global warming as this year’s international climate change summit begins. Participating are 195 countries (almost all of the United Nations).

Warsaw 2013

Is the Warsaw Climate Change Conference a last-chance summit? The Warsaw Climate Change Conference opened on Monday 11th November. After the 2012 failure of Doha, this summit could represent a turning point in the fight against global warming.

Lima 2014

Last chance: Change needed for climate negotiations in Lima 2014. WWF issued the following statement today from Samantha Smith, Leader of WWF’s Global Climate and Energy Initiative, as the UN climate talks drew to a conclusion:

“A repeat performance next year would be disastrous, not just for the progress of these negotiations, but more importantly for vulnerable communities everywhere and the natural world on which we all depend…By the time we get to next year’s meeting in Lima, we urgently need to have political will, real commitments, and a clear path to a comprehensive and fair agreement in Paris 2015, where a new global agreement on climate change has to be signed.”
WWF Global, 23 Nov 2013

Paris 2015

Scientists are calling on world leaders to sign up to an eight-point plan of action at landmark talks in Paris. The key element is the goal to limit global warming to below 2C by moving to zero carbon emissions by 2050. The UN meeting in December is “the last chance” to avert dangerous climate change, according to the Earth League.
BBC News 22 Apr 2015

If Paris doesn’t work out, I’m sure there will be another “last chance” coming to a destination city very soon.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
thread title: Five Things You Need To Know About The Paris Climate Dea

1. A momentous event!

2. Wonderful news and gives me hope that the rest of the world is making strides despite a very ignorant base in the US stomping their feet pretending that this doesn't exist!


3. The UN climate talks in Paris have ended with an agreement between 195 countries to tackle global warming.

4. The climate deal is at once both historic, important – and inadequate.

5. From whether it is enough to avoid dangerous climate change to unexpected wins for vulnerable nations, here are five things to help understand what was just agreed at COP21.

not sure why you think we all needed to know those five things :idunno:


New member
MY fear and paranoia? That's rich, coming from the doomsday clique that swears the sky is falling and the earth will end because of a tiny amount of CO2!
Well, no, we aren't saying the sky is falling... yet! We do, however, subscribe to the idea that there may be problems in the future. We are working to correct that.


New member
Also, let's not put the blinders on and forget about other problems that are arising due to our negligence of the world around us. We are also having problems with loss of bio diversity, acid rain, deforestation, ozone layer depletion; etc.

Our environment is constantly changing. There is no denying that. However, as our environment changes, so does the need to become increasingly aware of the problems that surround it. With a massive influx of natural disasters, warming and cooling periods, different types of weather patterns and much more, people need to be aware of what types of environmental problems our planet is facing.



New member
Just how wrong have they been?

"A predicted rise in sea level of one foot within the next 30 to 40 years will drive much of the Atlantic and Gulf shoreline inward by 100 feet and some of it by more than 1,000 feet, according to marine geologists." Erik Eckholm, “The Rising Seas Problems will Seep Far Inland,” Chicago Tribune, March 16, 1986

"In 1982 Hermann Flohn gave the Arctic ice only 20 more years of life. He said it would be totally gone by 2002'

"It's the year 2008 and global warming has caused half of London to be submerged under water. Rocky Mountain News - May 1, 1992"
These blog posts are nice, but ultimately don't introduce anything new. The author is simply being critical of models from 80's and applying that same perspective to the models we have today. That criticism is okay, but we have new data and more accurate models that need to be considered, too.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
John Kerry said there is no enforcement in the agreement because treaties have to be approved on Capital Hill. That means there is only 42 days until the world ends. Unless the science behind man made global warming is false. 42 day countdown has begun.

I will gladly bump the thread daily as a reminder so we can watch.


New member
These blog posts are nice, but ultimately don't introduce anything new. The author is simply being critical of models from 80's and applying that same perspective to the models we have today. That criticism is okay, but we have new data and more accurate models that need to be considered, too.

Hmm, are you quite sure about that?

1. The discovery of the IPC PAS researchers [missing component of evaporation process] is of the utmost importance for, among others, the understanding of the real mechanisms responsible for global warming. Contrary to common belief, the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere of our planet is not carbon dioxide but water vapour. At the same time, it is known that the speed of flow of air masses over the oceans can significantly exceed one hundred kilometres per hour and therefore they will certainly affect the rate of evaporation. The hitherto evaluation of the rate of evaporation of the oceans must therefore be subject to error, which will certainly affect the accuracy of the predictions of contemporary models of the Earth’s climate.

2.How reliable are the climate models?

The fourth IPCC report [para 9.1.3] says : “Results from forward calculations are used for formal detection and attribution analyses. In such studies, a climate model is used to calculate response patterns (‘fingerprints’) for individual forcings or sets of forcings, which are then combined linearly to provide the best fit to the observations.”

To a mathematician that is a massive warning bell. You simply cannot do that. [To be more precise, because obviously they did actually do it, you cannot do that and retain any credibility]. Let me explain :


New member
Also, let's not put the blinders on and forget about other problems that are arising due to our negligence of the world around us. We are also having problems with loss of bio diversity, acid rain, deforestation, ozone layer depletion; etc.

With a massive influx of natural disasters, warming and cooling periods, different types of weather patterns and much more, people need to be aware of what types of environmental problems our planet is facing.

Would you mind explaining what the heck that means?(Besides saying that "we will take natural occurrences and pretend to make them scary and meaningful, and SCARE people.")
You do know by the way, that extreme weather occurrences have dramatically decreased?


New member
John Kerry said there is no enforcement in the agreement because treaties have to be approved on Capital Hill. That means there is only 42 days until the world ends. Unless the science behind man made global warming is false. 42 day countdown has begun.

I will gladly bump the thread daily as a reminder so we can watch.

That sounds fun! Let's do it!


New member
Would you mind explaining what the heck that means?(Besides saying that "we will take natural occurrences and pretend to make them scary and meaningful, and SCARE people.")
You do know by the way, that extreme weather occurrences have dramatically decreased?

Are you sure?

Did you even look?