Dreams: Why so few people dont beleve in dreams from GOD

Demon Buster

New member
Biblical References About Dreams
-Did you know that 1/3rd of the Bible relates to visions or dreams? Important people who dreamed were Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, Ezekiel, Joseph (Jesus') father, Mary (Jesus') Mother, Paul, Cornelius and others.

-God has always talked to His children in dreams. Our culture has lost the significance and value of visions and dreams.

-Did you know that in scripture, dreams or visions are mentioned 224 times?

-Did you know that the first 2 chapters of Matthew contain 5 recorded dreams that gave valuable warnings or advice?

-Actually God’s own Son was revealed in a dream
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New member
My last dream would be me and my neighbors all driving around boarding up windows and doors because of a wave of zombies heading in our direction. Only they showed up before we got done because I drove too fast over a mound and turned the truck over. That's just one example of dreams I have, I never have normal dreams. So, I really hope that dream wasn't a message and I'm still just a guy with an overactive imagination.

My problem with believing dreams are still messages, in prophecies or even in modern day miracles is that it presumes God's work wasn't finished on the cross. I don't buy that any of it still happens as depicted in the bible.

Demon Buster

New member
My last dream would be me and my neighbors all driving around boarding up windows and doors because of a wave of zombies heading in our direction. Only they showed up before we got done because I drove too fast over a mound and turned the truck over. That's just one example of dreams I have, I never have normal dreams. So, I really hope that dream wasn't a message and I'm still just a guy with an overactive imagination.

My problem with believing dreams are still messages, in prophecies or even in modern day miracles is that it presumes God's work wasn't finished on the cross. I don't buy that any of it still happens as depicted in the bible.

To me it says a lot, meaning, from your post and reply you could draw closer to the Lord and see new changes in your life, if we all stand outside his influence we wont see him.we need to draw closer all the time even when we don't feel him around us.
Zombies are a form of the enemy, boarding up windows and doors denotes closing the blessings from heaven and the door is the Lord , as HE says , I stand at the door and knocking .

Quote: I never have normal dreams.
why do you think there not normal


Demon Buster

New member
Quote: from Ps82 I believe in dreams and visions and words of knowledge - even today. I've had them.

I am with you on this one I have them all the time, I hear from the Lord a lot.
I really feel the more we draw closer to him the more he will show us and the more we can do His will in our walk with him.

I read somewhere dreams are like parables to the unbeliever a bunch of mixed up images , but to the believer its a message from the Lord.
all the people in the Bible who where influenced by a dream .
Did you know that 1/3rd of the Bible relates to visions or dreams? Important people who dreamed were Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, Ezekiel, Joseph (Jesus') father, Mary (Jesus') Mother, Paul, Cornelius and others.

-God has always talked to His children in dreams. Our culture has lost the significance and value of visions and dreams.

-Did you know that in scripture, dreams or visions are mentioned 224 times?

-Did you know that the first 2 chapters of Matthew contain 5 recorded dreams that gave valuable warnings or advice?

-Actually God’s own Son was revealed in a dream.




Well-known member
Hi Demon Buster,
Nice to hear that I am not the only one.
Twice I've heard God's audible voice ... but all that was said was my name... so I'm left clueless about this.

Yet, I am still looking for an interpretation to a few of my dreams.

The ways that I know that my dreams are divinely super-natural are:
They are short, to the point, unforgettable, and come true.

The way I know that my words of knowledge are real is that when I obey them ... I benefit ... or they actually come true with or without me doing anything at all ... and also the things I'm told do not disagree with scripture, but rather open up my eyes to truth within scripture.

The way I know that my open-eyed vision was real ... is because it revealed truth to me about how I can be simultaneously in the Holy Spirit because it is in me...and yet can still be in this world. I'm connected to both, but I can only see into the spiritual realm when God opens a super-natural window for me to see through (so to speak).

Yet, there are a couple of dreams that I had years ago that I know were super-natural and prophetic, but I have not had any one fully interpret them. I have received some helpful information about one of them ... but didn't quite know what to do with what I learned; therefore, I feel that it has been of no help to anyone or me.

