Don't be such a whining baby.
Pull up your pants and get your head out of the gutter.
Sorry you were a fan.
Many are deceived by rich 'playboys' who are big on performances but
small on actual moral fiber and ultimate value to community and society.
Take your albums and make a little shrine for his damned soul.
Maybe you can pray for the dead like Roman Catholics say they can.
Who knows? It could be your prayers that save his cancerous arse from the Lake of Fire.
But please don't rewrite history and hide the real nature of the
wicked little rich man that Bowie himself admitted to be:
David Bowie still working for Beelzebub after all this time–Valentine’s Day & Next Day
twclark66 / July 17, 2013
This article is a Christian critique on the music industry imagery and performers that I grew up with during my teens. I don’t usually do such pieces because it is not my main focus on pop culture music industry performers. Pointing out that morally degenerate musicians makes up the music industry is pretty much self evident. But I felt that this story just fell in my lap and that I should do a piece from my perspective which I am sure is the minority opinion on the web. Fans of David Bowie will not like this post, so if you are a fan and don’t want to see me denigrate Bowie, I suggest you read a fan blog instead. I am commenting on David Bowie because he represents one of the performers that shaped my teen years. I am going to express my opinion using spiritual discernment given to me over many years by the Holy Spirit. Many folks without such discernment would just see an angry Bowie snarling in “Valentines Day” in a low budget business park venue. That is not what these videos are about. These videos express Luciferian, Satanic messages.
You know I grew up watching the cross dressing David Bowie (sodomite agenda contemporary of sodomite Culture Club lead singer, Boy George) and was dumb enough as a youth to actually have liked some of his music like “Let’s Dance” and “China Girl”. But when you are in your teens you don’t know your stupid, you think everyone else is stupid. As you grow up you get some perspective on the world and different agendas and politics involved in different businesses. So I just had to bust David Bowie when I came across his newest videos being pushed on youtube. Yes you all know youtubes annoying policy of forcing you to watch some advertisement when you don’t want to watch another Ad, so that brings me to how I saw Bowie’s new album being pushed by Vevo Ads. So I will give my take on Bowie’s album “Next Day”, the lead song, but first on his newest release “Valentine’s Day”
Here is a senior citizen rocker giving his props to his benefactor the Great Illuminator “Lucifer”(Valentine and his big day coming soon). He is going to be this great guy who runs the 5th age. I mean it is really pitiful seeing this “Pet Goat” having to keep on performing to uphold his end of the bargain to prove his allegiance. So I guess “Valentine’s Day” is Bowie’s Swan Song before he gets his reward in Hell. This is way to surreal seeing all the Red & V symbolism Freemason arches, columns and the dual eye color symbolic of the Right eye blinded reference to the Bible. Of course his left eye is dilated and wide open and dark which reinforces the 2013 movie and music themes of entering the darkness.
What can I say other than Repent for the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back very soon. You don’t want to go through the Great Tribulation and get slaughtered with everyone else that is deceived by Satan’s Pet Goats that are in the music industry. Sad, very sad.
(Explicit video warning, I am posting this for adults only. You view it at your own choosing. The video contains blood, masochism, breast pasties and blaspheming of Christ.) (You may say what is the point of showing such a video. Your kids are watching this stuff and it is a clear sign of the Days of Noah and the coming Antichrist) So Christians don’t complain to me if you view this video.
Here is Bowie’s blasphemous Satanic blood orgy video “Next Day”. It has the symbolic feeling of being part of a black mass including a great deal of stereotypical Catholic imagery including stigmata where everything to blaspheme Jesus is performed with Bowie at the end ascending more like descending to Hell. Bowie takes on the Christ symbolism in this video. The imagery is Luciferian in that Bowie represents Lucifer and his side as good and the Catholic priests and cardinals as hypocrits dedicated to doing evil and taking money. I am no fan of Catholicism, but this video is clearly Luciferian.
I'm not going to post links to Bowie's latest videos,
such as "Valentine's Day" and "Next Day".
But any youtube browser can confirm for themselves Bowie was a hardcore Satanist.
All rich faggots are.
Nicely done