Every day is a new circus.


like marbles on glass
Trump is building a chaos machine

Paul Waldman

For his 2020 reelection campaign, Trump is building an engine of chaos. That engine has the president at its head but will also rely on the efforts of his allies, the media outlets that have devoted themselves to his cause, and in all likelihood more help from abroad, especially the Russian government.

All these participants will try to convince voters that Trump has been an excellent president who deserves reelection, but alongside that straightforward attempt at persuasion will be a comprehensive and far-reaching effort to sow mayhem and madness across the entire political landscape so that lies swallow truth and nobody has any idea what to think.

That effort is just beginning to roll, but we can already see it at work in the political story of the moment.

Right now Trump is whipping up racist animosity against four Democratic congresswomen while simultaneously arguing that his attacks have nothing to do with race. When, for instance, he argues that he never spoke about them with the aid of talking points, though there are photographs of him holding the talking points, it’s hard not to think he’s trying to send the media chasing one bizarre lie after another, to drive us all mad.

Trump's tweets telling minority congresswomen to “go back” to their countries follows a history of racism and nativism. Voters will decide if this is effective. (Joshua Carroll, Kate Woodsome, Danielle Kunitz/The Washington Post)

He’s also fabricating and distorting quotes the congresswomen allegedly said, and those are being repeated and magnified on the news outlets that have devoted themselves to Trump’s service.

You know about Fox News, and you may know about the Sinclair Broadcast Group, a conservative company that requires many of its stations to air pro-Trump commentary. But there’s also the One America News Network, a more recent addition to the cable dial that is almost comically pro-Trump, which he has repeatedly promoted on Twitter.

Kevin Poulsen of the Daily Beast reports on this colorful aspect of OANN’s coverage:​

If the stories broadcast by the Trump-endorsed One America News Network sometimes look like outtakes from a Kremlin trolling operation, there may be a reason. One of the on-air reporters at the 24-hour network is a Russian national on the payroll of the Kremlin’s official propaganda outlet, Sputnik.

That’s right, a “reporter” who is literally on the Kremlin payroll works at a news network endorsed by Trump, where he airs stories alleging bizarre conspiracy theories, including one claiming that “Hillary Clinton is secretly bankrolling antifa through her political action committee.”

Now let’s step back for a moment. One of the things that emerged from the Mueller investigation was that the joint effort by the Russian government and the Trump campaign was not a “conspiracy” in the way the movies have taught us to think about it, a tightly choreographed and highly efficient operation. They both pursued the same goal, but in many ways it was haphazard and ad hoc, involving a lot of people of varying levels of knowledge and competence.

If anything, the 2020 Trump reelection effort will likely be even more randomly organized, a seething carbuncle of misinformation oozing out in all directions. Some of it will come directly from Trump himself, some will come from his campaign, some will come from the army of trolls and bots that Russia will likely employ on his behalf once again. At times it will seem formless and random, with no clear intent other than the creation of mass confusion and uncertainty.

Much of it will be directed at the Democratic nominee, whoever it is, a cloud of conspiracy theories and ludicrous allegations intended to follow them wherever they go. And while I’m sure the Trump campaign will be happy if it can create a new version of But Her Emails, a single unifying attack that the mainstream media enthusiastically amplify, the Trump campaign may be almost as happy just to create that cloud.

As of yet we’ve seen no evidence that either the Democratic Party or the media themselves have any idea how to to deal with that kind of campaign. They’re both still built for a more “normal” affair, in which the two sides offer biographical stories and policy arguments, and yes, there is deception and demagoguery from time to time, but it’s kept within reasonable limits and we’re able to maintain something resembling an agreement on what’s true and what isn’t.

Now imagine it’s October of 2020. Every day, Trump comes out with some preposterous new lie about the Democratic nominee, making up things they supposedly said and did. As soon as he does so, the lies are pushed through every arm of the conservative media and repeated by Republican politicians. And while news organizations are dutifully writing their factual rebuttals, Trump debuts another, even more preposterous lie a day later.

Meanwhile, voters’ social media feeds are inundated with fake organizations and fake people offering a dizzying array of misinformation, leaving them stumbling from one supposed blockbuster revelation to the next and utterly unable to figure out what is real. The whole thing begins to take on a feeling of madness, where the only safe harbor lies is in the tribe that offers you belonging and the conviction that the people you hate are even worse than you thought.

That’s what’s coming. And it hasn’t even begun.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Trump is building a chaos machine

Paul Waldman
For his 2020 reelection campaign, Trump is building an engine of chaos. That engine has the president at its head but will also rely on the efforts of his allies, the media outlets that have devoted themselves to his cause, and in all likelihood more help from abroad, especially the Russian government.

All these participants will try to convince voters that Trump has been an excellent president who deserves reelection, but alongside that straightforward attempt at persuasion will be a comprehensive and far-reaching effort to sow mayhem and madness across the entire political landscape so that lies swallow truth and nobody has any idea what to think.

That effort is just beginning to roll, but we can already see it at work in the political story of the moment.

Right now Trump is whipping up racist animosity against four Democratic congresswomen while simultaneously arguing that his attacks have nothing to do with race. When, for instance, he argues that he never spoke about them with the aid of talking points, though there are photographs of him holding the talking points, it’s hard not to think he’s trying to send the media chasing one bizarre lie after another, to drive us all mad.

Trump's tweets telling minority congresswomen to “go back” to their countries follows a history of racism and nativism. Voters will decide if this is effective. (Joshua Carroll, Kate Woodsome, Danielle Kunitz/The Washington Post)

He’s also fabricating and distorting quotes the congresswomen allegedly said, and those are being repeated and magnified on the news outlets that have devoted themselves to Trump’s service.

