Every time U do something evil - VOILA' - just say "I was born that way"


New member
when people criticize me for being Catholic (belonging to a "false religion")

i just say

I was born that way

what can you say?

But you weren't born catholic. At best you were born to catholic parents. If your parents were Muslim, chances you would be Muslim at well, at least as a child. You were born into a certain religious culture, but it is not engrained in your genetics.


New member
But you weren't born catholic. At best you were born to catholic parents. If your parents were Muslim, chances you would be Muslim at well, at least as a child. You were born into a certain religious culture, but it is not engrained in your genetics.

it is at this point



Well-known member
What I am saying is "evil" is irrelevant. Either an action impacts innocent lives (in the case of a wild bear that attacks me or my family, or a rapist) or it doesn't (two homosexuals who engage in a relationship with each other).


Immoral behaviors are those that cause harm to other people.
Moral behaviors are those that do not cause harm to other people.

Is this how you define morality?
I am truly asking; I mean no offense.


New member
Gays are born that way in all human populations and in all time. G-d has obviously purposed the universe that way. As for homosexuality being an 'abomination.' It is far more complex an issue than that and most here know it. We no longer accept the other 'abominations' mentioned in scripture as normative nor should we accept this one.

common sense tells you that these acts are WRONG. You don't even have to be Catholic to figure that one out... although it helps...

actually, maybe.. now that i think about it... maybe you do have to be Catholic to figure out.. lots of stuff....

yeh, the latter sentence...

but still... even people outside the Church have figured it out in spades... so...



New member
Yes, but homosexuality is not the only form of perverse sexual behavior.
we're not talking about other perversions here
Be careful; I do think we are instructed not to make that call.

it is objectively immoral to engage in homosexual acts... and to refrain from saying so b/c you don't want to be perceived as being "judgmental"

is denying Christ... denying truth... dishonest



Well-known member
it is objectively immoral to engage in homosexual acts... and to refrain from saying so b/c you don't want to be perceived as being "judgmental"

is denying Christ... denying truth... dishonest

Yes. I was not saying to be careful about pointing out sexual immorality.

I meant that you should be careful about saying that you know who will go to hell.


New member
Yes. I was not saying to be careful about pointing out sexual immorality.

I meant that you should be careful about saying that you know who will go to hell.

yeh, too bad i didn't say any given person was going to Hell...

i said and will continue to say that those who wantonly engage in homosexual acts ARE going to go to Hell if they do not repent and abstain from such for the rest of their lives...

now there's your cue

you can yell JUDGMENTAL

don't care...



Well-known member
yeh, too bad i didn't say any given person was going to Hell...

i said and will continue to say that those who wantonly engage in homosexual acts ARE going to go to Hell if they do not repent and abstain from such for the rest of their lives...

now there's your cue

you can yell JUDGMENTAL

don't care...


Don't mistake me for an enemy. :wave: