Barbarian, you've got to read Unholy. This article parallels the track of the book so closely that I expected the article to make some reference to it. Unholy goes through the extensive framework set in place in the 80s for someone such as Trump to come along. I had no idea how much televangelism tied into all of this, I knew of the Paula Whites and such but I never watch, listen to or read any of them so I didn't know the extent of the entanglements. And how the religious right power brokers have been working in Washington for decades - again, for the moment. McConnel's packing of the courts was part of the long game, many years in the planning. And in the process they literally sold their souls. The religious right wanted a strongman to cement their religious agenda in the halls of power, and when I told you the other day that Barr is part of that long game I'm not sure you believed me. The Christian right is also the Christian white. The history of the past decades shows it unmistakably, and explains how Putin's 'Holy Mother Russia' goes hand in glove (white, Christian, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBT, authoritarian). I could never understand how the Cold War right ended up sighing over a shirtless Putin. There's a strain of ultra-traditional Catholics (often if not usually monarchists) who follow the same hard line and throw in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories to boot. That last part I know from my own experiences with them.
Anyway, thanks for this article, I've saved it for my research. I've already loaned Unholy to someone and I hope I get it back, I've got a list of names and orgs I want to research just for my own information and understanding.
But really, you should read that book.