Fidel Castro has died.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Fidel is dead and Trump is president! What a freekin' AWESOME month!


Of course DimBulb likes Castro. DimBulb is a leftwing extremist and a moron. Castro was made for him.

Danoh evidently HATES Trump. That's okay with me. I prayed that Donald Trump would win the Presidency and God's will has been done. Our country is in safe hands now. The EVIL "Jezebel type" Hillary, won't be able to dig her claws into this country. Happy to see Danoh sad about the outcome, as well. That's an added bonus.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You just can't get anything right can you...:chuckle: Trump not only condemned Castro but went on to elaborate.

"The world marks the passing of a brutal dictator who oppressed his own people for nearly six decades," Trump said in a statement issued hours after Castro's death. "Fidel Castro’s legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights."

You might want to see what the man does before you elaborate on what you think he might do, he might surprise you, that would apply for anything going forward as well. The man has not even sat in the oval office yet and you condemn & jeer based on your inherent bias, maybe you should be a mainstream journalist, you would fit right in. :plain:

Good post RM


New member
Danoh evidently HATES Trump. That's okay with me. I prayed that Donald Trump would win the Presidency and God's will has been done. Our country is in safe hands now. The EVIL "Jezebel type" Hillary, won't be able to dig her claws into this country. Happy to see Danoh sad about the outcome, as well. That's an added bonus.

No I do not hate Trump.

He is in need of salvation like everyone else - which is why Christ died.

Only a grace-less grace, "my way alone, or the highway" hypocrite like you and yours will automatically conclude your bigoted stupidity.

Just as it is due to the grace-less grace that is your hypocrisy that you not only right off conclude that I hate the man, but that you glory in my supposed sense of defeat over.

You're a fraud, an incompetent, and a hypocrite through and through.

Just as you are an absolute fool to think that God - whose sole business in this age is the business of salvation in His Son to HIS glory ALONE - is somehow involved in the vain stupidities of politics and its' fool parties and supporters in their self-serving delusions.

I don't need to be sad. My hope is in the Lord.

Further, I'll profit from some of Trump's self-serving policies for other than the working class you fools all voted him into office for in your failure to vet his history in your self-delusion.

I knew I would profit from that financially, and still did not vote for him.

For the sake of the working class you fools have betrayed by your fool vote.

His policies will not favor the working class.

As said plocies unfold, I will profit and you will hurt - the hurt you have blindly brought on yourselves.

There is the sadness - the working class screwing themselves once more by their own vote.

There is nothing to gloat about here, you hypocrite.


Quote Originally Posted by Danoh
Trump will be announcing shortly that Fidel was not such a bad guy

Which will only show Fidel was even worse than his infamy as a backpedaling, murdering tyrant over Cuba.

You just can't get anything right can you...:chuckle: Trump not only condemned Castro but went on to elaborate...

Yet Donald Trump didn't seem to have any problems with wanting to do business in Cuba when the mass murdering dictator was in good health.

Trump broke Cuban embargo, report says, roiling Miami politics

Revelations that Donald Trump’s hotel and casino company secretly spent money trying to do business in Cuba in violation of the U.S. trade embargo roiled Miami politics Thursday, forcing top Cuban-American Republicans to express concern about Trump’s dealings while maintaining that the allegation isn’t reason enough to disavow the presidential nominee yet.

Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts paid at least $68,000 to a consulting firm in late 1998 in an attempt to give Trump’s business a head start in Cuba if the U.S. loosened or lifted trade sanctions, according to a front-page Newsweek report titled “The Castro Connection.” The consulting firm, Seven Arrows Investment and Development Corp., later instructed the casino company to make the spending appear legal by saying it was for charity.

Trump’s most prominent local Cuban-American supporter, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, called the report “troubling.”

Read more here:

If there's a easy and dishonest way for Donald Trump to make a buck, he'll do it.



How Donald Trump’s Company Violated the United States Embargo Against Cuba

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
We should never take pleasure in someone's eternal suffering.

I hope he repented.

Well, he didn't repent. I don't root for the bad guy, especially that one that works against God.

Psalm 58

10 The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance; He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked,
