The harder "ClimateSanity" and "ok dossier" try to justify their position that
"a certain demographic we're saddled with - one that has a propensity for violence and mayhem, which tend to drastically reduce life expectancy" is not the only reason why America ranks 33 nations behind her Canadian neighbour in terms of life expectancy, the more it brings into question as to why the Trump Administration has effectively ignored these problems!
- in order to form a more perfect union
- establish justice
- insure domestic tranquillity
- promote the general welfare
- secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity
The Introduction to he US Constitution provides a concise rationale as to why 13 former colonies should unite into a republic, and although never expressly stated, preserving and extending the life expectancy of its citizens would appear to be a fundamental goal of every democratic government and nation.
One would expect that any Administration would recognize its unique position and responsibility to actively ensure that the life expectancy of its all citizens be relatively equal - irrespective of their race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and/or state in which they residence within the republic.
Unfortunately, Americans are "saddled" with a President who is oblivious to these problems and obsesses about such "life and death" issues as NFL players who have the audacity to exercise their 1st Amendment Rights by choosing to kneel during the National Anthem