Doug McBurney protesting for Terri


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Zakath said:
Short answer: I'm not sure. :think:

It depends entirely on how one interprets Enyart's own words: "... I think that you and I agree that it is wrong to kill someone, but not wrong to let a dying man die." There are several ways he could mean it. The context of your quote is insufficient for me to ascertain a possible fuller meaning of what Enyart does or does not believe with any reasonable probability of being correct...
As you said to someone earlier today, "Are you honestly this dense or are you just jerking my chain?"

What's odd is that you go out of your way to misunderstand the second half of the sentence...
"...but not wrong to let a dying man die."​
...while you don't even agree with the first half:
" I think that you and I agree that it is wrong to kill someone..."​



Formerly Shimei!
granite1010 said:
Shimei, I am not going to repeat myself here regarding what I think should happen with Terri. (Fine, I'll break down; for the umpteenth time her parents should take over her care.)

This disregard for the Schindler's pleas to chill out just shows the most important thing to Randall Terry and Company is getting fifteen minutes. That's pretty callous, and pretty selfish.

The precedent that this murder sets is bigger than both Terri AND her parents' desire that the protesters would "chill". Even with that being said, saving Terri is more important than upsetting the parents.

Still, why are you more concerned with the parents being upset than you are with Terri being murdered?
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Formerly Shimei!
Zakath said:
So you're saying grabbing the spotlight for a little cheap publicity is the best way to go about this thing?

I guess that means that all you Christians have left is media types like McBurney and Terry to try to fix what your deity won't.:rolleyes:)

Again, I have personally seen Doug and Karl on different occasions do this same type of protesting without a camera anywhere in sight.

BTW, are you more upset that Doug got his picture taken, or that Terri is being starved to death?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Zak wrote:
A Ludlum novel to be precise...
No kidding. Having read most of the Bourne books, I have to say this is a first in history where the movie is better than the book. How did Ludlum get to be considered such a great writer?


New member
Wow, there is so much to respond to here! I agree with those who have said that this issue is much bigger than Terri's tragic situation. I wonder why there is so little attention paid to other cases that seem every bit as worthy of attention and support. For example, I haven't seen anything here about Sun Hudson, the precious little 6-month-old baby who was recently cut off life support over the objection of his family, all because they couldn't afford to pay the hospital bill!


New member
Holly said:
Wow, there is so much to respond to here! I agree with those who have said that this issue is much bigger than Terri's tragic situation. I wonder why there is so little attention paid to other cases that seem every bit as worthy of attention and support. For example, I haven't seen anything here about Sun Hudson, the precious little 6-month-old baby who was recently cut off life support over the objection of his family, all because they couldn't afford to pay the hospital bill!

You can start a thread for that, if you like.


Resident Atheist
Turbo said:
As you said to someone earlier today, "Are you honestly this dense or are you just jerking my chain?"

What's odd is that you go out of your way to misunderstand the second half of the sentence...
"...but not wrong to let a dying man die."​
...while you don't even agree with the first half:
" I think that you and I agree that it is wrong to kill someone..."​

I attempted to explain to you that your snippet of Enyart's post was insufficent for me to accurately discern what his point was. I've read enough of his maunderings over the years I've posted here to know whether or not I've got enough material to understand a point he's attempting to make.

You can either accept that or not. :shrug:

All the sarcasm and disdain you attempt to muster will not change my ability to decipher Enyart's writing. :rolleyes:


Resident Atheist
Shimei said:
Again, I have personally seen Doug and Karl on different occasions do this same type of protesting without a camera anywhere in sight.
I am assuming "Doug" is McBurney. Who is Karl? :confused:

BTW, are you more upset that Doug got his picture taken, or that Terri is being starved to death?
I'm upset that people like McBurney and Terry and Jackson are attempting to capitalize off of the sufferings of others. Of course they are adherents of a religious view that stresses just that, so perhaps I shouldn't be surprised.


Resident Atheist
Yorzhik said:
Zak wrote:
No kidding. Having read most of the Bourne books, I have to say this is a first in history where the movie is better than the book. How did Ludlum get to be considered such a great writer?
I'm not sure, but I've always found his work a geat antidote for insomnia. ;)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'm not sure, but I've always found his work a geat antidote for insomnia.
I've been using the Ludlum method to get to sleep occasionally for the last 2 weeks. It never lets me down.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'm upset that people like McBurney and Terry and Jackson are attempting to capitalize off of the sufferings of others.
And which are you more upset about? McBurney/Henderson/Terry/Jackson's actions? or Terri being murdered?


Resident Atheist
Yorzhik said:
And which are you more upset about? McBurney/Henderson/Terry/Jackson's actions? or Terri being murdered?
Since I don't think Mrs. Shiavo is being murdered, that's a moot question.

By default, I'm more irritated by the antics of the three stooges. :rolleyes:


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Zakath said:
Since I don't think Mrs. Shiavo is being murdered, that's a moot question.
Right, Zakath thinks it's okay to kill an innocent person so long as the government signs off on it.


Resident Atheist
Turbo said:
Right, Zakath thinks it's okay to kill an innocent person so long as the government signs off on it.
She is in the condition of brain damage due mainly to her own actions. Her inability to eat and drink is part of that condition. The court has merely decided to "let nature take its course". Perhaps it should have done so years ago... but then none of us are prescient.

If a drug addict overdosed on his/her drug and produced a similar PVS condition would you support using extraordinary means to keep them alive for a decade and a half?


New member
Hall of Fame
Shimei said:
The precedent that this murder sets is bigger than both Terri AND her parents' desire that the protesters would "chill". Even with that being said, saving Terri is more important than upsetting the parents.

Still, why are you more concerned with the parents being upset than you are with Terri being murdered?

I'm not. But dragging in Randall Terry and Jesse Jackson, of all people, makes a bad situation even worse.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Zakath said:
She is in the condition of brain damage due mainly to her own actions. Her inability to eat and drink is part of that condition. The court has merely decided to "let nature take its course".
If your son cracked his head open while attempting to do a dangerous trick on his bike, would you call an ambulance and try to save him, or would you "let nature take its course?"

If your daughter slashed her own wrists in your presence, would you call an ambulance and try to save her, or would you "let nature take its course?"

If a drug addict overdosed on his/her drug and produced a similar PVS condition would you support using extraordinary means to keep them alive for a decade and a half?
If by "extraordinary means" you mean "give him food and water," then yes. :duh: