Evolution... Do we believe?


New member

By being I mean one consciousness under God which all creation is.

There is evedint intent through out all creation. It all strives for the same goal; the best existence possible.

Didn't say all intelligent creatures were social creatures. Irrelevant.

Due to free will all humans have The potential for positive and negative e effects relating to our surroundings, and other life. We seem to be the only creatures hell bent on destroying our chances at meaningful life along with the rest of life on earth.

What is your point? The op asked if science and Christianity were linked and gave the example of evolution. It has little to do with if scientist think humans are pertinent to existence or not.

Tell me of a single thing that doesn't go allong a preordained path other than humans. Your negativity is not welcome.


New member
How many universities have mathematics taught by the Science faculty vs have an entirely separate faculty? :think:

No one agrees with you, not even creationists will chime in to support you.

Trivial? Yes. But that doesn't mean you get automatic assent when you say silly things.
Science stems from math. Any science that does not is simply theory.
Nope. Evolution happens to populations, not to individuals.

There is no intent evident in the living world. As Richard Dawkins puts it, natural selection is the blind watchmaker. I don't think you see your god that way.

Orangutans are quite solitary.

That's your value judgment, not an empirical conclusion (if we are still talking about science).

What responsibility? Science pays no attention to religious platitudes like these.

Only by idiots.



New member


Wake us up when you've got a rational argument.


This guy thinks it is.
Err, your link is to a paper with this as the abstract :

"Abstract:*Mathematics is not a science, but there are grey areas at the fringes."

So, to be clear, your evidence that maths is a science is a paper by a mathematician who says that it isn't? Good work, Tripe.



New member
Evolutionists hate reading.

So no comment from you about your link proving the diametrically opposite to what you claimed it did?

And you know that I always follow through posted links, so that was pretty stupid of you.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
So no comment from you about your link proving the diametrically opposite to what you claimed it did?
It agreed with me. I wouldn't have posted it otherwise. :idunno:

However, it seems clear that this subject is something of a philosophical quagmire. I just thought Alwight's comment showed a slight flaw.

Though I notice the evolutionists have seized upon a rabbit trail to deflect from the objection being made. Typical.
And you know that I always follow through posted links.
It doesn't help to "follow through" when you can't read.

Evolutionists will do anything to show that they are arguing with a YEC. They hate the notion that one of them might have said something correct, no matter how trivial.


New member

By being I mean one consciousness under God which all creation is.

There is evedint intent through out all creation. It all strives for the same goal; the best existence possible.

Didn't say all intelligent creatures were social creatures. Irrelevant.

Due to free will all humans have The potential for positive and negative e effects relating to our surroundings, and other life. We seem to be the only creatures hell bent on destroying our chances at meaningful life along with the rest of life on earth.

What is your point? The op asked if science and Christianity were linked and gave the example of evolution. It has little to do with if scientist think humans are pertinent to existence or not.

Tell me of a single thing that doesn't go allong a preordained path other than humans. Your negativity is not welcome.

Science has only recently began to distinguish medical administration between the different genders. Now I've mentioned two types of vaccinations, one type of vaccination derived from the Blood of the Sons of Man, and one type of vaccination derived from the Blood of Animals.

1. Ezra 2 Genealogy appears to Match Nehemiah 7 Genealogy
2. Ezra 10 Genealogy has the name Joseph with a partial accounting of the tribes, with most of the tribes identifiable
3. Nehemiah 12 Genealogy has the name Joseph, with just a few tribes identifiable, its not as complete as Ezra 10's references

Vaccinations derived from the Blood of the Sons of Man, sterilize the fertility of Dan and Aaron

1. (Positive - Baring Fruit) EZRA 10:44 All these had taken strange wives: and [some] of them had wives by whom they had children.
2. (Negative - Sterile) NEHEMIAH 12:47 And all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, gave the portions of the singers and the porters, every day his portion: and they sanctified [holy things] unto the Levites; and the Levites sanctified [them] unto the children of Aaron.

We didn't want to rain in on their "lives don't matter campaigns" so soon. The medical fact is, if even one of these new vaccines, like the HPV, Ebola, or the HIV vaccines they've been experimenting with and implementing with the public are derived from the Blood of the Antichrist, then Genetic Dan and Aaron are infertile when they are subjected to these, their numbers already should be in the hundreds of thousands.

Until now, the medical community has only experimented with vaccines derived from the Blood of animals, we are still in the same generation in which these newer vaccines have been introduced into certain members of the population. So we will not know the predictable effects completely, until most of them progress further along their life processes. There were a few celebrity deaths recently, they are typically the ones to reach the newer vaccines first, and unfortunately, some can cause death if it is introduced into them, their kind, as you have seen in the news recently.