I'm afraid that God does not speak to me or send me dreams and visions often and consistently. I'm usually very surprised when something like this happens. I decided that it is all up to God and that He would contact me when He wanted ... or it might be that I'm just still not a good listener.

I began to whine once... wanting God to talk to me more and more, and I was questioning Him about why He didn't talk to me all the time - especially since he had made it known to me that he is real, alive, and aware of what is going on in my life and my future. In the midst of my whining demands God suddenly shut my mouth with one short question:
"Are you better than Abraham?"

I meekly answered, "No."

And immediately I knew that God did not even talk to Abraham every day ... it was sometimes years in between when Abraham heard from the LORD ... (ex. It was so long between the first promise of a son by Sarah until it actually happened that Abraham and Sarah gave up and made plans of their own and had a child through Hagar.) I knew by that question from God that He did not want me demanding super-natural favor from Him on my terms. He was in charge!

The last word of knowledge that I had was around 3+ years ago.

Demon Buster

New member
Hi Ps82 and great to here from you again and wow what a great response.

I think the best way to hear from the Lord is to press in till he tells us something, in fact its when we think we don't hear from Him he been knocking on the door.
I try to read the word everyday and sometime I read it a few times a day plus there are visions I get when I am resting and of course dreams.

You can ask him for a name that he will give to let you know it is He who's calling
But the most important thing is pressing in and doing him will walking blameless and spotless, remember Hes calling a bride that is spotless not only the way we face the world but also in out personal walk with Him.

I just had a dream this past week where I was walking along, I saw a women ironing some clothes as I passed by I said to her' now that's a good idea" it really stuck in my mind then the other day I came across the Lords word that says,

<< Ephesians 5:28 >>

so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.

As I was reading it He told me "you need to iron out a few wrinkles
and I sat there in awe a while thinking Hes there even though He don't make it known to us.

Press in. please send your dreams, and if the Lord gives me anything I will pass it on to you.
Maybe we can start a dream board.



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Hall of Fame

I don't have many dreams that I'd dare attribute to God. And those few I could I'd no more or less think to attribute to him than what I saw on television today, or read in a book, or heard someone say.

I think you give dreams way too much importance.

To illustrate, you say God has always talked to His children in dreams. I'd say, He's also always talked to them in person, and with words. And far, far more often. He's used scripture and the witness of others as well, and far more often.

He's also used the weather and the shape of a rock. And the Flintstones cartoon. Also macaroni noodles.

Dreams aren't anything special and are of no more mystical significance than any of these things. :idunno:


Well-known member
Hi Demon buster,
Dreams that mean something are sometimes explained - sometimes by others like a pastor's words or by your reading scripture that suddenly comes clear to you because of your dream. The latter is your example of your dream revealing a scripture to you and how you needed to improve yourself.

Here is an example of a dream I had after I had experienced a time when I was feeling pretty worthless ... to God and mankind... I was having a real pity party!

My dream began this way:
I was literally asleep, but in my dream I suddenly awoke and sat up.
Three people walked into my bedroom and sat down on my bed. I knew that two of them (a man and a woman) were famous personalities. In fact, reporters walked into my room and these two celebrities left the room with them. The worldly reported ignored the man and me... It seemed that we were not important enough to be news worthy to the world.

I turned to the man that was left sitting with me and I said:
I know who they are, but who are you?
He said: I create things.
He then showed me a toy that he had made. It was a really silly worthless toy. It was certainly nothing special. It looked like a stick tower made of old fashioned wooden tinker toys. When the man pushed down on one corner the toy arose in the air ... hovered briefly and came back down in the same spot. That was all that it could do and the man pushed it over and over and laughed and seemed to totally enjoy what he had created.

Even though this seemed silly to me I was happy that the man chose to spend time with me and I began to feel totally accepted and loved.

Suddenly, I knew that I wanted him to meet my daughter ... so we walked to my kitchen where I showed him my daughter. I couldn't introduce them, because I did not know who he was.
Dream ended... but the next morning I remembered every detail.

