Every time U do something evil - VOILA' - just say "I was born that way"


New member
every time i do soemthing i know or suspect to be wrong

i can just say

Hey, i was born that way

works for gay folks

In a sense i would be right, ya know.. I was born a sinner.

However, some in society will tell you that being a sinner is no big deal.. In fact, some would say you can even revel in being a sinner...

The gays are very good at that kind of thing.. which of course involves pretzel-bending rationalization

gay pride

Hey, i am into Straight Pride, myself... We need a Straight Parade..



Active member
every time i do soemthing i know or suspect to be wrong

i can just say

Hey, i was born that way

works for gay folks

In a sense i would be right, ya know.. I was born a sinner.

However, some in society will tell you that being a sinner is no big deal.. In fact, some would say you can even revel in being a sinner...

The gays are very good at that kind of thing.. which of course involves pretzel-bending rationalization

gay pride

Hey, i am into Straight Pride, myself... We need a Straight Parade..


Doesn't matter whether gays were born that way or not. What they do neither breaks my bones nor picks my pocket. There is no rational justification to place restrictions on them.

On the other hand, a bear is born to be aggressive and attack when it feels threatened. Because it was born that way, do you think I would just ignore it if one attacks me or my family? Heck no! I'd shoot it in the head to protect myself and my family if necessary. "Evil" has nothing to do with it.


New member
Doesn't matter whether gays were born that way or not. What they do neither breaks my bones nor picks my pocket. There is no rational justification to place restrictions on them.

On the other hand, a bear is born to be aggressive and attack when it feels threatened. Because it was born that way, do you think I would just ignore it if one attacks me or my family? Heck no! I'd shoot it in the head to protect myself and my family if necessary. "Evil" has nothing to do with it.

You know that kind of complex thought is beyond comprehension to RC.
Besides, it didn't come from Fox News, she'll pay it no mind.

The Horn

Straw man argument . False premise . Homosexuality is in no way "evil," nor does being gay mean that you are evil in any way .
The vast majority of gay people are in no way evil , and morally no worse than heterosexuals .
Anti-gay bigotry, however , IS evil . Gay people are much more likely to be the VICTIMS of violent crimes than to harm others .
Homophobes use the Bible as an excuse to say horrible things about gay people, spread vicious lies about them and promote mindless fear of them being out to rape children etc . But they have no problem doing other things the Bible also condemns, like eatng pork and shellfish , working on Sundays, wearing cliothes with mixed fabrics, etc, and they don't kill their children for sassing them .
Of course, there are some bad eggs among gay people who are guilty of raping children , etc, but plenty straight people commit horrendous sexual crimes, too .


Active member
sure it does

but libs are always pretending evil doesn't exist

they are always pretending Period

aka Lying

aka not facing reality

well, they will have no choice but to face it some day...


What I am saying is "evil" is irrelevant. Either an action impacts innocent lives (in the case of a wild bear that attacks me or my family, or a rapist) or it doesn't (two homosexuals who engage in a relationship with each other).


New member
Doesn't matter whether gays were born that way or not. What they do neither breaks my bones nor picks my pocket. There is no rational justification to place restrictions on them.

ith it.

sure there is

they are perverts

and they hate Christians

they have succeeded in bankrupting Christians just b/c they wouldn't participate in their perversity

evil... They are going straight to Hell,



New member
Straw man argument . False premise . Homosexuality is in no way "evil," nor does being gay mean that you are evil in any way .
, too .


again, they are perverse and causing Christian business to go bankrupt because the businesses won't participate in their "marraiges"




every time i do soemthing i know or suspect to be wrong

i can just say

Hey, i was born that way...I was born a sinner.

However, some in society will tell you that being a sinner is no big deal.. In fact, some would say you can even revel in being a sinner...

Judg 21:25


New member
Judg 21:25


Yeh, that's what America has become, a bunch of people doing what is right in their own eyes... and thinking that that is all God requires... ("You believe what you want and i belive what i want and we all just love one another and sing Kumbaya together...")

