ECT During the 1000 yr reign of Jesus . .

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One thing I do glean from Ezekiel 40 is that the kingdom is to be rolled out over the whole earth from Jerusalem...that little river that springs up from under the eastern gate that becomes a mighty life giving river welling into a torrent. First Ezeke was able to walk ankle deep, but then further along found himself wading and yet further on was forced to swim.

I'm thinking that as the kingdom spreads abroad and the glory of it, the enemies of God will be pushed back to the ends of the earth. Any who do not retreat nor come into obedience will be slain

Do another read of Zech 14.

Totton Linnet

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Do another read of Zech 14.

Quite so...Zech 14 is in perfect harmony

We KNOW that the day of the Lord begins at Jerusalem, Zech 14 tells the whole story from when Antichrist will sit in the temple. Jesus said FLEE, those who will not flee suffer but there in that very place Zech says that God will come and fight against those nations who have come up with Antichrist

Then shall the nations come up to worship at is all there in Zech. 14....even the living waters

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New member
Quite so...Zech 14 is in perfect harmony

We KNOW that the day of the Lord begins at Jerusalem, Zech 14 tells the whole story from when Antichrist will sit in the temple. Jesus said FLEE, those who will not flee suffer but there in that very place Zech says that God will come and fight against those nations who have come up with Antichrist

Then shall the nations come up to worship at is all there in Zech. 14....even the living waters

Amen! Brings it right down to where the rubber meets the road doesn't it?

Add to your consideration Ezek 38 and 39 to see that it is part and parcel of Zech 14.

Pay attention to the mentioning of the "Merchants of Tarnish" as I believe to be England, the "Lion and her cubs", after leaving the EU that she directs her question to them, otherwise she would have been part of them and couldn't ask the question.


Well-known member
Amen! Brings it right down to where the rubber meets the road doesn't it?

Add to your consideration Ezek 38 and 39 to see that it is part and parcel of Zech 14.

Pay attention to the mentioning of the "Merchants of Tarnish" as I believe to be England, the "Lion and her cubs", after leaving the EU that she directs her question to them, otherwise she would have been part of them and couldn't ask the question.

There'll always be the lastest news someplace in Ezek or Zech, won't there? lol

There isn't going to be another temple. Another temple will only happen with nuclear consequences, so we won't be going that direction.

Jesus said 'flee' to those followers around him who would be in Judea in that generation when the Roman army would surround and did. They took off for Pella at first, and I believe many of them ended up in Little Asia because of the number of Apostles up there, safely.

There is an anti-messiah in the 1st generation because there had been the Messiah. He is darkly mentioned at the end of Dan 9, but not in Zech. When mentioned in Dan 9, he is ruining Israel, not fighting with it against the nations.


Well-known member
During the 1000 yr reign of Jesus here on earth, sin and rebellion will still be an issue but without the influence of Satan in the mix, him having locked up and locked down by Jesus, which will make sin purely of fallen human nature from those who would still rather do their own thing than obey the Law of God. Jesus will rule with a rod iron. But why will men still refuse to obey Him?

What does it mean to rule with a rod of iron? What does the expression mean in comparison with others? For ex., "a golden staff"?

Anyway, the idea of such a period is not very solid in the future. With that period of harrassment of the saints at the end, it is the current time.

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New member
What does it mean to rule with a rod of iron? What does the expression mean in comparison with others? For ex., "a golden staff"?

Anyway, the idea of such a period is not very solid in the future. With that period of harrassment of the saints at the end, it is the current time.

You have your opinion, I have mine.
Am I asking about the events leading up to the 1k reign of Christ, no!

What you fail to comprehend is this is TOL. You state some truth, like what God has revealed of the millennium in scripture. This is the invitation to deconstruct the word of God, where people are invited to begin a hundred pages of disputing, where eveybody is right, while, at the same time, saying something different. What's your problem? Makes sense to me.

