Facebook is run by hypocrite leftist scumbags


Well-known member
Yes there are. They are transgressions of 'Adamic' laws, such as cannibalism. Abortion fits right up in there nicely, but you've been trained to see it otherwise just like you could be trained to see cannibalism otherwise.

Each example you cite is a sin against a human individual and ultimately a sin against God, as all sin is an affront to God. There is no 'sin against nature' unless you equate nature with God, which I would not be surprised to learn.

And what are these 'Adamic laws' you refer to?

Do you always make things up and hope no one notices?


Each example you cite is a sin against a human individual and ultimately a sin against God, as all sin is an affront to God. There is no 'sin against nature' unless you equate nature with God, which I would not be surprised to learn.

And what are these 'Adamic laws' you refer to?

Do you always make things up and hope no one notices?

If you don't know about Adamic laws, than you aren't qualified to be running that hot air blower of yours :)

It runs deep in archaic theology, you should learn some of it sometime.


Well-known member
If you don't know about Adamic laws, than you aren't qualified to be running that hot air blower of yours :)

You didn't answer the question.

It runs deep in archaic theology, you should learn some of it sometime.

"Deep in archaic theology"? That there's a mouthful. Bet that impresses the girls down at the malt shop on Saturday nights.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Back to the leftist Christ hating pigs at facebook. They edited a tweet and ran it as a story to try and get some negative spin on the idea of not murdering children in the womb. Any of you with a facebook page should be ashamed of yourselves.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
They want it to be negative. That is what is meant by "media bias"


like marbles on glass
More good info, Apple, Twitter, Google, and Instagram collude to defeat Trump. Not that we don't already know this.

Over the past year, Apple twice refused to publish a satirical Clinton Emailgate game, “Capitol HillAwry,” claiming it was “offensive” and “mean spirited” even though the game’s developer, John Matze, cited in communications with Apple that the game fits the standards of Apple’s own satire policy.

Because of course voters are looking to inform themselves about the candidates by playing a game from the app store. :chuckle: