You should admit that you over state everything because your position is weak to the point of being delusional.You should admit he has made vaccinations a requirement for doing business in NYC.
You should admit that you over state everything because your position is weak to the point of being delusional.You should admit he has made vaccinations a requirement for doing business in NYC.
As if there is a connection. You're just nothing at all but a liar and a fool.If you cannot make the connection then just skip it. There is no need to get bent out of shape.
Of course there is.There is no way to prove the vaccines are what are keeping people from getting covid.
So what, Marke?Tens of millions of Americans did not get covid before the vaccines came out and tens of millions of Americans are still not getting covid whether the have been vaccinated or not.
News flash! Vaccinations are on the rise and so are covid infections. Vaccinations are not only failing to prevent the spread of covid but they are also not slowing down its spread.You're operating under multiple false premises here.
The vaccine saves far more lives than just the people who get dosed with it. The fewer people who get the disease, the less it is spread to others, whether they're vaccinated or not. So the vaccine may very well have saved your life already, especially if you happen to be in a high risk group.
The vaccines for the coronavirus went through the same layers of review and testing as other vaccines. It was barriers to development, related to funding and manufacturing that were removed.
Too many medical and political figures are propagating the accepted narratives about the vaccines using only selected data for support. They are clearly wrong to dismiss data showing serious problems with the vaccines.Where you've worked is irrelevant.
It is a matter of public record. The same tests were performed and the results evaluated and voted on by the same set of people that make the decisions about what is approved and what isn't. The threshold for emergency use is different that full clearance but even that was not changed for the COVID vaccines.
It is not a false premise that they are effective. There's isn't any doubt at all that they are stunningly effective. As for how long they'll be effective, no one has ever expected them to be permanently effective. The data suggested right now that they last at least six to eight months and perhaps longer in some people. That means for those who got them early, they may be wearing off. That is not a surprise and even if breakthrough cases are on the rise, the data to date still strongly indicates that those who have been vaccinated are still quite protected from serious illness, hospitalization and death from COVID.
Vaccine passports are being promoted by leftists who cannot see why such mandates are not harmonious with American freedoms and rights.Don't make me put you on ignore.
Any such leap in logic is stupidity to the extreme. I have never advocated any such thing and if you even hint at making another such associaation, I'll put you on ignore and I'll know that this website has trully and fully gone to the dogs and is a completely dead waste of anyone's time.
It was the emergency use authorization that they were seeking by going through all the testing!
Is the kitchen getting too hot for you? Hot as "hell" maybe?OH! MY GOD!!!!
Why am I stuck in this Hell!
I'm am DONE!!!
Good bye to you all.
Someone delete my account!
This is a quote from your source:While it's true you can naturally acquire immunity against an offending invader like a bacteria or virus, experts say natural immunity provides less protection against the new variants than the vaccine. New data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows if you've been infected before, you're highly likely to be infected again.
"Antibodies elicited by infection do not neutralize the currently circulating coronavirus variants as efficiently as antibodies elicited by mRNA vaccination," Scott Hensley, an associate professor of microbiology at the University of Pennsylvania, previously told USA TODAY.
No, I do not trust the flu vaccine. I have had the flu and am not afraid of the flu. I have had covid and am not afraid of covid. But, of course, I am a Christian and believe for me it would in some very relevant aspects be better to die and go to heaven than to remain here on earth dealing with sin and sickness.Of course there is.
If this unbelievably stupid comment was even close to true then there would be no way for any drug to be tested for safety and effectiveness.
The fact is that there is not only a way to prove the vaccines are safe and effective but that they have, in fact, been proven to be both.
So what, Marke?
The exact same thing could have been said about small pox or rabies or any disease you want to name that is now practically gone because of vaccines.
Millions of people throughout Europe never contracted the Black Plague. Does that mean there's no way to prove that the disease is carried by rats and the fleas the bite both rats and humans?
Measles was never a ubiquitous disease. Way more people never got it than did. Do you doubt that the Measles vaccine works?
Millions of people contract the flu every year. Do you doubt that the flu vaccines work?
You should be more open to the possibility that it is you who is deceived, not the experts we are quoting here.It's hopeless! You are all hopeless!
I cannot tell if you guys are intentionally lying or whether you actually believe that these vaccines are more dangerous than the virus.
This is worse even than the year and a half I spent trying to convince someone that the Earth isn't flat. Far far worse!
From one side I've got someone telling me that There are fools here now telling me that it shouldn't matter to me whether I live or die! Why shouldn't I care, they say? BECAUSE I'M A CHRISTIAN!
This has turned now into, abject insanity!
Just totally shameful! All of you should be embarrassed.
The CDC does not keep accurate records of covid infections and deaths. Thousands of deaths attributed to covid should not have been attributed to covid. The CDC does not track breakout infections and deaths in those who have been vaccinated. A hospital full of covid patients does not prove vaccinations are working or are not working.Now compare hospitalizations/deaths between most/least vaxxed states.
Big states with high percentages of masking and social distancing have large fatality rates from covid. What can we justly conclude from this info about vaccines? Nothing. What can we stupidly conclude from this info?
