Every day is a new circus.


New member
Using the same level of logic one could also conclude that voting "Republican" is detrimental to a state's economic success and one's life expectancy!

Look at Minnesota and Maryland on that list. Which state has the highest concentration of poor inner city black violence? Answer:. Maryland. Minnesota is 2 and Maryland is 26.

As for your point the lower life expectancy states tend Republican, correlation is hardly ever untainted by other factors. Instead of republicanism causing low life expectancy, the lifestyle factors that produce low life expectancy correlates highly with the mind set that tends to vote Republican.


New member
it's certainly a contributing factor, probably a major factor

you talk about the longevity stats for the US as a whole

take a look at the expected lifespan of a black male born today:


And those results are most likely caused by high homicide rates.


New member

"Enquiring minds" might wonder as to why this President is so concerned when NFL players kneel during the National Anthem while effectively ignoring the plight of millions of "black" US citizens who are condemned to premature deaths?

Could it be that he only intends is to be President to his core constituency, effectively turning his Administration's back on the majority of American citizens outside that select group?

How is he ignoring the plight of black american citizens? Most unarmed ones are not killed by cops ; they are killed by each other. The kneeling is specifically about perceived unjust police killing.


He never said it was the main cause. It is however a significant part of the reason we are ranked 45th.

Death in young folks is part of how the people who publish the life expectancy stat calulate that stat. I don't know how much it is weighted in their equation but if weighted highly enough, the homicide rate among America's inner city blacks could account for a very high percentage in the 3 point difference between America and Canada. Even if we did not have that issue, our life expectancy would still be lower due to bad health choices like smoking and bad diet and sedentary living.

Canada has the benefit of not having a certain demographic we're saddled with - one that has a propensity for violence and mayhem, which tend to drastically reduce life expectancy

see: chicago

who's killing whom in chicago?

answer: blacks are killing blacks in chicago

that's a statement of truth that involves race

i don't believe there's any way to convince you (or the bananahead) that that doesn't automatically make it racist

because it doesn't have ghettos full of violent fatherless young black men

exactly - and windsor's population is 4.9% black

guess what detroit is?


go ahead - bury your head in the sand
Perhaps"ClimateSanity" should read the relevant posts and then inform us as to what were the other "main causes" that "ok dossier" was prepared to suggest, other than "a certain demographic we're saddled with - one that has a propensity for violence and mayhem, which tend to drastically reduce life expectancy!"
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New member
Perhaps"ClimateSanity" should reread the relevant posts and inform us as to what were the other "main causes" that "ok dossier" was prepared to suggest, in addition to "a certain demographic we're saddled with - one that has a propensity for violence and mayhem, which tend to drastically reduce life expectancy!"

His focus was on young black male violence. Did he say it was the only cause? He is highlighting it because you seem to want to pretend it's effect is trivial. I can only assume that is out of fear your virtue signalling friends will see you as racist if you acknowledge this fact.




The harder "ClimateSanity" and "ok dossier" try to justify their position that "a certain demographic we're saddled with - one that has a propensity for violence and mayhem, which tend to drastically reduce life expectancy" is not the only reason why America ranks 33 nations behind her Canadian neighbour in terms of life expectancy, the more it brings into question as to why the Trump Administration has effectively ignored these problems!

- in order to form a more perfect union

- establish justice

- insure domestic tranquillity

- promote the general welfare

- secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity

The Introduction to he US Constitution provides a concise rationale as to why 13 former colonies should unite into a republic, and although never expressly stated, preserving and extending the life expectancy of its citizens would appear to be a fundamental goal of every democratic government and nation.

One would expect that any Administration would recognize its unique position and responsibility to actively ensure that the life expectancy of its all citizens be relatively equal - irrespective of their race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and/or state in which they residence within the republic.

Unfortunately, Americans are "saddled" with a President who is oblivious to these problems and obsesses about such "life and death" issues as NFL players who have the audacity to exercise their 1st Amendment Rights by choosing to kneel during the National Anthem
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Perhaps"ClimateSanity" should read the relevant posts and then inform us as to what were the other "main causes" that "ok dossier" was prepared to suggest, other than "a certain demographic we're saddled with - one that has a propensity for violence and mayhem, which tend to drastically reduce life expectancy!"

in a comparison of canada and the US, that one seems to loom most prominently

as you learned in the comparison of Detroit and Windsor

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... why the Trump Administration has effectively ignored these problems!

maybe he figgers that if the retarded left let bammy get away with doing nothing about it for eight years, why should he be fussed? :idunno:

that's my guess - what's yours?


New member
Perhaps"ClimateSanity" should read the relevant posts and then inform us as to what were the other "main causes" that "ok dossier" was prepared to suggest, other than "a certain demographic we're saddled with - one that has a propensity for violence and mayhem, which tend to drastically reduce life expectancy!"


You put quotes around my name.

Is this your stance? ......

Anyone who doesn't believe the majority of the temperature increase in the last 120 years is primarily due to man-made emissions of carbon dioxide is stupid, antiscience, insane....fill in the blanks????



You put quotes around my name.

Is this your stance? ......

Anyone who doesn't believe the majority of the temperature increase in the last 120 years is primarily due to man-made emissions of carbon dioxide is stupid, antiscience, insane....fill in the blanks????
Had "ClimateSanity" taken the time, he/she would have noticed that "ok dossier" was also placed in quotation marks - does that make me "stupid, antiscience, insane....fill in the blanks" when it comes to "dossiers!"
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like marbles on glass
Miami Herald throws support behind Republican who says she was abducted by aliens

The Miami Herald has endorsed a Republican candidate running for Congress in Florida’s 27th District that says she was abducted by aliens when she was 7-years-old.

“Last year, she told the Miami Herald — and several Spanish-language media outlets — that she believes in extra-terrestrials,” the endorsement stated. “She says when she was 7, she was taken aboard a spaceship and, throughout her life, she has communicated telepathically with the beings, which remind her of the concrete Christ in Brazil.”



like marbles on glass
FEC Finds Ted Cruz Guilty Of Violating U.S. Election Law

The Federal Election Commission has issued a rare unanimous decision against Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). The agency has found that Cruz violated federal election law in his campaign for Senate in 2012.

The FEC determined that Cruz improperly handled $1.1 million in campaign loans from Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. The Senator claimed it was his own money that fueled his campaign, and not that of either investment bank.

Federal election law allows candidates to provide an unlimited number of their own resources to their campaigns when properly disclosed. During a rather tough re-election battle, Cruz boasted that his commitment led him to liquidate his personal assets to fund his campaign.
Auditors examining Cruz’s accounts found his personal contribution far exceeded the value of the assets he had sold.

Cruz put about $300,000 of his own money into the campaign and then concealed bank loans of more than $1 million.
A spokesperson for the Cruz campaign dismissed the crimes as an “inadvertent” mistake.