Downloading music from the internet...

Downloading music from the internet...

  • Yes, it's no big deal

    Votes: 16 27.6%
  • Yes, but I feel bad

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • No, its stealing

    Votes: 24 41.4%
  • No, I use legal means such as apples music store

    Votes: 14 24.1%

  • Total voters


New member
perceptual ordinance (<-wholearmor's spelling suggestion)

perceptual ordinance (<-wholearmor's spelling suggestion)

I agree Goose social construct and perceptual morality has influenced and bent (if not broken) the Torah of Yahweh Eloah, to the point where the average individual doesnt know if he is breaking the law or not.

Example: in 98' I purchased a $120. clipart set to put on my web. only to get home and find out i really didnt own the software, and "Didnt have the right" to place it on my web. :(

AND.. I couldnt get a refund. I was tweeked to put it mildly!


New member
See, thats a big problem for me and it weighs on my mind every now and then. Should intangible objects be able to be copyrighted, to where you can't use it's implication. Like, should soemone be able to copyright the molecular construct of Oxygen, and then go to charge everyone a monthly fee who uses it? No. Of course not. But these are some implications when it comes to things like fragrances and perfumes, music, food products with their ingredients, ordered electrons in the form of mp3's. And where do you draw the line? Ordered molecules in the form of Ferarri's? :D I'm just thinking that copyright or licensing laws have just overstept their bounds when it comes with ownership, and somehow, long ago, it just crept under the radar. The future looks like you'll never be able to 'own' anything. You're just going to rent it.

I'd rather own.


New member
I agree

I agree

I agree. In the reign of the heavens Ha olam, there will be no patents, copyrights, or trademarks. Just silly little ideas made by silly little men in the name of greed.


New member
Hmmm... Goose's point reminds me that we don't own anything here on earth. We just rent it. :)

Except maybe God's love - we can own that! :king:


Re: social construct and moral presentation

Re: social construct and moral presentation

Originally posted by Rav_Yeshai
Shalom, the varience of quality determines theft?!?!

No, recording the music over the phone or from the next door neighbor's stereo as it floats along on the air is still stealing, but my point was, who would want to do that and still listen to it? It wouldn't be worth it due to the extremely low quality of the recording.

Rav_Yeshai, what do you do for income?


New member
Originally posted by .Ant
Hmmm... Goose's point reminds me that we don't own anything here on earth. We just rent it.
I could see that reply going over well in a court of law.


Originally posted by Goose
See, thats a big problem for me and it weighs on my mind every now and then. Should intangible objects be able to be copyrighted, to where you can't use it's implication. Like, should soemone be able to copyright the molecular construct of Oxygen, and then go to charge everyone a monthly fee who uses it? No. Of course not. But these are some implications when it comes to things like fragrances and perfumes, music, food products with their ingredients, ordered electrons in the form of mp3's. And where do you draw the line? Ordered molecules in the form of Ferarri's? :D I'm just thinking that copyright or licensing laws have just overstept their bounds when it comes with ownership, and somehow, long ago, it just crept under the radar. The future looks like you'll never be able to 'own' anything. You're just going to rent it.

I'd rather own.

Well, the people that come up with these ideas that no one else did would rather own the rights to their inventions. If you came up with a better mousetrap, so to speak, that would benefit people in some way, what would you do with it? Oh, and don't forget, you spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars developing it.


New member

Would you restrict the disassembly and modification of the better mouse trap once bought? That's what is happening to media players, like DVD players and Playstations right now under the DMCA.

And not only, the fact that you "borrowed" the better mouse trap idea from the company who made the 'original' mouse trap, you now have to pay royalties for the parts(or get thrown in jail) that you rehashed from the original to make your improved trap. The same would go for just about any invention wouldn't it.


New member
Originally posted by drbrumley

Thanks. I don't know about you, but I don't want to have to pay $500 for a better mouse trap. There has got to be a better solution.


Well-known member

I totally agree.

Been thinking on this hard lately about this and The Rabbi here made a very valid point. It comes down to greed! Building a better mouse trap has been the American Way. Not no more, not without having the threat of lawsuits hanging over your head and all the royalty fees that have to be paid under the current system. Man, what a mess this has become.

