You sure do big yourself up, Lon........ You are a Big Head, it seems.
True enough, regardless of what you meant.
Further down this post full of junk ....
:chuckle: (see what I did there? No slight or offense taken, I simply assess what you are made of....) tell me 'one period at the end of a sentence'. You just left three.......
Your grammar and English are behind. Does it matter? Not really, but I was trying to use it to make a DIFFERENT point. It certainly fled from your comprehension. I'm not trying to say you are dumb or stupid, nor even that your grammar is suffering. You just used 7 periods in succession here. Rather, I used it to try and tell you 'ignorance' isn't a poor trait "IF" you can remedy it. You've been taking slights all along instead of taking 'correction.' It thus makes a LOT of these imagined slights you've taken, reality only in your head simply because you've CHOSEN to call yourself 'stupid' rather than be corrected. Why? :idunno: It is all your own.
I just mention this because you think you are so fine with yourself, Lon........ pathetic.
Is this a British colloquialism? What does 'so fine with yourself' mean? Then, how is it 'pathetic?'
Lon, you cannot win debates with nasty little insults.
How about just with intelligence??? :think:
And after reading your BLM debate I don't think you can win debates at all.
Let's discuss that for a moment: 1) I'm not sure what "winning' looks like, but I've had people who meet me halfway, who were a bit opposed prior. I've had a few positive 'likes' from even those who might disagree and I'd daresay, even you could learn a thing or two from that thread, both from your peers and your opponents. To me: that's a win, but it depends on what YOU mean by 'win.' Simply getting someone to listen and think for even just a few moments is a 'win' to me. Not your idea of a 'win?' Okay. I'm not offended even a little bit. I cannot reach everybody on forum.
Pathetic. A personal attack about how I write and type....... to show what exactly?
Well, which is it? A value judgement ('pathetic') or a question about what I'm trying to convey? The point I'm trying to convey is that there is a huge difference between a correction and an insult. I try for the former and am sad you've repeatedly shouldered the 'insult' rather than the correction. All I've tried to do in thread, is 1) call out where you haven't been informed and read and 2) GET you to read to be informed on topics. You debate from a void. Is that an insult? It is, I imagine, if you won't be better for the information. I try to make a difference on TOL and I try to do that by accurate information. Is there a problem, for instance, with saying "not so many periods at the end of a sentence'? Surely, it is petty on a forum, but I'm simply talking about the 'issue' of a correction. They don't have to be mean, or taken as an assault. You could even say "Lon, I know, I just hit the periods and it doesn't matter!" I'd likely just say "Good point!" or "Okay, no problem." These TOL debates don't always have to be 'winner take all.' We are just people on the internet sharing ideas and some of them are better informed. I'm wrong sometimes and appreciate information. Doser has given me a couple of links this past week that certainly 'corrected' or 'informed my ignorance.' I didn't take offense and he didn't bully me simply because I read his links and commented 'thanks for the information' or 'thanks for the correction.
The above is a typical example of a person who loves to hear them-self speak, a whole paragraph of waffle.
You need to learn to precis your work, Lon. If you've got a message, just give it.... simply and in short.
My lesson for you today is to keep your posts :-
Try it. It works. I'll give you marks for accuracy, brevity and clarity in future. It's going to take some time, but we'll get you there.
More of your wandering waffle, Lon.
Pretty much you, on this rabbit-trail. I've simply entertained your thoughts to this point WHILE trying to get you to be better read.
Now if you have anything to write about the Thread Title that might be helpful.
Off you go.......... Let's see what you've got.
I'd been doing that:
It never takes much.
Always is. For you two? "
Not my attic!" ? :think:
Like Nazis? Russian communism? Chinese communism? :doh:
WHAT A STRANGE POST! YOU are that guy. You make bizarre statements that literally have not been well-thought out. You just didn't and aren't thinking, just emoting an initial response with a seeming illiteracy of political history.
There aren't that many of those types. It used to be that the RCC wielded that power, but the reaction leaves that possibility, especially with fragmentation and disagreement with Rome, unlikely.
I don't really believe Chrys' premise:
feminists killed tol
in the same way they are destroying our country
they have destroyed the family
they have killed their babies
just so they could be equal
silence let them get away with it
good men and women didn't say a thing
good men and women will be held responsible for their silence
Women are just who are left after all the windfall because, I'd think, are resilient. They are still here. I'm pretty sure I ran off HappyCrustacean by calling here 'puke-face.' At least she left quickly afterwards so perhaps it was 'Lon killed off TOL.' I told Granite he wasn't once a Christian because he couldn't have been and I proved it. He left shortly after. Maybe I killed off TOL?