Evolution... Do we believe?


New member
Again I'm Stein proved that time is not static and can stretch and bend and change with that being said six days could have been 6 eons. On a similar note most evolutionists conclude that all existence is from something similar to dust this completely coincides with man being able to be made from dust. Thank you.


New member
If you interpret the first six days of creation in Genesis as the first six eons then it easily places the age of existence as we know it at roughly six billion years. Thank you.
But God did not say he created over the course of 6 eons. He could have said that but he told us that he created in six days each with a morning and evening. The Hebrew does not allow for long period of time when the word day is used with a number as it is in Genesis. For the hard of learning God repeated over and over with each day that there was morning and evening.

Then for the very hard of learning it is repeated in Exodus 20.. and if you still don't want to believe it Jesus tells us that God created humans at the beginning of creation not billions of years later as in evolutionary beliefs


New member
But God did not say he created over the course of 6 eons. He could have said that but he told us that he created in six days each with a morning and evening. The Hebrew does not allow for long period of time when the word day is used with a number as it is in Genesis. For the hard of learning God repeated over and over with each day that there was morning and evening.

Then for the very hard of learning it is repeated in Exodus 20.. and if you still don't want to believe it Jesus tells us that God created humans at the beginning of creation not billions of years later as in evolutionary beliefs
. Your argument of one day followed by the rotation of the Sun in the moon making a day and a night is flawed you speak of beginning times before the Sun or moon were even there. The progression of time at the beginning of existence would have been a wholly different than what we perceive today. You assume that one day means one revolution of Earth spinning. However we are speaking of times before earth was even a sphere at all therefore could not spin. The words day and earth in the beginning of Genesis in no way pertain to what we perceive as a single day or as this earth.


New member
popsthebuilder said:
Your argument of one day followed by the rotation of the Sun in the moon making a day and a night is flawed you speak of beginning times before the Sun or moon were even there.

It isn't me that speaks of it.

God tells us He created light on the first day, which had a evening and morning. He created the sun on the 4th day.

Also the Hebrew ... and the text itself demand that these were literal days as we now experience. Although 'yom' / day can have various meanings, it ALWAYS refers to a literal day when the word is associated with a number. (Jonah was not in the fish 3 periods of time). Also throughout the OT, whenever words like evening or morning are associated with the word 'day', it ALWAYS refers to a normal day.


Hey pops,

Why fight against what the Bible says about what God did? Why can't you just believe that God created EVERYTHING in six days, and rested on the seventh?! God knew how long a day was because He knew that on the fourth day, it would be roughly 23-some hours. Why fight against believing in the Creation account? Would you rather that God was lying?



New member
Nope. Evolutionists say stuff that has nothing to do with what has been said. They hate reading and responding rationally. Instead, they will say anything to avoid a rational discussion of the ideas. Your nonsense being a paramount example.
Thanks for nicely proving my point. Back to Post #366. :yawn:


All you have to know is that the passing of time was different closer to the beginning of time. 6 days could have been 60 ons. The flood of Noah could have very well been the end of an ice . That's like the argument that someone's been making that leprosy was the specific bacteria in the writing of the Old Testament. There was no scientific method there was no definite passing of time at the same pace that it does now all these things are variables. If you allow for the possibility that without the scientific method and proper recording techniques many of the things in the Bible may seem to be false however in reality they're just interpreted or logged differently than how we do things now. That no way makes them false it just makes them slightly difficult to interpret for people who are very set in a scientific age. Thank you.
No, but nice try. Study more.

The Barbarian

Your argument of one day followed by the rotation of the Sun in the moon making a day and a night is flawed you speak of beginning times before the Sun or moon were even there.

That has always been the Christian argument against changing the "Yom" of Genesis into literal days. Not that it matters to YE creationists.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
[FONT="Georgia"]Thanks for nicely proving my point. Back to [B]Post #366[/B]. :yawn:[/FONT]

I can see why you're yawning: Nobody likes playing "choose your own adventure" with you.