You also suffer from this concept that God means what He says, and you are believing your lying eyes when you read scripture. Everybody can see that God wasn't referring to a thousand year reign of Christ, rather was being allegorical of the number of Mexican jumping beans per economy size bag, only He didn't know how to put it in those exact terms. Just get with the program!

Otherwise, as to the OP, heaven forbid, it could be a very long answer, why the Lord needs a rod of iron, but it involves man having his own narcissism he gets along fine with, sans the devil, and this truth, which even somebody of the secular world noticed:

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” - Albert Einstein

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New member
What you fail to comprehend is this is TOL. You state some truth, like what God has revealed of the millennium in scripture. This is the invitation to deconstruct the word of God, where people are invited to begin a hundred pages of disputing, where eveybody is right, while, at the same time, saying something different. What's your problem? Makes sense to me.

You also suffer from this concept that God means what He says, and you are believing your lying eyes when you read scripture. Everybody can see that God wasn't referring to a thousand year reign of Christ, rather was being allegorical of the number of Mexican jumping beans per economy size bag, only He didn't know how to put it in those exact terms. Just get with the program!

Otherwise, as to the OP, heaven forbid, it could be a very long answer, why the Lord needs a rod of iron, but it involves man having his own narcissism he gets along fine with, sans the devil, and this truth, which even somebody of the secular world noticed:

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” - Albert Einstein

I believe you have bought into something anti-Christ. You don't know your Bible sufficient to speak of things written in it. That is what is "plain for everyone to see". In other words, you have been shortchanged by your 'shepherds'. Your are in the wrong pen.
Optimism? How does that enter into judgments?

Does somebody got to 'splain it to you? Sure, we'd all like to believe a lot of people capable of listening and learning, and that's good, except for the fact it seldom, I'm thinking almost never, happens on TOL. Of course, I see nothing wrong with the proposition somebody may listen and learn, but do you mind if I, for one, don't hold my breath to see that happen?

It reminds me of these lines from am old movie, where a man is upbraiding his wife about being divorced from reality, "I wish we could all have good luck, all the time! I wish we had wings! I wish rainwater was beer! But it isn't!"

Anyway, you all carry on with the 24x7 disputing, for Jesus, of course. Never let scripture get in the way!

1 Timothy 6

3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;
4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,
5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.

Don't get me wrong. I do realize borderline narcissitic personality disorders and their attendant anger management, deeply embedded personality psychopathies are most difficult to deal with, how strong that need to just constantly lash out is, emboldened by an anonymous login. I do also appreciate that, while somebody's posting narcissitic trash online, it keeps them off the streets. Carry on.

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New member
Does somebody got to 'splain it to you? Sure, we'd all like to believe a lot of people capable of listening and learning, and that's good, except for the fact it seldom, I'm thinking almost never, happens on TOL. Of course, I see nothing wrong with the proposition somebody may listen and learn, but do you mind if I, for one, don't hold my breath to see that happen?

It reminds me of these lines from am old movie, where a man is upbraiding his wife about being divorced from reality, "I wish we could all have good luck, all the time! I wish we had wings! I wish rainwater was beer! But it isn't!"

Anyway, you all carry on with the 24x7 disputing, for Jesus, of course. Never let scripture get in the way!

1 Timothy 6

3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;
4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,
5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.

Don't get me wrong. I do realize borderline narcissitic personality disorders and their attendant anger management, deeply embedded personality psychopathies are most difficult to deal with, how strong that need to just constantly lash out is, emboldened by an anonymous login. I do also appreciate that, while somebody's posting narcissitic trash online, it keeps them off the streets. Carry on.

I don't believe I have you wrong. 'bye.
I believe you have bought into something anti-Christ. You don't know your Bible sufficient to speak of things written in it. That is what is "plain for everyone to see". In other words, you have been shortchanged by your 'shepherds'. Your are in the wrong pen.

Well isn't that supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Sorry it was more than you could stand that somebody agreed about the millennium. Please just calm down. Did I already say carry on? Have a nice day.