Ferguson Racist Emails


There was an election 9 days after the shooting, 25% turn out. So yeah, they seem mystified on how their city government is chosen.

The police force probably suppressed the black voters. :think:

It just so happens that there is a picture of that happening.


Oops, wrong city.


New member
The "black" community has been complaining for years that the police department and justice in Ferguson were "racist" but the question remains as to why it took the death of an unarmed man and repeated demonstrations before the state and federal level took them seriously?

The use of "racist" e-mails would have never come to light if it hadn't been for this investigation by the Justice Department.

People were putting racist e-mails on their government accounts is a result of a climate of "white entitlement," where it was widely assumed that nobody would ever be held accountable.

Why, because of the presumption that local matters can be solved at the ballot box thereby state and federal intervention are only a last resort.

The last election only had a 25% turnout of the black vote... if it can not be proven that the remaining 75% were prevented from voting then there is really nothing to see here.

What are they going to do.. make 1 black vote equal to 4 non-black votes?

Mocking You

New member
The last election only had a 25% turnout of the black vote... if it can not be proven that the remaining 75% were prevented from voting then there is really nothing to see here.

What are they going to do.. make 1 black vote equal to 4 non-black votes?

I think it might be possible that the black population was not enamored with the candidates and therefore didn't vote. Just a possibility.

Mocking You

New member
Its a very real one, it means black people dont get justice, they dont trust the police and it becomes a then and us thing.

Its means that when there is an incident like this one, the assumption of your average black man is that the police are guilty and lying to cover it up because that been there experience of the police over the last 20 years.

Yep. And they're worn out and tired of it.


New member
Supposing some black citizens in Ferguson wanted to run for office. Which political offices should they run for to effect change?

Councilman, committeeman, auditor, mayor... any and every elected position.

Do you know how bad it is in politics these days getting people to even run? My borough has 4 out of 5 council persons that have been appointed instead of elected and during election years I have never seen anyone run unopposed... its hard to get warm bodies... and its hard to sit in most council positions on the local and county level because most are non-paying jobs.

Mocking You

New member
Councilman, committeeman, auditor, mayor... any and every elected position.

Do you know how bad it is in politics these days getting people to even run? My borough has 4 out of 5 council persons that have been appointed instead of elected and during election years I have never seen anyone run unopposed... its hard to get warm bodies... and its hard to sit in most council positions on the local and county level because most are non-paying jobs.

You just made my follow up post for me. Nobody wants these jobs.