Facebook is run by hypocrite leftist scumbags


Well-known member
In case you didn't know that already.

Some Israelis put up two Facebook pages. They were pretty much identical except that one was anti-Israel, the other anti-Palestinian. The Israelis simultaneously ramped up the rhetoric on each, then flagged both on the same day to see what FB would do. Guess what happened next.


I'm on my phone so I can't get the youtube link right. Somebody feel free to repost it correctly.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Yep. The sad truth is, we can't boycott everything. But you can get rid of facebook and twitter without any repercussions.


Facebook is run by hypocrite leftist scumbags

Why is it that those who claim to be Christians are often the angriest, least tolerant, most judgmental, vile speaking posters on the forum?

It certainly doesn't portray Christianity as an attractive alternative for our non-Christian neighbors!


In case you didn't know that already.

Some Israelis put up two Facebook pages. They were pretty much identical except that one was anti-Israel, the other anti-Palestinian. The Israelis simultaneously ramped up the rhetoric on each, then flagged both on the same day to see what FB would do. Guess what happened next.


I'm on my phone so I can't get the youtube link right. Somebody feel free to repost it correctly.
The Palestinians are being used by Rome (Dan 11:23). :eek:linger:



New member
Many of our friends and family use Facebook, and I don't think that any of us have had any dealings with the management. My wife uses Facebook more than I do. I would describe us as Christian conservatives, and we do share Christian materials and prayer requests. Facebook is a good way to keep up with friends and family. I'm sure that we would cancel our membership if we had to put up with inappropriate materials.


Well-known member
I'm on my phone so I can't get the youtube link right. Somebody feel free to repost it correctly.

Wait, you're still not boycotting YouTube?? In your "I'm boycotting Campbell's Soup because they have ads with homosexuals!" thread, I pointed out to you that YouTube has ads featuring homosexuals.

And since you probably don't want to be a hypocrite rightist scumbag, YouTube is surely on your on your boycott list.

You must've missed it:

You warrior!

I have an idea: Buy yourself some Campell's Soup, then make a video of yourself pouring it down the sewer because homosexuals! Then use your computer to post it on YouTube!

Like this:

Bob Enyart "can hear the liquid flowing through the sewers"

Except of course, YouTube supports gay marriage and makes ads about it...

YouTube's "Celebrating Marriage Equality and LGBT Pride Month


And about your computer... Wait, do you use Apple or Microsoft? ... Actually, never mind, either way:

Microsoft - Lesbian Wedding ad

Apple - Pride ad

Hm. Darn. Okay maybe that idea wasn't so good if you think about it. But anyway, don't forget to include all of the companies that Campbell's soup owns in your boycott. Pepperidge Farm and V8 and Pace and Kelsen and whatnot... But I'm sure you've already added them to your extensive boycott list, because you're not one to blow hot air!

Yep. The sad truth is, we can't boycott everything. But you can get rid of facebook and twitter without any repercussions.

What are the repercussions of musterion not using YouTube?

I've always thought the Amish have a lot of integrity.



Maybe the Facebook people are big followers of Jesus Christ.

Nobody excoriated the Jews like Jesus did.

Jesus told the Jews that their father was Satan.

He told them they were wicked.

He told them they were a brood of vipers.

In Revelation, the Jews are called a synagogue of Satan

Even the Apostle Paul was anti-Semitic:

(1 Thess 2:14-15) ...You suffered from your own people the same things those churches suffered from the Jews 15 who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone ...


Why would his company keep the anti Israel page and cancel the other ?

Zuckerberg is an atheist.

He was raised Jewish, and converted to atheism. (like most Jews)

Atheists are the biggest anti-Semites (even the one's raised Jewish)


In case you didn't know that already.

Some Israelis put up two Facebook pages. They were pretty much identical except that one was anti-Israel, the other anti-Palestinian. The Israelis simultaneously ramped up the rhetoric on each, then flagged both on the same day to see what FB would do. Guess what happened next.

Could it be fear of local reprisal?