Dump Trump

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Why would and how would Obama deal with the racial tensions...in Baltimore? :idunno:

well, let's see

he's the most prominent black voice in the country

he's the head of government, which means he has the resources of the entire justice department at his disposal


if I were him, I'd ship all the noisy blacks back to Africa

and then I'd ship all the noisy whites back to Europe! :banana:

The Horn

OK doser, the amount of racial violence in America under Obama is no higher than under previous Presidents , and no President has the power to stop individual people from committing acts of violence. So it's grossly unfair to single Obama out as having been especially inept in handling racial violence . He hasn't been inept in any way, shape or form, unlike G.W. Bush league , the most incompetent, inept, clueless and feckless President in U.S. history .

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
OK doser, the amount of racial violence in America under Obama is no higher than under previous Presidents , and no President has the power to stop individual people from committing acts of violence.

Unless it is Bush, right?

He hasn't been inept in any way, shape or form

He certainly has done everything he wanted. The country is going exactly where he wants it.

unlike G.W. Bush league , the most incompetent, inept, clueless and feckless President in U.S. history .