"My ways are not your ways [says God], your thoughts are not My thoughts" Isaiah.. (I think Is 55)


"Homosexuality is in no way "evil...""
Are you a Sodomite? :smokie: ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13])

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:


:yawn: Christophobes 1 Co 6:9-10



Tactics of the Left


"("You believe what you want and i believe what i want and we all just love one another and sing Kumbaya together...")"
Except that it's not loving to withhold the truth.


Should Christians Judge? By Bob Enyart

"My ways are not your ways [says God], your thoughts are not My thoughts" Isaiah.. (I think Is 55)"
Yes, v 8. Men will do it their way (e.g. pride and death) or God's way (e.g. humility and life). Jn 10:10
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The Horn

Christian businesses are going bankrupt because their owners are homophobic bigots . Your religious beliefs do not give you the right to discriminate against others .
Suppose some business refused to serve Christians . The public outcry would ruin THAT business .


New member
every time i do soemthing i know or suspect to be wrong

i can just say

Hey, i was born that way

works for gay folks

In a sense i would be right, ya know.. I was born a sinner.

However, some in society will tell you that being a sinner is no big deal.. In fact, some would say you can even revel in being a sinner...

The gays are very good at that kind of thing.. which of course involves pretzel-bending rationalization

gay pride

Hey, i am into Straight Pride, myself... We need a Straight Parade..

Isn't that what a certain sect of Christians are already doing? How else do you explain the Evangelical doctrine of "once saved always saved?" Basically it's a license to do whatever you see fit and still claim you're OK w/God. As you see played out time and again in the media whenever a Republican self-proclaimed Christian Conservative does something contrary to what they preach, like sleep with men, cheat on their women, or molest little children and the Republican base rank and file come out defending them, CLAIMING that "They asked for forgiveness, and God has forgivven them."

Too many names to mention, but you guys know yourselves who are the culprits of this.

So interesting to see a thread like this coming from you.

Like I always say, Christianity's worse enemy is self-proclaimed Christians.


New member
Christian businesses are going bankrupt because their owners are homophobic bigots . Your religious beliefs do not give you the right to discriminate against others .
Suppose some business refused to serve Christians . The public outcry would ruin THAT business .

Muslims seem to be getting away with it?


Isn't that what a certain sect of Christians are already doing? How else do you explain the Evangelical doctrine of "once saved always saved?" Basically it's a license to do whatever you see fit and still claim you're OK w/God.

Many people believe they are going to heaven when they are not.

"If you can sin, you're not God's child." ~ J. Vernon McGee


Apostasy & Eternal Security


Well-known member
Gays are born that way in all human populations and in all time. G-d has obviously purposed the universe that way. As for homosexuality being an 'abomination.' It is far more complex an issue than that and most here know it. We no longer accept the other 'abominations' mentioned in scripture as normative nor should we accept this one.


New member
Doesn't matter whether gays were born that way or not. What they do neither breaks my bones nor picks my pocket. There is no rational justification to place restrictions on them.

On the other hand, a bear is born to be aggressive and attack when it feels threatened. Because it was born that way, do you think I would just ignore it if one attacks me or my family? Heck no! I'd shoot it in the head to protect myself and my family if necessary. "Evil" has nothing to do with it.

you just called an entire minority evil.
If you are looking to condemn evil you might want to start with that


New member
What I am saying is "evil" is irrelevant. Either an action impacts innocent lives (in the case of a wild bear that attacks me or my family, or a rapist) or it doesn't (two homosexuals who engage in a relationship with each other).

if u can't see how sexual perversion, ie: going against God's natural laws, is evil... then i have nothing to say to you...


New member
Gays are born that way in all human populations and in all time. G-d has obviously purposed the universe that way. As for homosexuality being an 'abomination.' It is far more complex an issue than that and most here know it. We no longer accept the other 'abominations' mentioned in scripture as normative nor should we accept this one.

so God is out of his mind, eh?

Moron City