Evolutionists ask: What is a kind? Then after the question is answered clearly on a few occasions, they say it means something entirely separate. Meanwhile, they have no definition for "species." It is only one group in this thread who are talking science.


New member
6days projects.
Coming from a guy who won't accept what God says in Genesis.
Barbarian... it is you who wants to change what God says.
* God says He created light on the first day and the sun on the 4th day.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says That there was morning and evening the first 3 days, even though there was no sun.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says He created the great sea creature before the land animals.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says the earth was intially all water.
.....Can you accept it?
* God said plants were created the day before the sun
.....Can you accept it?
* God says He created everything in six days.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says woman was created from man's rib.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says the highest mountains under the heavens were covered in Noah's flood.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says death entered our world because of man's sin.
.....Can you accept it?
* Jesus says male and female were from the beginning of creation.
.....Can you accept it?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Barbarian... it is you who wants to change what God says.
* God says He created light on the first day and the sun on the 4th day.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says That there was morning and evening the first 3 days, even though there was no sun.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says He created the great sea creature before the land animals.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says the earth was intially all water.
.....Can you accept it?
* God said plants were created the day before the sun
.....Can you accept it?
* God says He created everything in six days.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says woman was created from man's rib.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says the highest mountains under the heavens were covered in Noah's flood.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says death entered our world because of man's sin.
.....Can you accept it?
* Jesus says male and female were from the beginning of creation.
.....Can you accept it?

One more: Jesus said He rose from the dead to provide the sole means by which men may reach God.

Can you accept that?

The Barbarian

Barbarian... it is you who wants to change what God says.

Denial and accusations won't help you. You've learned that your new interpretation of Genesis cannot be logically reconciled with the actual text. St. Augustine pointed this out well over a thousand years ago.

And no Christian argued with him. Your modern interpretation says that life can only come from life, (which God expressly rules out in Genesis) and that there were mornings and evenings without a Sun to have them.

You're not going to hell for not accepting Genesis as it is. But your attempt to slander orthodox Christians for their acceptance of Genesis is probably not good for your salvation.

The Barbarian

(Stipe is unsure of whether or not Jesus actually rose from the dead to save us)

Here's what The Church has taught from ancient times:
The Nicene Creed

I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen.

If you accept that, it won't matter whether or not you accept evolution.

Do you now accept it, Stipe? Or do you not?

Prediction: Stipe will evade the question.


New member
No, but nice try. Study more.
I study daily child go pester someone else with your nonsense. Just because you cannot understand something in your infinite knowledge does not mean that is not true through experience to maturity you will find the two things that I speak are the truth. Thank you good luck


New member
I can see why you're yawning:Nobody likes playing "choose your own adventure" with you.Evolutionists ask:What is a kind?Then after the question is answered clearly on a few occasions, they say it means something entirely separate.Meanwhile, they have no definition for "species."It is only one group in this thread who are talking science.
Post #366.


New member
Barbarian said:
Denial and accusations won't help you....


Yes you said that I was a "*guy who won't accept what God says in Genesis."

So, again the questions for you are...

God says He created light on the first day and the sun on the 4th day.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says That there was morning and evening the first 3 days, even though there was no sun.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says He created the great sea creature before the land animals.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says the earth was intially all water.
.....Can you accept it?
* God said plants were created the day before the sun
.....Can you accept it?
* God says He created everything in six days.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says woman was created from man's rib.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says the highest mountains under the heavens were covered in Noah's flood.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says death entered our world because of man's sin.
.....Can you accept it?
* Jesus says male and female were from the beginning of creation.
.....Can you accept it?

The Barbarian

God tells us what was there at the beginning of creation:
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created heaven, and earth. [2] And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the waters.

6days says "did God really say?"
Jesus says male and female were from the beginning of creation.

To a creationist, it probably looks like God was wrong. But the first verse in Genesis is at the beginning of all creation, and Jesus was talking about the creation of our race.

Can you accept it?