Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I swear you lefties have got to be masochists. How many times have you gotten your hopes for Trump's demise up sky high only to see them dashed to the ground in a million pieces? It's loads of fun for me but seriously, seek professional help.
Hmm, I was hoping that sanity would prevail in 2020 and Trump would be voted out so it was hardly disappointing when it happened. Was that fun for you?


like marbles on glass
The voters are the party. Always have been

That's only part of the picture. The voter has the power to get someone into office, and sometimes to remove them from office. But it ends there. The legislator that actually holds the office then has the power, and doesn't necessarily reflect the will of those who put them there (or of those who voted against them). Dark money, corporate lobbyists, party/leader loyalty - in the main, these all carry more weight with the legislator than the voters back home.


like marbles on glass

From your link:

Elite conservatives mostly understood that Trump’s stories about a stolen election were absurd. As one senior Republican official asked The Washington Post, “What is the downside for humoring him for this little bit of time?” But his rank-and-file devotees weren’t all in on the con. Instead, they were the marks.​
“If there are parts of the population that are totally captive to Trump’s propaganda and cannot be reached by facts and truth, that part of the population will begin to shrink over time,” said Jamie Raskin of Maryland, a member of the Jan. 6 committee and an incorrigible optimist. “It’s certainly not going to grow.”​

User Name

Greatest poster ever
This isn't looking good for Thump. He's already lost much of Fox News, all of National Review, and now the Washington Examiner. I wonder how many other right-wing news personalities/outlets will follow suit.


like marbles on glass
Historian Michael Beschloss:

"Mark Meadows, this is not just one of these people off the street plotting against our democracy. We’ve seen people like Mark in world history. And we saw them in the bunker of Berlin in Adolf Hitler’s last days. We saw them around Benito Mussolini before he was hanged in a gas station in Milan. There are people who are accessories to terrible authoritarian leaders who do extremely terrible things.

But the main thing today, from my point of view, is you will remember, and everyone will remember that from January 6th on, Trump and his accessories claimed that this was just a spontaneous demonstration and these angry people were indignant about an election that had supposedly been stolen, which it wasn’t, and went up to Capitol Hill. Some even described them as tourists; as of today, irrevocably, it is very clear and very concrete, that this was a president who led a coup d’état and an insurrection against the people of the United States. He did it from the Oval Office and was abetted by people like Mark Meadows and others. And our job now is, let us find out exactly who the plotters were and bring them to justice. But above and beyond all that, make sure that we pass new laws to make sure that an atrocity like this never happens in our country again. It almost succeeded. We almost lost our democracy."


Staff member
Super Moderator
MORE LIES: Cassidy Hutchinson ALSO Lied about Handwritten Note in Testimony — And Liz Cheney KNEW IT WAS A FALSE because the Actual Author of the Note Testified It Was His!

Was anything she said true?

On Tuesday, Liz Cheney and the sham Jan. 6 committee brought in Mark Meadows’ former staffer Cassidy Hutchinson as a “surprise witness.”

Young Cassidy testified that “she was told” that as then-President Donald Trump was being driven back to the White House after the Jan. 6 rally that he demanded to be taken to the Capitol and tried to grab the steering wheel from a Secret Service agent.

Hutchinson said Trump got into “the beast” after his speech at the Ellipse on January 6 with the belief that he would be driven to the Capitol.

According to Hutchinson, who received this information from Tony Ornato, the Assistant Director for the Secret Service, Trump grew angry after he was informed that he was being driven back to the West Wing.

The fake news media and Liz Cheney ran with Cassidy’s explosive testimony.

Hutchinson said Trump traveled in “The Beast” over to the Ellipse that day.

But Trump was in the Presidential SUV not “The Beast.”

Then this happened…

The Secret Service immediately denied the report and the agents reportedly announced they are ready and willing to testify.
That was two strikes against young Cassidy.

Now this…

Liz Cheney and Cassidy Hutchinson also got caught lying about a handwritten note that Cassidy took credit for writing.

Cheney actually displayed the note during Cassidy’s testimony and the witness said she wrote the note on January 6th.


Cassidy did not write the note because the author of the note took credit for writing the note.
And the author of the handwritten note already testified to the sham committee that he wrote the note!

For some reason, Liz Cheney ran with this anyway.
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like marbles on glass
MORE LIES: Cassidy Hutchinson ALSO Lied about Handwritten Note in Testimony — And Liz Cheney KNEW IT WAS A FALSE because the Actual Author of the Note Testified It Was His!

Was anything she said true?

On Tuesday, Liz Cheney and the sham Jan. 6 committee brought in Mark Meadows’ former staffer Cassidy Hutchinson as a “surprise witness.”

Young Cassidy testified that “she was told” that as then-President Donald Trump was being driven back to the White House after the Jan. 6 rally that he demanded to be taken to the Capitol and tried to grab the steering wheel from a Secret Service agent.

Hutchinson said Trump got into “the beast” after his speech at the Ellipse on January 6 with the belief that he would be driven to the Capitol.

According to Hutchinson, who received this information from Tony Ornato, the Assistant Director for the Secret Service, Trump grew angry after he was informed that he was being driven back to the West Wing.

The fake news media and Liz Cheney ran with Cassidy’s explosive testimony.

Hutchinson said Trump traveled in “The Beast” over to the Ellipse that day.

But Trump was in the Presidential SUV not “The Beast.”

