He’s a trumpster, of course he’s lying. We DO know that Biden refused trump’s secret service over concerns that their loyalty could not be trusted.
Yes we do, I remember that.
Another interesting connection: IIRC it was Engle behind the wheel of the vehicle Ornato wanted Pence to get into during the insurrection, when Pence refused to get in.
And Ornato's denied before:
The Post’s excerpt of Leonnig’s and Rucker’s book:
Around this time, Kellogg ran into Tony Ornato in the West Wing. Ornato, who oversaw Secret Service movements, told him that Pence’s detail was planning to move the vice president to Joint Base Andrews.
“You can’t do that, Tony,” Kellogg said. “Leave him where he’s at. He’s got a job to do. I know you guys too well. You’ll fly him to Alaska if you have a chance. Don’t do it.”
Pence had made clear to Giebels the level of his determination and Kellogg said there was no changing it.
“He’s going to stay there,” Kellogg told Ornato. “If he has to wait there all night, he’s going to do it.”
Ornato denied the conversation.
Former Trump WH Comms director @Alyssafarah says she sees former Trump WH deputy chief of staff (and Secret Service agent) Tony Ornato's reported dispute with Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony he told her the story of Trump lunging at USSS agent Engel through a specific lens...
That lens being that she says she has told the truth under oath to the @January6thCmte only to have Ornato dispute her claim while NOT under oath. This was regarding Farah's testimony about the police clearing of Lafayette Square in June 2020...
Farah says she told the Committee that she told Ornato and Meadows "to give a warning to the press that they’d be clearing the park so members of the press wouldn’t get hurt. He said on the record to reporters it was untrue." But, Farah says, "half a dozen people heard it.”