false accuzation


Eclectic Theosophist
Judge not, lest ye be judged........

Judge not, lest ye be judged........

There are too many false accusations going on in this forum.

False accusations are form of "gossip".

any objection?

Sadly this might be the case,...but we have to look at the motives behind what is compelling people to JUDGE or accuse. We might be careful of such, since who is the 'Accuser of the brethren'? Many align themselves with Satan in pointing the finger. So, one must be careful before rendering a 'judgment' for they will be held to the same standard, and judged accordingly, (measure for measure) hence its best to withhold judgment until one has adequate and reasonable evidence to ASSUME anything. Ignorance, assumption and presumption carries on,...so you just address it as it comes. Many people like to play 'judge', but its a serious thing to do, recognizing all the responsibility and consequences that come with it,...so tread carefully. Hence I say, be careful before you 'truth-smack' anyone, since the truth in the end may smack you into learning a thing or two ;)