England, as a free nation, is gone and here's why


Well-known member

Aloha Magasukahs lol

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Is that a shark out there.....? :red:



Well-known member
:plain: Lucky you. America is on the decline.

We all live with ups and downs.

We do have some downs here just now, to do with anybody's powers to detain criminals, but nobody has taken notice just yet. And our young couples are finding it very hard to reach out and buy their own homes, it's almost a 'kids or home' choice for many.

But on the whole it's a great place to live, and many people would jump at the chance to come here.


Well, you must have led a pretty pain free life then.


Yes you’ve been suffering a great deal as the result of God’s judgement upon England’s antisemitism. It’s ironic that England who stabbed the Jews in the back now are being overrun by Muslims. Praise God, vengeance belongs to Him. Have fun.

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Well-known member
Yes you’ve been suffering a great deal as the result of God’s judgement upon England’s antisemitism.
How exactly has God's judgement brought bad tidings to the UK?
And how exactly has the UK shown general antisemitism? How?

It’s ironic that England who stabbed the Jews in the back now are being overrun by Muslims. Praise God, vengeance belongs to Him. Have fun.
Are you referring to the 1930's, when the UK did not receive as many Jews as it could have done?
We have had a Muslim population here for over 100 years, and our ships at Trafalgar were crewed by many African folks, as clearly shown in the cast bronzes at the base of Nelson's column. We have been a cosmopolitan society for hundreds of years........
And we welcome all religions, creeds, races and colours here.... no probs with that.


Well-known member
Did they execute the rapists yet?

No. England hasn't executed their rulers since Charles I.

This is funny because it is true. Like the saying goes, if you want to find out who really rules over you, just identify who you are not allowed to criticize. In England, the identity of the new rulers is now obvious to the whole world.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
This is funny because it is true. Like the saying goes, if you want to find out who really rules over you, just identify who you are not allowed to criticize. In England, the identity of the new rulers is now obvious to the whole world.

Tin foil hat man strikes again.

You've embarrassed yourself enough on this thread already haven't you?

Hint: Do some research where it comes to the likes of far right cranks before you post threads about them. Even your president reluctantly retracted his gaffe where it came to the clowns at "Britain First"...

The Barbarian

London’s murder rate just surpassed New York City. Good work mayor hijab

Well, let's take a look...

Nope. It isn't. In fact, New York currently has a rate about 3 times that of London. Did you actually believe that London's rate was higher than New York City's rate?