End of Roe Vs Wade?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Indeed, it does. It's not a blank check.

It gives the federal government very limited powers which it has long since overrun and abused.
Show me the explicit or interpreted limitation on provision of government services like curbside litter collection, schools, road building and maintenance, etc.?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Federal government or local government?
Federal. Let's say someone's arrested for a crime, is it Constitutional to provide him with government-subsidized legal representation? Is it Constitutional for the federal government to provide this government service, to this arrested person? Free legal care?

I know the answer.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

This is all part of the extreme left's plan - to tear it all down, to burn it all down, to raze it to the ground and scrape it all away.

Only then can they "build back better" with their socialist Utopia.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The most evil person in the country arguing for full term abortion up to the point of delivery



Well-known member
The most evil person in the country arguing for full term abortion up to the point of delivery

The leftist barbarian sociopath: I don't give a rat's bohind what God or the law says, if I want to kill my babies that is my decision and I challenge anyone to try to force me to keep the disgusting thing if I don't want to.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Isn't she past childbearing age now anyways?

I always used to throw that back in the face of the hardcore feminist when they would counter my rational arguments with the emotional response of "no uterus, no opinion", to which I would reply "then the same is true for those of you who can't get pregnant".

Turns out that some of the most virulent hardcore feminists are postmenopausal, and once they admitted that I would refuse to respond to them except to remind them that their opinion was without value since it didn't affect them.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
"Yale Law Students Call for Ostracizing Conservative Classmates"

I left in the Yale part, and I left in the Law part, because these are objectively some of our whole entire world's best educated "Students".

Rhetorically I believe it's a mistake for Republicans to ever use the word conservative, unless it's not about Republicans and the Republican ideology. These students aren't calling for ostracizing any sort of "wax nose" like "conservatives", they are calling for ostracizing Republicans.

So therefore obviously these Yale Law Students are just Democrats. So therefore, this isn't even a headline. Of course Democrats are electioneering, so of course they're targeting Republicans, this isn't even news at all, almost.

Of course Democrats and Republicans fight like cats and dogs.
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Well-known member
"Yale Law Students Call for Ostracizing Conservative Classmates"

I left in the Yale part, and I left in the Law part, because these are objectively some of our whole entire world's best educated "Students".

Rhetorically I believe it's a mistake for Republicans to ever use the word conservative, unless it's not about Republicans and the Republican ideology. These students aren't calling for ostracizing any sort of "wax nose" like "conservatives", they are calling for ostracizing Republicans.

So therefore obviously these Yale Law Students are just Democrats. So therefore, this isn't even a headline. Of course Democrats are electioneering, so of course they're targeting Republicans, this isn't even news at all, almost.

Of course Democrats and Republicans fight like cats and dogs.
Yale graduates have high hopes of getting plum lifetime jobs with the Federal Department of Homeland Democrat Propaganda Enforcement.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Seeking To Clarify Post-Roe Landscape, Sen. Scott Asks, “When Do You Believe Life Begins?”​

U.S. Sen. Rick Scott took on the pro-abortion activists clamoring about the seemingly pending doom of Roe v. Wade. Scott appeared to take a page from the book of the “What is a woman?” activists challenging gender ideology.

Writing in The Wall Street Journal earlier this week, Scott asked of Democrats, “When do you believe life begins?”

The Florida Republican noted that the GOP position on abortion is that life begins at conception, a conclusion” grounded in faith and values, but also in science.”

While Democrats and other pro-abortion activists recently have claimed that as many as two-thirds of Americans want Roe to remain intact, Scott countered that other polls show 73 percent of voters “agree that an unborn baby is a human being.”

“So that raises the question: When do Democrats believe life begins? At conception? At viability? At birth? After birth?” Scott asked.

The answer: “They won’t say.”

“Even more disconcerting,” the senator added, “reporters won’t ask them.”

“It’s a dereliction of duty by the mainstream media not to push the question, and it’s an abdication of their responsibility to inform the American people and spur legitimate debate,” Scott continued. “Democrats have come out as the abortion extremists we’ve always known they are. They’ve staked out a position that is simply outside the mainstream of where average American voters are.”

That position includes advocating for the protection of legalized abortion up until after the “moment of birth,” Scott wrote.