You know about Fox News, and you may know about the Sinclair Broadcast Group, a conservative company that requires many of its stations to air pro-Trump commentary. But there’s also the One America News Network, a more recent addition to the cable dial that is almost comically pro-Trump, which he has repeatedly promoted on Twitter.

Kevin Poulsen of the Daily Beast reports on this colorful aspect of OANN’s coverage:​

If the stories broadcast by the Trump-endorsed One America News Network sometimes look like outtakes from a Kremlin trolling operation, there may be a reason. One of the on-air reporters at the 24-hour network is a Russian national on the payroll of the Kremlin’s official propaganda outlet, Sputnik.

That’s right, a “reporter” who is literally on the Kremlin payroll works at a news network endorsed by Trump, where he airs stories alleging bizarre conspiracy theories, including one claiming that “Hillary Clinton is secretly bankrolling antifa through her political action committee.”

Now let’s step back for a moment. One of the things that emerged from the Mueller investigation was that the joint effort by the Russian government and the Trump campaign was not a “conspiracy” in the way the movies have taught us to think about it, a tightly choreographed and highly efficient operation. They both pursued the same goal, but in many ways it was haphazard and ad hoc, involving a lot of people of varying levels of knowledge and competence.

If anything, the 2020 Trump reelection effort will likely be even more randomly organized, a seething carbuncle of misinformation oozing out in all directions. Some of it will come directly from Trump himself, some will come from his campaign, some will come from the army of trolls and bots that Russia will likely employ on his behalf once again. At times it will seem formless and random, with no clear intent other than the creation of mass confusion and uncertainty.

Much of it will be directed at the Democratic nominee, whoever it is, a cloud of conspiracy theories and ludicrous allegations intended to follow them wherever they go. And while I’m sure the Trump campaign will be happy if it can create a new version of But Her Emails, a single unifying attack that the mainstream media enthusiastically amplify, the Trump campaign may be almost as happy just to create that cloud.

As of yet we’ve seen no evidence that either the Democratic Party or the media themselves have any idea how to to deal with that kind of campaign. They’re both still built for a more “normal” affair, in which the two sides offer biographical stories and policy arguments, and yes, there is deception and demagoguery from time to time, but it’s kept within reasonable limits and we’re able to maintain something resembling an agreement on what’s true and what isn’t.

Now imagine it’s October of 2020. Every day, Trump comes out with some preposterous new lie about the Democratic nominee, making up things they supposedly said and did. As soon as he does so, the lies are pushed through every arm of the conservative media and repeated by Republican politicians. And while news organizations are dutifully writing their factual rebuttals, Trump debuts another, even more preposterous lie a day later.

Meanwhile, voters’ social media feeds are inundated with fake organizations and fake people offering a dizzying array of misinformation, leaving them stumbling from one supposed blockbuster revelation to the next and utterly unable to figure out what is real. The whole thing begins to take on a feeling of madness, where the only safe harbor lies is in the tribe that offers you belonging and the conviction that the people you hate are even worse than you thought.

That’s what’s coming. And it hasn’t even begun.

Every time you think you see the bottom with that bunch it drops out again.


like marbles on glass
"45 is a puppet," cash, golf clubs, two-headed (e.g. Russian Fed.) eagle... :chuckle:


It was not immediately clear for how long the altered seal appeared on the screen during Trump's nearly 80-minute address to the crowd of mostly high school students at the Marriott Marquis.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Hilarious! :darwinsm:

Almost as funny as your fake news story of the dead 16 year old:thumb:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The more you know...the more you realize how little they care.

Good post!


like marbles on glass
Three-ring circus crazy. (The "13 scumbags" refers to the 13 Republicans who rebuked Trump over his border wall national emergency:)

No doubt the globalist communist Deep-State has real dirt on these 13 scumbag RINOs, and calling in the chips. Remember, we have it all. Trump and his NSA have the same dirt on these RINOs, and probably much much more. Stay tuned as Trump calls in his dozens ahead 4D chess chips.


like marbles on glass
So we're not pretending to care about brown kids suffering today?

So you're continuing to use the plight of immigrant children (that you don't actually care about) to troll a thread that wasn't created for the border crisis, while being aware that my thread for that purpose was closed by a mod? Do you ever get tired of your own schtick?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So that's a no then

As in "no, I'm tired of pretending I care about brown kids suffering, and here's a bunch of excuses" :thumb:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No, that's fine - I'm glad you're not pretending to care for abused brown children anymore


like marbles on glass
told you all earlier Lon - nobody cares about the children, anna least of all - they're only a convenient tool with which to attack trump

like i said, @Lon, nobody cares about the children, least of all anna

i thought you were pretending to care about the children

so you're not pretending to care about the children any more?

Meanwhile, do we have any reason to believe that Anna really cares about the children in the news, other than as a reason to feed her irrational hatred of trump?

Weren't you consumed with concern for those poor poor abused children at the border?

So we're not pretending to care about brown kids suffering today?

So that's a no then

As in "no, I'm tired of pretending I care about brown kids suffering, and here's a bunch of excuses" :thumb:

No, that's fine - I'm glad you're not pretending to care for abused brown children anymore

I'll just start a running tally for you, so you can keep track of how often you spam the thread with useless posts.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So another day with no progress on the impeachment front, another day with no leftists pretending to be outraged at the plight of the poor poor brown children at the border

Poor poor leftist clowns, so ineffective, so transparent :(