At church that day ... my pastor began talking about the love that God felt toward us ... whether we deserved it or not. He loved us because he created us in order to love us... etc.

It was after my pastor interpreted God's love for those he created that I began to understand my dream. The night before I had been feeling worthless and unlovable... sort of like the feelings that I had toward that silly worthless toy in my dream. Yet, I now knew that the God who created me loved me in the same way that the man in my dream loved that silly worthless toy he had created.

I knew that I did not have to be some eloquent talented person for God to love me ... because He loved me just as he had made me... and that was good enough for him.


Well-known member
You probably want me to share the dreams that I had years ago, which I felt were prophetic.
I'll share the dream with you that I am still sort of clueless about what it meant.

I was in a swift river with steep banks. There were alligators in the water and evil men riding swiftly in boats, who were seeking to harm any people that they could find in the river. I escaped them all by finding my way into the grassy marsh edges of the banks. From there I made my way to a stairway that led up to a mansion high on the left bank. I found myself in a house that looked like a French chateau where people were ignoring the horrible things in the river by walking in the formal gardens, but I stood behind two glass French doors looking back down at the horror taking place in the river.

There were two men strapped to two crosses. These crosses were being pulled through the river by two (I think) horses that were being led by several men. Other men surrounding the two crosses set the crosses and men on fire and no one was helping the helpless as the evil ones did their deeds.

My dream ended with me disturbed but safely watching all this from a distance.

Demon Buster

New member
John 10:26-27
26 But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. 27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
Originally Posted by Demon Buster
You can ask him for a name that he will give to let you know it is He who's calling...ok maybe I worded it wrong, but there are people who had there names changed by Father God and Jesus .
here are some I found,
Name changes in the Bible
A lot of people in the Bible had their names changed, or went by more than one name. I appreciate your patience while I compile a comprehensive list of all of them.
Abram renamed Abraham by God
Hadassah also known as Esther
Hoshea renamed Joshua by Moses
Jacob renamed Israel by God
Lo-Ammi renamed Ammi by God
Paul also known as Saul
Lo-Ruhamah renamed Ruhamah by God
Sarai renamed Sarah by God
Simon renamed Peter by Jesus

again thanks for your post


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by Demon Buster
You can ask him for a name that he will give to let you know it is He who's calling...ok maybe I worded it wrong, but there are people who had there names changed by Father God and Jesus .
here are some I found,
Name changes in the Bible
A lot of people in the Bible had their names changed, or went by more than one name. I appreciate your patience while I compile a comprehensive list of all of them.
Abram renamed Abraham by God
Hadassah also known as Esther
Hoshea renamed Joshua by Moses
Jacob renamed Israel by God
Lo-Ammi renamed Ammi by God
Paul also known as Saul
Lo-Ruhamah renamed Ruhamah by God
Sarai renamed Sarah by God
Simon renamed Peter by Jesus

again thanks for your post

I'm not seeing how people changing their names has anything to do with recognizing God. In fact, if anything it speaks against the concept. If everyone I knew in the world changed their name I'd still recognize them. It'd have no effect whatsoever on my ability to recognize them.

So, here's my point. If you need a name or password to recognize God's voice then you don't know God's voice very well. There's no reason at all why this should be so and I don't think you show God any respect expecting Him to concede to your refusal to know Him. And, yes, I do think that's largely what this entails.

Consider: If someone asked this of me (some fake name or password by which to recognize me) I'd immediately ask why in the world that's necessary. The only way it could be is if they're insisting somehow upon maintaining such a distance that there's nothing else by which to recognize me. Refusing to meet me in person, talk to me on the phone even. They'd probably have to refuse to receive written correspondence, else risk getting to know my handwriting.

Really, you'd have to go out of your way not to interact with me enough to recognize me the next time we met. And I'd be perfectly right to take this as evidence that you don't want to know me. And, so, I'd have no inclination to interact with you at all.

Especially if, like God, the thing I'm trying to communicate to you in the first place is me.

Simply, God wants you to know Him and nothing will stop that from happening but you refusing Him. There's no need for passwords or captchas, and there's no insidious force in the world that could interfere between you two.

