FEMA Camps


[June 7: FEMA Will Hold a Drill to Prepare for a 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake and Tsunami] "Starting on June 7, FEMA will be conducting a large scale drill that has been named "Cascadia Rising" that will simulate the effects of a magnitude-9.0 earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone and an accompanying west coast tsunami dozens of feet tall.

According to the official flier for the event, more than "50 counties, plus major cities, tribal nations, state and federal agencies, private sector businesses, and non-governmental organizations across three states—Washington, Oregon and Idaho—will be participating..." Full text: June 7: FEMA Will Hold a Drill to Prepare for a 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake and Tsunami 2 Thess. 2:7, 8, Re 13:17


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New Madrid Exercise Drills

Also see:

Planet X
Martial Law
Police State
Lone Wolf
One World Government/Religion
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Jose Fly

New member
So when Obama leaves office without having put anyone in "FEMA camps", what then for the conspiracy theorists who assured us such a thing was imminent? Just move on to the next president and hope everyone forgets how wrong you were previously?


So when Obama leaves office without having put anyone in "FEMA camps", what then for the conspiracy theorists who assured us such a thing was imminent?

They may not be needed. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them (1 Th 5:2–3, emphasis mine). :juggle:


Funny how that never came up when the doomsday people were assuring us the FEMA camp thing was imminent.
It didn't come up? :AMR: The doomsdayers as you call them have been aware of these camps for some time. They are there for your pleasure. Whether they are needed or not--that is another thing.

Do you have a house of Rothschild underground ark city pass?


Jose Fly

New member


like marbles on glass

From your link:

""We are confident we have a strong plan in place to meet the operational challenges posed by the upcoming hot temperatures," ISO CEO Steve Berberich said"

From SDG&E's email to its customers (me being one of them):

We expect to have enough power to meet your energy needs."

It's good to be prepared for emergencies. It's good to conserve energy. It's good to understand that the grid has gone down, and can go down again. It's not so good to fear-monger.