Then this happened…

The Secret Service immediately denied the report and the agents reportedly announced they are ready and willing to testify.

It wouldn't surprise me Ornato, one of Trump's "yes men," would deny. However - until he's actually under oath, it's easy to talk and I don't believe him. Also, there's some interesting video going around of a lot of activity going on in the vehicle.

This, however, isn't the main thing. The fact that Trump flew into rages and threw things and pushed aside other world leaders in full view of the cameras - these things aren't in question. So the steering wheel and the ketchup are being used by the right as convenient smoke and mirrors, while they ignore that Trump wanted armed rally goers to go to the Capitol, and that he knew ahead of time about the planned overthrow of the election and peaceful transfer of power. And then there's the witness tampering...
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That's only part of the picture.
Constitutionally it's the only picture. My evidence? The Constitution.
The voter has the power to get someone into office, and sometimes to remove them from office.
Voters have the absolute power to elect and then to not reelect everybody who's holding elective office. We have indirect power over impeachments.
But it ends there.
It's ends at the finish line then. Shrug.
The legislator that actually holds the office then has the power, and doesn't necessarily reflect the will of those who put them there (or of those who voted against them).
If they're rogue. Either lame ducks, or like Senator Romney just a rogue who ignores his constituents. They typically don't get reelected.
Dark money, corporate lobbyists, party/leader loyalty - in the main, these all carry more weight with the legislator than the voters back home.
Bald assertion. None of those things can coerce the voters to exercise our absolute power in the ballot box.


like marbles on glass
Voters have the absolute power to elect and then to not reelect everybody who's holding elective office. We have indirect power over impeachments.

You're repeating what I said.

If they're rogue. Either lame ducks, or like Senator Romney just a rogue who ignores his constituents. They typically don't get reelected.

Again, you're just restating my words. A majority vote elects, but the legislator doesn't necessarily represent the will of their constituents when they vote for or against legislation.

Bald assertion.


None of those things can coerce the voters to exercise our absolute power in the ballot box.

You're misunderstanding. All those things can coerce the legislator. Who, once elected, can ignore the power of the ballot box for the next four or six years until they have to pander to the electorate again.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

The United States has been reeling under Biden’s leadership. Since his term began, the nation has suffered a greater number of coronavirus deaths, the deadly Afghan withdrawal, an invasion on the southern border, a fentanyl crisis, 40-year-high inflation, and record-high gas prices.

Additional polling shows a majority of voters believe Biden is unfit to be president and doubt his mental ability with 58 percent saying he should publicly disclose his mental health condition.


Hall of Fame
It wouldn't surprise me Ornato, one of Trump's "yes men," would deny. However - until he's actually under oath, it's easy to talk and I don't believe him. Also, there's some interesting video going around of a lot of activity going on in the vehicle.

🤣 He’s a trumpster, of course he’s lying. We DO know that Biden refused trump’s secret service over concerns that their loyalty could not be trusted.


like marbles on glass
🤣 He’s a trumpster, of course he’s lying. We DO know that Biden refused trump’s secret service over concerns that their loyalty could not be trusted.

Yes we do, I remember that.

Another interesting connection: IIRC it was Engle behind the wheel of the vehicle Ornato wanted Pence to get into during the insurrection, when Pence refused to get in.

And Ornato's denied before:

From The Post’s excerpt of Leonnig’s and Rucker’s book:

Around this time, Kellogg ran into Tony Ornato in the West Wing. Ornato, who oversaw Secret Service movements, told him that Pence’s detail was planning to move the vice president to Joint Base Andrews.​
“You can’t do that, Tony,” Kellogg said. “Leave him where he’s at. He’s got a job to do. I know you guys too well. You’ll fly him to Alaska if you have a chance. Don’t do it.”​
Pence had made clear to Giebels the level of his determination and Kellogg said there was no changing it.​
“He’s going to stay there,” Kellogg told Ornato. “If he has to wait there all night, he’s going to do it.”​
Ornato denied the conversation.


Former Trump WH Comms director @Alyssafarah says she sees former Trump WH deputy chief of staff (and Secret Service agent) Tony Ornato's reported dispute with Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony he told her the story of Trump lunging at USSS agent Engel through a specific lens...
That lens being that she says she has told the truth under oath to the @January6thCmte only to have Ornato dispute her claim while NOT under oath. This was regarding Farah's testimony about the police clearing of Lafayette Square in June 2020...
Farah says she told the Committee that she told Ornato and Meadows "to give a warning to the press that they’d be clearing the park so members of the press wouldn’t get hurt. He said on the record to reporters it was untrue." But, Farah says, "half a dozen people heard it.”

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Former Trump WH Comms director @Alyssafarah says she sees former Trump WH deputy chief of staff (and Secret Service agent) Tony Ornato's reported dispute with Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony he told her the story of Trump lunging at USSS agent Engel through a specific lens...
That lens being that she says she has told the truth under oath to the @January6thCmte only to have Ornato dispute her claim while NOT under oath. This was regarding Farah's testimony about the police clearing of Lafayette Square in June 2020...
Farah says she told the Committee that she told Ornato and Meadows "to give a warning to the press that they’d be clearing the park so members of the press wouldn’t get hurt. He said on the record to reporters it was untrue." But, Farah says, "half a dozen people heard it.”

Alyssa Farah Griffin is the daughter of Joseph Farah, who founded the far-right website WorldNetDaily. How strange, all these MAGAs lying about MAGA.