More Bureaucrats With Guns Than Marines
...Govt Agencies Grow Stockpiles 2 Thess. 2:7, 8, Re 13:17
...Govt Agencies Grow Stockpiles 2 Thess. 2:7, 8, Re 13:17
They're comin' for the Dispies.
No pre trib rapture.
Bwaaaaa haaa haaa haa ha!!!
So when Obama leaves office without having put anyone in "FEMA camps", what then for the conspiracy theorists who assured us such a thing was imminent? Just move on to the next president and hope everyone forgets how wrong you were previously?
I know people who believe that.
Those same folks are petrified of Walmarts.
The "Fema camps" is yet, another "You-Tube" driven conspiracy theory. Like the Guillotines and other scare tactics.
You-Tube is a breeding ground for fantasy and Science Fiction...
So when Obama leaves office without having put anyone in "FEMA camps", what then for the conspiracy theorists who assured us such a thing was imminent? Just move on to the next president and hope everyone forgets how wrong you were previously?
Exercises going on now have nothing to do with catastrophic events (e.g. earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.). Trained sleeper elements will run into harm's way (us, lone wolf1) as elites run for their Underground Ark Cities. Sleepers will learn that they weren't invited to survive with the rats.
Not so.
The folks I know who are afraid of FEMA camps are the Amish community in Jamesport, MO. They truly believe they're all going to be loaded into box-cars and hauled to a giant incinerator somewhere.
Trust in Christ--not guns, gold or groceries (Geraci)....The folks I know who are afraid of FEMA camps are the Amish community in Jamesport, MO. They truly believe they're all going to be loaded into box-cars and hauled to a giant incinerator somewhere.