Election meddling is an attack worth starting a war

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Another example of Town ignoring what he's been clearly told.

Else, and more: Town's frazzled.
That's Stripe doing his usual declaration in lieu of rational advance. It's part of his final word issue and attempt to bury what he can't rebut.

Speaking of which:

Else, and for anyone coming in late, here's a post where I note most of Stripe's problems in advancing his position. It's worth a look, because he's going to do his best to find any way to bury and avoid it.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
For example: We get seismic data from across the nation, pick stations that demonstrate coherence, search the waveforms for similar events, analyze the events. Heck, we can even make the data draw little pictures of the ground beneath is if we want.

But Town's got an agenda he can't let go of no matter how far in it drags him.

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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Speaking of which.

You can tell when Town is flustered, his referencing gets all out of whack.

Speaking off which, his usual declaration in lieu of rational advance. It's part of his final-word issue and attempt to bury what he can't rebut.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
For example: We get seismic data from across the nation, pick stations that demonstrate coherence, search the waveforms for similar events, analyze the events. Heck, we can even make the data draw little pictures of the ground beneath is if we want.

But Town's got an agenda he can't let go of no matter how far in it drags him.
My only agenda is in not allowing you to try the bury/bully tactic you use just about anywhere you post. It's worse than lazy thinking because you're smart enough to know what you're doing. I don't fault CS for not having what you waste, a decent education.

Anyway, I don't know anything about seismology or how they use their data so I can't comment on it.

What I can and have commented on is the problematic nature of trying to draw a conclusion from an anecdote. It's faulty logic and bad methodology.

Else, and for anyone coming in late, here's a post where I note most of Stripe's problems in advancing his position. It's worth a look, because he's going to do his best to find any way to bury and avoid it.


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Gold Subscriber
You can tell when Town is flustered, his referencing gets all out of whack.

Showing off which, his usual declaration in lieu of rational advance. It's part of his final-word issue and attempt to bury what he can't rebut.

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I'm just sitting here wondering if this thread will ever get back to the topic it's supposed to have...

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You can tell when Town is flustered, his referencing gets all out of whack.
That's Stripe altering my post and not actually supporting his claim with anything.

Showing off which, his usual declaration in lieu of rational advance. It's part of his final-word issue and attempt to bury what he can't rebut.
That's Stripe parroting my form. Another peculiar habit of his and a way at trying to get out of what he so clearly is up to, which is sort of endearing.
Oh, you poor, little man. :darwinsm:

You do realize, nobody is reading this, right?
What is this thread about? Donaldtrump bashing?

Here it is: Else, and for anyone coming in late, here's a post where I note most of Stripe's problems in advancing his position. It's worth a look, because he's going to do his best to find any way to bury and avoid it.

If you read that you'll understand he's a paper tiger. I know it, you should know it, and his habit tells me that he does too.

That'll do. :e4e:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Remember, the only one who has advanced a logical fallacy is Town, who compared the presentation of a simple story to flat-Earth and UFO theorists.

A classic example of poisoning the well.

Also a good chance to expose that the dimwit doesn't have a clue what he's talking about when it comes to statistics. :chuckle:

Wait. I'm sure I've got a link to a post somewhere here...

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Huh, you calling TH a "dimwit" is downright hysterical. He's schooled you all ends up just as he did when you were dim enough to start a thread about law and betrayed a lack of even a layman's understanding of the basics.

About the only thing missing from your predictable MO of "response" is the oh so funny:

"Who are you?"


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Is anybody interested in discussing Election meddling and whether it is an attack worth starting a war?

or for that matter, is anybody interested in mocking those who think that Election meddling is an attack worth starting a war?


Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
Is anybody interested in discussing Election meddling

I think it's a moot argument to make.

Lotteries for choosing a King (and then hereditary monarchy) is the way to go.

and whether it is an attack worth starting a war?

As above, I think it's pointless to argue about the cause and effect of something that is inherently a bad idea.

or for that matter, is anybody interested in mocking those who think that Election meddling is an attack worth starting a war?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
We spend millions of dollars and years fretting about which group of people is going to be in charge for the next few years. And it makes little difference which party wins; things tend to go the same way.

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
bread and circuses, baby

keep the attention of the masses focused elsewhere while the real business of empire goes on :banana:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and your estimate is off by a few orders of magnitude:

google said:
The final price tag for the 2016 election is in: $6.5 billion for the presidential and congressional elections combined, according to campaign finance watchdog OpenSecrets.org. The presidential contest — primaries and all — accounts for $2.4 billion of that total. The other $4 billion or so went to congressional races