(Joseph is accounted with the tribes in some respect, before the book of revelations ... ... ... ... clearly indicating God affords mankind some version of a blessing in the earth, in addition to indicating that God himself can push aside certain laws about the universe to a limited degree ... for those reasons God cast the Ark of the Covenant into the Earth, Goliath was cast into the earth when he fell down, and the alleged Holy Grail argument at the last supper is supposed to be buried in Jerusalem, but nobody seems to have found it ... ... ... ... this holy grail in particular seems to deal with vaccination or miracle healing ... ... ... ... perhaps all these truths have a much simpler reconciliation, that is that we should just keep watch for the signs of the end. ... ... ... ... the damage has already been done to this population we talked about, the best thing to do in the future is to give them placebo vaccinations, until you can develop a non-cascausian and non-asian dna tester like you have those instant diabetic tests, nothing to approximate just a few generations of relative purity ... ... ... ... percentage wise the majority if not all will have those effects from the newer vaccines developed) (it would be very unfortunate if credibility was added to any of this information ... ... ... ... with that said, they have been looking for the missing link for sometime, and the military already took a blood sample some time ago, unfortunately the antichrist did not know they were screening, so the charade was up long ago) (beyond that, they learned something, when they did something unclean in secret, which gave them an unction to castrate the antichrist prior to the events of 9/11/2001, sometimes the universe removes corruption from the body of the antichrist, so their hands were already dirty, but that is after the fact of the military blood testing)


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Science has only recently began to distinguish medical administration between the different genders. Now I've mentioned two types of vaccinations, one type of vaccination derived from the Blood of the Sons of Man, and one type of vaccination derived from the Blood of Animals.

1. Ezra 2 Genealogy appears to Match Nehemiah 7 Genealogy
2. Ezra 10 Genealogy has the name Joseph with a partial accounting of the tribes, with most of the tribes identifiable
3. Nehemiah 12 Genealogy has the name Joseph, with just a few tribes identifiable, its not as complete as Ezra 10's references

Vaccinations derived from the Blood of the Sons of Man, sterilize the fertility of Dan and Aaron

1. (Positive - Baring Fruit) EZRA 10:44 All these had taken strange wives: and [some] of them had wives by whom they had children.
2. (Negative - Sterile) NEHEMIAH 12:47 And all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, gave the portions of the singers and the porters, every day his portion: and they sanctified [holy things] unto the Levites; and the Levites sanctified [them] unto the children of Aaron.

We didn't want to rain in on their "lives don't matter campaigns" so soon. The medical fact is, if even one of these new vaccines, like the HPV, Ebola, or the HIV vaccines they've been experimenting with and implementing with the public are derived from the Blood of the Antichrist, then Genetic Dan and Aaron are infertile with they are subjected to these, their numbers already should be in the hundreds of thousands.

Until now, the medical community has only experimented with vaccines derived from the Blood of animals, we are still in the same generation in which these newer vaccines have been introduced into certain members of the population. So we will not know the predictable effects completely, until most of them progress further along their life processes. There were a few celebrity deaths recently, they are typically the ones to reach the newer vaccines first, and unfortunately, some can cause death if it is introduced into them, their kind, as you have seen in the news recently.



New member
"Abstract:*Mathematics is not a science, ... "
It agreed with me. I wouldn't have posted it otherwise. :idunno:
Riiiggghhht. Which bit of the report's "Mathematics is not a science" statement did you think meant that the author thought mathematics IS a science?

Tripe, you are a certifiable numpty. Funny, in a laughing at the disabled person's funny walk sort of a way, but still providing weak amusement.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Riiiggghhht. Which bit of the report's "Mathematics is not a science" statement did you think meant that the author thought mathematics IS a science? Tripe, you are a certifiable numpty. Funny, in a laughing at the disabled person's funny walk sort of a way, but still providing weak amusement.

Evolutionists hate reading.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Admit the failure.

You can't read and you call me a failure. :rolleyes:

Congratulations on steering the conversation as far away as possible from the challenge issued to your precious evolutionism.


New member
Congratulations on steering the conversation as far away as possible from the challenge issued to your precious evolutionism.

I don't recall a serious challenge being made. If you want to leave your mistakes behind that's fine.

So, what was this serious 'challenge' that was allegedly made?



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
So no mistake.
That's right. The only problem here is the evolutionists, who will do anything to make sure the conversation travels as far away from the challenge to their evolutionism as possible. They will latch on to anything as long as their precious religion is protected.

No challenge.

Evolutionists hate reading.


New member
That's right. The only problem here is the evolutionists, who will do anything to make sure the conversation travels as far away from the challenge to their evolutionism as possible.

So asking you to spell out the challenge is running way from the alleged challenge?

I'm surprised you are clever enough to remember to breathe. :chuckle: