Every day is a new circus.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Why? Is Soros that might smarter than trump? Well, probably.

undoubtedly, although they're both obviously sporting relatively high IQs

trump's is estimated by non-partisan experts to be in the top 75th %ile

but it's not his intelligence that makes it unlikely that he could engineer something like this

it's his impulsivity

it seems unlikely that he would be capable of keeping it a secret

The real issue is that trump is a lying racist mysoginist.

not to me :idunno:

And yes he does use his $ and power, but solely for his benefit

so what?

If you think otherwise

i don't think otherwise

i just don't care
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undoubtedly, although they're both obviously sporting relatively high IQs

trump's is estimated by non-partisan experts to be in the top 75th %ile

but it's not his intelligence that makes it unlikely that he could engineer something like this

it's his impulsivity

it seems unlikely that he would be capable of keeping it a secret

not to me :idunno:

so what?

i don't think otherwise

i just don't care

If trump worked for you, you would fire him.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If trump worked for you, you would fire him.

it would depend on what I had hired him to do.

if i had hired him to be a paragon of virtue, then yes, i would fire him

if i had hired him to be appealing to the left, then yes, i would fire him

but i didn't

i hired him to make america great again, to pack the supreme court with conservative judges who will criminalize abortion and to deal with the border control mess left by the last idiot to hold the job

so far he's doing well with the jobs i hired him to do

as a bonus, he's delivered on a job I wasn't expecting, one at which he excels

that, of course, is the job of driving the left absolutely insane :thumb:

remember, he isn't even through his second year of office yet

and six more to go after that :banana:
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The Barbarian

I don't know of any tribe that accepts members based on a 1/1024 blood share

Probably why she never claimed to be a member of a tribe. She merely said her parents told her she had an Indian ancestor. Trump denied it and offered money if she could prove it.

She proved it. Trump backed out of his wager. It's the way he operates. Who was dumb enough to really expect him to pay up?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Probably why she never claimed to be a member of a tribe. She merely said her parents told her she had an Indian ancestor. Trump denied it and offered money if she could prove it.

well, let's take a look at the wager offered by trump:
“I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test and it shows you’re an Indian,” Trump said.

She proved it.

yes, she proved something other than what the wager was for

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What were the actual percentages of the Warren test showing native American Indian genetics? If it is as minute as some have been saying in the media, does that really mean one can honestly identify oneself as native American Indian?

I have read that some tribes require a minimum of 1/16 degree of blood for tribal enrollment, while the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ Higher Education Grant expects you to have the minimum of ¼ Native American blood percentages. See here. I do not know the accuracy of the data at that site.


how dare you use reason and rationality to examine what's supposed to be a trump bashing free for all

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Probably why she never claimed to be a member of a tribe.

This might be the nugget around the whole matter.

I have been speaking to these "her claims" that were found out. That they were discovered by groups with nefarious agendas is not really at issue for me. Rather I am trying to understand the motive(s) underlying the self-identification claim in the first place, especially when she goes to the length of checking a racial group box in a legal directory. I do not know the factuality of that event, but if it is true, and I assumed it to be so, I am wondering, aloud here, what is reason behind this action? I do think it bears some scrutiny as it seems to be at the root of the brouhaha that has resulted.

The action may very well have been with the best or sentimental intentions, "This one's for you, Grandma." I do not know.


This crossed my desk this morning:

Warren even submitted recipes to an American Indian cookbook called “Pow Wow Chow,” which was released in 1984 by the Five Civilized Tribes Museum in Muskogee, Oklahoma. She signed her entries “Elizabeth Warren — Cherokee.”

While trying to run this down to verify, came across this:

I suspect that will start to resurface in this ongoing debacle.


The Barbarian

(Barbarian notes that Trump was criticizing Warren for claiming to have had an Indian ancestor. Even offered to pay money if it could be substantiated)

So then when a genetic test proved it, he quickly dodged and changed the story to "she said she was a member of the tribe."

It's what we expect from Trump.

how dare you use reason and rationality to examine what's supposed to be a trump bashing free for all

He brought that one on himself. Meantime, do us a favor and substantiate the rumors being peddled here.

The Barbarian

a quote from trump?

Trump said he would give $1 million to charity if Elizabeth Warren took a DNA test. Now she wants him to pay up

Three months ago, President Donald Trump offered to donate $1 million to charity if Elizabeth Warren, one of his potential 2020 rivals, took a DNA test proving her Native American heritage.

Now Warren wants the president to pay up.

The president does not appear to be in a hurry. Asked about the results of the DNA test Monday morning, Trump told reporters: "Who cares?"

Trump told reporters later Monday afternoon that his bet only applied if Warren won the Democratic nomination.

"I'll only do it if I can test her personally," the president added. "That will not be something I will enjoy."


The Barbarian

And here we go...

While investigating if Russia colluded with the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team have obtained a mysterious “nude selfie.”

At least that’s according to a court filing by Concord Management and Consulting, an alleged Russian state-controlled troll farm which has been indicted as part of the investigation.

In their motion, Concord Management claim Mueller and his team are unlawfully keeping “millions of pages” of evidence – including the lewd photo – as part of the discovery process.

Mueller is arguing the evidence should only be shared with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia regarding “because the additional information is classified for reasons of national security.”

In his discovery filing, Concord Management lawyer Eric Dubelier had a response to that notion. “Could the manner in which he collected a nude selfie really threaten the national security of the United States?” he asked.

It’s not clear where the alleged nude picture came from, who had taken it, or who it depicts. However, based on the language used by both parties, it may be of someone in a top office.

Concord Management is accused of conspiring against the U.S. by using fake social media trolls to “sow discord” in the country during the election process.


So maybe Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? If so, I can understand why they'd be reluctant to release it. Tens of millions of scorched eyeballs...