The leftist lie: World governments need to seize control of the health industry and the population and force their citizens to bow to government demands, no matter how irrelevant, foolish, or wrong, in order to protect the world from dangers nobody but the government can solve.Sweden’s guidelines emphasize staying at home, testing, hand washing and social distancing. By April 2021, Sweden’s per-capita case counts and death rates were many times higher than any of its Nordic neighbors, all of which imposed lockdowns, travel bans and limited gatherings early on.
Overall, Sweden’s COVID-19 death rate of 142.5 per 100,000 population is well above neighbors Denmark (43.89), Finland (17.84), Norway (15.03) and Iceland (8.3), according to Johns Hopkins University.
July death count ignores full picture of Sweden’s COVID-19 t
From the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Sweden made itself a compelling case study, forgoing lockdowns and mandates,
Nobody can prove they are immune from covid because they got the shot.Of course, yes there is denying it. There is actually very little evidence that tells us anything about the number of such deaths that had anything to do with the shot they received. A point that has been made here before and that you have routinely ignored and/or responded to by simply repeating this particular lie.
And yes, Marke, it is a lie! It is INTENTIONALLY deceptive! Even if every single one of those deaths were directly caused by the shot (which we know for a fact is NOT the case), it would still pale in comparison to the number of people who DID NOT die of COVID because of that same shot. No matter how you slice it, the vaccines are VASTLY safer than the virus! That is not only true but YOU KNOW its true and are here to deceive everyone into being so scared of the vaccine that they forget to be scared of the virus. It's idiot, it's dishonest and its dangerous. You very flatly aught to be ashamed of yourself.
If a mere 10,000 out of a hundred million die because of the shot I will refuse to get the shot because of those atrocious odds. The covid shot does not prevent covid infections in everyone and I know I am just the one likely to die from covid if I take the shot under those odds. I beg my fellow Americans to leave me alone. If I want to die from refusing the shot then stop trying to make me get the shot. If you are afraid you will catch covid from me then get the shot yourself if you think that will protect you from covid. You don't need me to get the shot to protect yourself from covid.Lie!
Marke is a liar! He know for a fact that this is false because unless to too stupid to breath, everyone knows that something like 70% of the adult population of the United States and a huge percentage of the civilized world has gotten this shot will very little (statistically speaking) ill effect.
You don't seem to understand what vaccine passports are all about. Do you think the passports will be voluntary and never enforced anywhere?There was no government demand that anyone acceded to. It was made available and people wanted to go get it so they did and far few people are dead today because of it.
It is not surprising to me that the government and big pharmaceutical companies push a rosy narrative about questionable vaccines. There are billions of dollars at stake here and the crooked will lie if that is what it takes to get more of it for themselves.This is faulty logic that I am firmly convinced at this point is entirely intentional.
Because natural immunity is more effective than the vaccine, doesn't mean that the vaccine is ineffective, which Marke here is clearly implying.
The Pfizer vaccine is about 90% effective in preventing symptomatic COVID19 (i.e. that number includes all known variants). In fact, the vaccines probably are affording the public herd immunity at this point against everything COVID except the Delta variant which accounts for something like 98-99% of new cases in the United States and England. All the other variants are all but gone - thanks to the Phizer, Moderna and Johson and Johnson vaccines as well as natural immunity. The vast majority of new cases are people who did not get the vaccine. 99.5% of all those who have died of COVID since January have been unvaccinated.
According to an analysis carried out by Public Health England, two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine appeared to be about 88 percent effective against symptomatic disease and 96 percent effective against hospitalization with the Delta variant.The same study suggested that the vaccine was approximately 80 percent effective against preventing infection from the Delta variant. Scientists came to this conclusion after analyzing 14,019 people with an infection, 166 of whom were hospitalized, in England.Vaccines had a protective effect against infections with Delta and hospital cases were milder, the study found.Public Health England also shared real-world data in May that solidified the importance of having a second dose of COVID-19 vaccine. The analysis suggested that a single dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine offered only about 33 percent protection against symptomatic disease.This was a reduction from the previous 50 percent effectiveness estimated against the alpha variant.The study also found that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was 88 percent effective against the Delta variant 2 weeks after the second dose.
If all the vaccine did was to provide some level of protection against getting the covid virus then there should not be any objection to getting the vaccine. But there are serious side effects and problems with the effectiveness of the vaccines that cause intelligent and informed people to want to go slower with the approval process.It helps the human body fight disease, at far lower risk than actually getting the disease.. What exactly is the problem with that?
They are not sure whether the cases were reinfections or were flareups of the original infections with lingering symptoms.1. Yes, I personally know of cases
2. See here:
I agree that the propagated narrative is that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks. I am not buying that. If only a small percentage of people get sick or die from the vaccine itself then I would rather take my chances with covid instead. The overwhelming majority of covid patients recover. None of those who die from a bad reaction to the vaccine will ever recover.The risk remains tiny. Just that for the young, the risk of covid complications is also very small. And it depends on what you mean by "young people".
I gather that you agree that for the not-so young- the risk from the vaccine is far outweighed by its benefit.