And I'll say that again. There is no force in the universe that can prevent you getting to know and recognize God but your own refusal to do so. If you're worried about supernatural forces pretending to be God then you should be doing the exact opposite of what you're doing here. You should be getting to know Him so nothing and no one can pretend to be Him to you.

Just like refusing to meet me in person, talk to me on the phone or read my handwriting is the exact opposite of what you should be doing if you were concerned some random stranger on the street might pretend to be me to you.

Psalm 95:7
For He is our God, And we are the people of His pasture, And the sheep of His hand. Today, if you will hear His voice:

John 10:3
To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.

John 10:4
And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.

John 10:16
And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.

John 10:26-28
26 But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. 27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. 28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand


I identify as a Christian
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I don't have many dreams that I'd dare attribute to God. And those few I could I'd no more or less think to attribute to him than what I saw on television today, or read in a book, or heard someone say.

I think you give dreams way too much importance.

To illustrate, you say God has always talked to His children in dreams. I'd say, He's also always talked to them in person, and with words. And far, far more often. He's used scripture and the witness of others as well, and far more often.

He's also used the weather and the shape of a rock. And the Flintstones cartoon. Also macaroni noodles.

Dreams aren't anything special and are of no more mystical significance than any of these things. :idunno:

Dreams that I would attribute to God are few and far between. Most of my dreams--a yes I do remember them, are a hodge podge of scenes and images. They have no significance whatsoever. They are a regurgitation of past events, recent and distant.


Well-known member
Dreams that I would attribute to God are few and far between. Most of my dreams--a yes I do remember them, are a hodge podge of scenes and images. They have no significance whatsoever. They are a regurgitation of past events, recent and distant.

But I've had dreams that came true
I dreamed a series of 4 dreams that each came true in the order that I dreamed them. At the time I dreamed each they did not make sense. They were just short and unforgettable; however, as they came true in real life they made total sense. After the 4th one came true it was like my mind was finally opened and I understood that God is real, alive, and knows what is going on in my life, and even knows my future. Since these dreams I know that I know that God is real!

I've had dreams over the years that connected to one another. These dream came out of the blue with no conjuring on my part.
Quickly an example:
I dreamed that I was sitting outside under my childhood favorite tree. I understood that the little toddler with the thick dark brown curls and pink dress, who was coming toward me, was my daughter. I stretched open my arms to receive her with a hug... but before she reached my arms she disintegrated right before my eyes. End of dream. Within a year or so of this dream I had an early miscarriage.

Fast forward around 17-20 years (I'd have to figure my age at first dream) I had a second dream that related to this one.

I was totally asleep without any dream, but suddenly became aware that I needed to breath. My first thought was of times when swimming I went too deep and longed to breath before I reached the surface and had to willfully hold my breath longer. Suddenly there was a light shining from behind my left shoulder and there appeared before my eyes a young girl with long dark brown thick curls dressed in a red dress with a white blouse before my eyes. She was nestled at the front of a thick white fog or cloud and had her arms wide open ready to receive me with a hug when I reached her.

I understood that I knew her, but was not exactly sure who she was at that moment.
Then I heard a loud voice say: "NOT YET!"
My next thought was: You're not swimming, but in bed. You can take a breath anytime you wish... so I did. In fact, I took around five of the deepest longest breaths I've ever taken before my heart beat slowed. By that time I was fully awake and lay there remembering my dream.

Since then I have connected these two dreams. I believe that God let me know that I would be loosing my little girl that I was hoping to hug ... and that it was she who hold out her arms to greet me into heaven when my time came. But just like in the first dream we are yet to hug ... for My Lord said: "NOT YET!"


I have only had two dreams that I felt compelled to share to other Christians.

