I imagine you were angry way before that?
How can you distinguish it from your willingness to imagine it?
This thread is an "I hate Trump" thread.
I don't agree. I find it a thread dedicated to exposing the dangerous and absurd side of both the politician and too many who defend him. Given that it's bound to be uneven and, now and again, excessive. But that's the nature of political rhetoric.
I didn't vote for the man.
Me either.
The man's lifestyle is or at least had been repugnant. Can a leopard change its spots? No. But God can recreate a leopard.
How many leopards have you ever stopped to pet, with that philosophy in mind? I'd suspect the answer to be, "None, without good reason to believe in the domestication." And that would be reasonable as well.
"Has He? In God's hands, and so I pray."
Pharaoh was in God's hands too.
Partaking in the bashing? Our country is already ripped apart. This thread doesn't help.
I think the worst thing we can do is leave the public square to his celebrators, defenders, or those disinclined to take a harder look and line. And I'd say few things are more American or productive use of the square than speaking truth to power.
Prayer IS a good thing. Until then? "We wrestle NOT with flesh and blood." I think your good efforts are incredibly needed elsewhere and this isn't it.
I'd say we should follow our conscience as we are compelled to and do what good we may in whatever way we might as God gives us the light to see it by.
Sometimes, a flood is just 'more than can be handled.
Those times we usually don't couple the description with criminal, sick, and illiterate. Or, sometimes a metaphor is chosen for a harder reason, especially by a trained and seasoned writer/speaker.
You WERE angry before ever reading his post, Town.
Rather, some things offend me. Suffering, injustice, bigotry. When I find a root for the growth of those things in the conduct and/or policy of a man elected to be our voice I am offended. When someone gives aid and comfort to that man or that sort of policy the offense against both reason and virtue compels me to object.
I don't think your angst is metaphor at this point.
Well, I don't believe in literal horsewhipping, but the metaphorical fits the rhetorical crime.
You can't let that horse out of the corral and say you didn't mean it afterwards.
I have not in any sense suggested that I didn't mean what I wrote, though I take exception to how you insist I wrote it.
You are indeed very angry and likely saying things you'll be sorry for later?
I didn't think he was disparaging anybody.
When you only speak of immigrants as criminals, sick, illiterate, when that's the single face you point toward your readers while comparing them to a flood ready to ruin our financial future that's about all you're doing.
Are you mad that we don't give all our money to the poor and surrender our bodies to the flames?
I'm concerned that we too often turn away from the good we might do for reasons that are less than virtuous.
You scare me. Aaron and Miriam turned leprous for speaking against Moses, God's servant.
Jesus had no problem in shredding the religious leaders of Israel, in public, when they followed a wrong course that misled others to their detriment. And when the fate and well being of his children is impacted by misconduct from the clergy, I feel morally compelled to speak to it.
Can you find a thread on Obama that was this bad?
Obama pressed for agenda that allowed children to be raped in Target stores across the nation
Isn't that like saying Las Vegas, Parkland, etc. is the responsibility of the NRA? Their opposition to reasoned gun law made those and other mass shootings not only possible, but more likely. Or do we blame the individual for evil intent and action and try to shape policy that deters it?
It does genuinely give me some hope, that Trump at least seems to listen and keep his promises. I've no idea where all of this will go, but I do think 'prayer' is incredibly better than 'bash.' I also believe you've been uncommonly hard on Dr. James Dobson. -Lon
On the president...I'll pray for his guidance and deliverance from evil thoughts and ways. And I'll pray for a quick deliverance for the nation from his hands in the meantime.
On Dobson, so far as this point and issue, I've said what I think about what I quoted him saying and have no reason to alter any of it.