Well-known member
:nono: My city makes 'ugly' trying to save a buck (they are doing a little better). Buildings are works of marvel. I suppose the budget conscious business ownerisn't as concerned with aesthetics as functionality, but that is hardly 'mediocre.' :nono:
YOU make creative things. I'm surprised your entitlement trumps your craft Is everybody 'entitled to your lawn work, regardless of ability to pay? Or is it fine just to make them for family? When would such 'stop?' In a communist country you might not be able to do that for even family. In a communistic country, if you have something 'better' than another, they can take it away. We are heading that direction and the brakes must be applied. I don't want communism. You should be able to have a nicer car than I drive. Your mom should have your lawn creation without me or anybody being able to take it away. That would be 'wrong' and 'unlawful' even if a law in existence supported it. That is really what is happening in America, wrong laws are being allowed to be applied, pushed through the courts, serving minority special interest groups, against most of America. Doing so means, necessarily, the majority will eventually have to disappear and some weird cliques will be all that is left here. It would get worse and there'd no longer be a 'united' States. It is destroying our own laws and Constitution. We will cease/are ceasing to be that kind of country. We used to force a level of conformity "United." It was a good thing, regardless of minority complaint. Minorities don't have to live here. The rest of us (majority) have no place else to go.
We have no idea what this barber shop "story" is really about because the writer didn't bother to give us the pertinent facts. But, generally, businesses are able to "discriminate" to the degree that doing so is essential to the product or service being offered. A ladies health spa, for example, would not allow men men inside, and would not be expected to, because the services being provided require the exclusion of men. And I would think this particular barber shop could successfully defend itself on a similar basis.
As to your bizarre mental flight off into some horrible homogenization of America due to the general public's support of gender equality, I think you've come completely unhinged. The homogenization of America and the "mediocrity" it engenders has almost nothing to do with equal rights, and almost everything to do with corporate greed. Ever since McDonalds discovered that making every store and every item in it exactly the same no matter where on Earth they are, sells product, every other big corporate chain has done the same. Because they don't care how ugly and mediocre their stores are, they only care that we buy lots of their product. Because they care only about the money, and nothing else.
This has nothing whatever to do with equal rights or gender equality. Nor does it have anything to do with communism, which you wrongly think is totalitarian economic fascism. Nor does any of this have anything to do with the things I make, or who I sell them to.
So I really have no idea what you're talking about, and it doesn't appear to me that you do either. Has it been an especially trying day, and you're just too tired to make sense? I don't know. Get some rest and try again tomorrow.