Sorry Goose for the lamenting. LOL!

God Bless,


New member
Stewardship and transcience

Stewardship and transcience

Originally posted by Goose
Originally posted by .Ant
Hmmm... Goose's point reminds me that we don't own anything here on earth. We just rent it. :)
I could see that reply going over well in a court of law.
I wasn't talking about the law, but about godly attitudes.

We shouldn't treat things that we have like we own them, because we don't - God does. He's just given them to us to look after for a while.

As for things you may have bought which God didn't want you to buy - they may not be gifts from God, but they still aren't really yours. God has let you get them, and then only temporarily...

Stewardship and the transcience of this world are good principles to think about.


New member
Re: Stewardship and transcience

Re: Stewardship and transcience

Originally posted by .Ant
Stewardship and the transcience of this world are good principles to think about.
It's also good to keep an open mind, as long as your brains don't fall out. I see what your saying.


Originally posted by Goose

Would you restrict the disassembly and modification of the better mouse trap once bought? That's what is happening to media players, like DVD players and Playstations right now under the DMCA.

And not only, the fact that you "borrowed" the better mouse trap idea from the company who made the 'original' mouse trap, you now have to pay royalties for the parts(or get thrown in jail) that you rehashed from the original to make your improved trap. The same would go for just about any invention wouldn't it.

Can you help me understand why anyone would want to modify a DVD player and Playstation? Also, what would someone want to use the modification for?


New member
greed .

greed .

The word of all powerfull Yahweh Elohiym states that all that has been given to man that is of benifit to him and in his ideas. I think when Yashua gives an idea, its foolish, greedy, childish and imature to hold it behind you and state (and this reminds me of the WB cartoon of daffy duck saying "IT's mine , all mine!!! Mine , Mine, Mine!!!) "Its MY idea and no one can make or invent anything simular to it or I'll sue!!!!"

Thought! ---> Did you know it would not be a sin to

1. be the head of your own country
2. make millions of copies of products ; microsoft, playststion.

hmmmm, I wonder what the ole U.S. would do If i owned an illand and copied millions of copies of software, dvds, videos, books, etc, then when I hear word from the justice dept and foriegn affairs of how my country is "hurting " the greedy republic, THEN I tell the U.S. to mind their own business "Cuz I have nukes pointed at ya!"


now that would be funny!

If i were that rich! I would do that and give all the copies away. tell the U.S. I do not honor their ridiculuous "It's my idea first!" laws.

foolish children.

Can't wait until judgement to see who REALLY owns the ideas!



Re: greed .

Re: greed .

Originally posted by Rav_Yeshai
Can't wait until judgement to see who REALLY owns the ideas!

Why do you have to wait until judgement to see? You don't know already? I do.


New member
but seriously,

did you know, that the concept of "owning an idea" is new to the jewish culture. Its ok to sell products to make a profit. But when you claim that the complete idea belongs to you, or that no one can find out how your product works, or that you want to patent something that already exists (which is and has happened) I think the greed thing is going a bit over board.

I went to a website where a company actually got permission to sell land on the moon , mars, jupitor, and venus. LOL!!!! And someone was arrested for selling the same plots because appearently the moon belongs to this company!

Who did they buy it from? Eloah?
all in the name of greed!


New member
Originally posted by wholearmor
Can you help me understand why anyone would want to modify a DVD player and Playstation? Also, what would someone want to use the modification for?
The same reason that people like to work on their homes and cars. To make better DVD or Playstation technology. To make them better in some way. Your question sounds like it comes from someone who likes to prevent progress in the hands of commoners, rather then big business.


New member
I'm pro theocrocy. I am not a proponent of democrocy. (this issue is one reason why)

Democrocy is like being in a cage with nine canniabals and then voting on whether eating human should be allowed.

Thats sad.

The culture or social construct that rewards ignorance or injustice will deconstruct itself.

In this country at anytime, the inmates can take over the assylum. And that in itself is frieghtning. (acctually, it's already happened, ask any WW2 vet. they didnt fight for this!)