When I first became a Christian there was a lady at the church I was attending that I really liked. She was gone for a while and during that time I had a dream about her. She was in a room with others and they were "attending" to something. The one thing that struck me is that she was the only one in color that is how I attributed the dream to her. When I woke I was thinking about the dream and I was given the message that "the Holy Spirit was there". That is all I really was made aware of. It took a while before I saw the lady again and when I saw her at church she told of how she was at the bedside of a JW. Turns out she and a few others from this church were involved with praying for and helping JW to come out from that cult. I didn't know quite what to make of the whole thing but I was compelled to tell her about the dream. The only thing I told her was "that the Holy Spirit was there". She tried to press me for more details and so did the daughter of the JW woman who had also been praying at the bedside of the JW who was her mother but I told them that the only thing I was supposed to tell them was that "the Holy Spirit was there".

Another dream I had was about a woman that was very dear to me and I couldn't make it to her funeral. I had a very vivid dream about her and that she was in a wheel chair The wheel chair had been painted white and wheeled into a room that had a very large window overlooking what seemed to he the whole world. She was wheeled up to the window but she couldn't see out from her wheelchair so she stood up. I shared that dream with her family and they seemed to be encouraged by it.
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Demon Buster

New member
You can share what you want to share and keep in your heart what you want to keep there.
I have only had two dreams that I felt compelled to share to other Christians.When I first became a Christian there was a lady at the church I was attending that I really liked. She was gone for a while and during that time I had a dream about her. She was in a room [ room, diffrent rooms diffrent meaning ] with others and they were "attending" to something. The one thing that struck me is that she was the only one in color [ color has a diffrent meaning then BW] that is how I attributed the dream to her. When I woke I was thinking about the dream and I was given the message that "the Holy Spirit was there". That is all I really was made aware of. It took a while before I saw the lady again and when I saw her at church she told of how she was at the bedside of a JW. Turns out she and a few others from this church were involved with praying for and helping JW to come out from that cult. I didn't know quite what to make of the whole thing but I was compelled to tell her about the dream. The only thing I told her was "that the Holy Spirit was there". She tried to press me for more details and so did the daughter of the JW woman who had also been praying at the bedside of the JW who was her mother. but I told them that the only thing I was supposed to tell them was that "the Holy Spirit was there" it all the Lord wanted them to know at that timeAnother dream I had was about a woman that was very dear to me and I couldn't make it to her funeral. I had a very vivid dream about her and that she was in a wheel chair [ Wheel: See also Rings and Circle: For transporting; life's cycle; eternal things; swiftness. (Ez. 1: 15-23; 10: 1-22; James 3: 8) ]
Sitting: also Chair or Throne: Power;throne of authority; rulership; Rest; position; concentration; receiving; place of authority; inner court of the temple; throne of God; satanic powers; mercy seat; Kingship of the Lord. (Rev. 13: 2; Ps. 1: 1; 7: 7; Job 23: 3; 2 Chron. 9: 18; 19: 8; Matt. 17: 19; Heb. 9: 5-12; Ex. 25: 22; 29: 42-43; 1 John 2: 2; Num. 7: 89; Rom. 3: 24-25; 2 Cor. 5: 20; 1 Tim. 2: 5)The wheel chair had been painted white[ White: Purity that dispels the darkness; righteousness; God’s majesty; blameless; washed white by the blood; redeemed; God’s glory; white is associated with light and the new heavens and earth; victory; completion; can also be purely evil. (Rev. 1: 14; 2: 17, 3: 4; 6: 2, 11; 20: 11; Is. 1: 18; Dan. 7: 9; John 4: 35; Mark 16: 4) and wheeled into a room that had a very large window [Window: Revelation knowledge; unobstructed view; heavenly favor; revealed or laid open; seeing truth; prophecy; understanding; exposed; if unguarded or unlocked: could mean danger of enemy attack; if veiled: could me truth or revelation hidden. (Gen. 6: 16; 8: 6; 26: 8; 2 Kings 7: 19; Joel 2: 9; Mal. 3: 10; Song 2: 9; Dan. 6: 10; Josh. 2: 15-18; Song 2: 9)] overlooking what seemed to he the whole world. She was wheeled up to the window but she couldn't see out from her wheelchair so she stood up. I shared that dream with her family and they seemed to be encouraged by it.

Its a great dream

Great dream SKY

1 John 2: 27
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

Demon Buster

New member
Its a wonderful day

Bible Quote 1 John 2: 27
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.