The people who set up this exhibition are no less despicable than pornographers, but like pornographers, they serve an important function. Their offensiveness, unless it involves children or intentionally incites violence, does no harm, and it keeps the First Amendment alive. Freedom to do only what everyone likes isn't freedom at all.
I'm a little dismayed that Connie drank the ISIS Kool-aid by promoting the idea that ISIS was behind the two fools who attacked the show. ISIS is hurting from the beating we're giving them, and they desperately want to convince Americans that they can strike back. Connie just joined that effort.
Stupidity works for them.
Seems stupidity is working real well for you as well, ISIS has not been beaten back one wit from the pathetic effort this administration is putting forth, in fact their presence in the world & growing alliance in this country is quite evident. If this was not so every military base would not have raised the FPCON (Force Protection Condition) to "Bravo" (not done since 911) which is just shy of full blown installation lockdown when the FPCON is raised to "Charlie" level. Now, being the government sees the threat as credible enough for raising awareness, it is not a stretch to say Pamela Geller was not drinking any such kool-aid but, recognizing the threat that is staring us in the face, and liberals are too politically correct to admit. Ignoring the threat won't make it go away...
Defense Secretary Carter used the word 'Metastasizing' in reference to the ISIS threat, I guess he is just drinking Kool-aid as well....or maybe stupidity is working for him too.
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