No joke if you put a poll question worded something like: If you had your druthers, and you could have the man just for this particular task, would you want President Trump of President Biden working on the current problems of inflation? How about potential World War Three starting over in Europe, you know----where ALL THE OTHER world wars started?
Americans would still rather have Trump in office than current President Joe Biden.
New Poll Proves the J6 Committee Is Totally Failing
The judge ignorantly and dishonestly rules that claims of democrat voter fraud are false. He does not prove the claims are false but, like any typical lying leftist democrat cultist, dishonestly claims the democrats did not commit voter fraud and is willing to condemn them in court if they suggest democrats did commit voter fraud. The judge is corrupt, incompetent, and unqualified to sit in judgment.
This is their intent.
I miss the mean tweetsNo joke if you put a poll question worded something like: If you had your druthers, and you could have the man just for this particular task, would you want President Trump of President Biden working on the current problems of inflation? How about potential World War Three starting over in Europe, you know----where ALL THE OTHER world wars started?
But all the rest of the time you'd just have Biden, I guarantee that polls leans Trump's way.
(Just have him come in for just inflation and averting WWIII, and NOTHING else, who would you rather have handling these exact issues?)
No matter what you think of his ideology, a super majority of Americans, if we're all being honest (a 'tall ask'), would rather have Trump working on inflation and WWIII right now.
No True Scotsman!
The judge ignorantly and dishonestly rules that claims of democrat voter fraud are false. He does not prove the claims are false but, like any typical lying leftist democrat cultist, dishonestly claims the democrats did not commit voter fraud and is willing to condemn them in court if they suggest democrats did commit voter fraud. The judge is corrupt, incompetent, and unqualified to sit in judgment.
I miss the mean tweets![]()
Years later the lying leftist media admitted they lied about Trump/Russian collusion. Years later democrats admit they lied about Benghazi. Years later democrats admitted Hillary destroyed government property. Bill Clinton lied about his sex crimes for years but was forced in the end to admit some of them when the evidence became so overwhelming that he could no longer deny it. Years later democrats admitted the DNC computers were not hacked in 2016.You ignorantly and dishonestly rule that claims of democrat voter fraud are true. You do not prove the claims are true but, like any typical lying rightwing republican cultist, dishonestly claim the democrats did commit voter fraud and are willing to condemn them in court if they suggest democrats did not commit voter fraud. You are corrupt, incompetent, and unqualified to sit in judgment.
We are only 1.5 years past the 2020 voter fraud and with the current incoming flood of irrefutable evidence of massive democrat voter fraud it is only a matter of time before democrats finally come clean about that also.
Democrats point to the Kraken in efforts to hide emerging evidence from multiple sources of widespread voter fraud in 2020. Americans should be ashamed of themselves for allowing dirty democrats to jail opponents of their wicked seditious 2020 voter fraud while demonizing patriotic Americans for pointing out and opposing voter fraud. Democrats know that if America finally puts available workable voting security measures in place the democrats' wicked hold on power will be over. Shame on Americans who are not incensed at the wicked persecution of good Americans currently ongoing at the Jan 6 witch-hunt kangaroo-court show trial.Where's that confounded Kraken? I haven't seen hide nor hair of it! But I have seen Sidney Powell admit in court that "no reasonable person" would believe her lies about widespread election fraud! She's right about that much.
Forget the Kraken and focus on trying to get laws passed to seriously obstruct the possibility of future voter fraud.Where's that confounded Kraken? I haven't seen hide nor hair of it! But I have seen Sidney Powell admit in court that "no reasonable person" would believe her lies about widespread election fraud! She's right about that much.
I don't believe anybody is "hyperventilating"
Dems will never focus on that.Forget the Kraken and focus on trying to get laws passed to seriously obstruct the possibility of future voter fraud.
Democrats point to the Kraken in efforts to hide emerging evidence from multiple sources of widespread voter fraud in 2020.
Forget all the erroneous and misleading narratives and support changes in election laws to better prevent even the possibility of fraud in the future."No reasonable person would conclude that my statements regarding election fraud were truly statements of fact." -- Sidney Powell
I demand Colbert and his staff be thrown in the DC Gitmo, held there for at least a year, presumed guilty until proven innocent, a select committee full dog and pony show trial aired on all the major networks in prime time. After all, this was an insurrection!
I demand Colbert and his staff be thrown in the DC Gitmo, held there for at least a year, presumed guilty until proven innocent, a select committee full dog and pony show trial aired on all the major networks in prime time. After all, this was an insurrection!