Dozer's Fixation on Rape!

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Well-known member
One word suggests that adjustment/corrections can be made. The other is a concrete declaration.

Faulty and wrong are the same in my book. What book are you reading out of?

1.= defective, damaged, not working, malfunctioning, broken, bad, flawed, impaired, imperfect, blemished, out of order, on the blink, buggy a computer • They will repair the faulty equipment.
2.= incorrect, wrong, flawed, inaccurate, bad, weak, invalid, erroneous, unsound, imprecise, fallacious • Their interpretation was faulty.


New member
Faulty and wrong are the same in my book. What book are you reading out of?

1.= defective, damaged, not working, malfunctioning, broken, bad, flawed, impaired, imperfect, blemished, out of order, on the blink, buggy a computer • They will repair the faulty equipment.
2.= incorrect, wrong, flawed, inaccurate, bad, weak, invalid, erroneous, unsound, imprecise, fallacious • Their interpretation was faulty.
Fair enough, I will use different terms in the future.


New member
There ya go. Unfortunately, on this subject and certainly on this thread, the victim defenders will not allow any kind of normal language. It's all about being politically correct. It's tiring having to tiptoe through the's impossible to make it through without stepping on someone's sensitive feelings.

I was going to let this go, but let's talk about your choice of wording here. Victim defenders... to defend a victim of an injustice, why is that a bad thing to you?
Now then, if you are done playing with my word choices... your turn...


New member
It is my opinion that you are championing the wrong person, but do whatever you want with your time.

I do not like it when someone is unfairly characterized. Misogynist is a word thrown around so often as to become meaningless. Rape is an explosive topic that is gutsy for a guy especially to take a route unapproved by the people who consider themselves as protectors of the currently established set of myths concerning rape. I'm not convinced he is as bad as you guys make him out to be and he gets a boatload of abuse. He could use some support in my estimation.


New member
Hall of Fame
I do not like it when someone is unfairly characterized. Misogynist is a word thrown around so often as to become meaningless. Rape is an explosive topic that is gutsy for a guy especially to take a route unapproved by the people who consider themselves as protectors of the currently established set of myths concerning rape. I'm not convinced he is as bad as you guys make him out to be a he gets a boatload of abuse. He could use some support in my estimation.

You're new here but we know this guy extremely well. You've hitched yourself to the wrong horse, is what we're trying to say.


New member
I do not like it when someone is unfairly characterized.
I am going to stop you right there. I have pointed out the statements I am holding him accountable for. This is not an attack of character.

I'm not convinced he is as bad as you guys make him out to be a he gets a boatload of abuse. He could use some support in my estimation.
You are not fooling anyone. He dishes it out just as much.


Well-known member
I know what he said, and i know what he means in his point.

Would you like me to be like some nutty extremist who hangs on a word, when hes said directly otherwise that he doesn't believe a rapist is less guilty no matter what she did?

Should i ignore that and just demonize him because he used a couple words improperly when his overall point is apparent? I mean i could do that and be cheap as hell and intellectually dishonest to keep on and on and on even when hes clarified his point, but it would be cheap and dishonest.

Ive been demonized here too lately because i agree that sometimes peoples poor decisions make them a target and they suffer because of their bad choices, and ive been clear that not ever is a victim the CAUSE of a crime against them.

Ive even been called a misogynist and that i have a mind like a rapist and a thief and that i care nothing for rape victims.

How do you or anyone else know whether ive been one my myself?

I don't share a lot of personal information here precisely because of how my deepest pain since ive been here was used and mocked and even accused of lying about by a few very wicked people, you saw it happening yourself.

Fact, we can suffer all kind of things when we are reckless and irresponsible. Suffering those things doesn't mean we CAUSED another person to commit a crime, it just means we created an easy opportunity sometimes, for THEM to take advantage of.

Now again, i agreed he used a poor choice of words, so what else would you like from me about it? Be specific, because if you want me to say his overall point is wrong, youll be waiting a long time, i get his POINT and i agree with THAT.

I commend you, Angel, for speaking what you know is truth and defending "our" right to say it. You did so beautifully. It's really too bad that it has to come to this. For what? We all agree rape is wrong. We all agree some women make bad decisions and suffer for those decisions. At least that seems to have been admitted from even the most vehement among us. So why this attacking the messenger? Oh yeah....I know. The best defense is a good offence. So, claim to care about and support victims on one hand, and slander all those (even friends) who dare to see the OTHER SIDE.

There are two sides....I've even seen both sides admit both sides, just not so's you'd notice. :nono:


New member
I am going to stop you right there. I have pointed out the statements I am holding him accountable for. This is not an attack of character.

You are not fooling anyone. He dishes it out just as much.

You are not one of his attackers. Yes, he dishes it out to you merely for having the wrong mindset or point of view. He doesn't tolerate those of the moral left. I tried to get him to cool it but he said you guys can't have a sensible discussion without getting emotional. This is a valid point but doesn't warrant his abuse.


New member
You are not one of his attackers. Yes, he dishes it out to you merely for having the wrong mindset or point of view. He doesn't tolerate those of the moral left. I tried to get him to cool it but he said you guys can't have a sensible discussion without getting emotional. This is a valid point but doesn't warrant his abuse.
Wonder if we have a socket puppet on our hands here...


Well-known member
I do not pretend. You may be suffering from cognitive dissonance?
If it makes you happy to call me a hypocrite I really don't care.
Have at it!

If you makes you feel good to play amateur psychologist, go ahead. I really don't care. Have at it.

That said, you may be suffering from denial concerning your hypocrisy. :think:

patrick jane

The only demon around here is you, you smirking sycophant!

bootlicker, lickspittle

a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage.
synonyms: yes-man, bootlicker, brown-noser, toady, lickspittle, flatterer, flunky, lackey, spaniel, doormat, stooge, cringer, suck, suck-up
"I thought you wanted a competent assistant, not a nodding sycophant"
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