Donald Trump Wins the 2016 Election

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
"I won."

"I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation. CBS, Jan. 23, 2009

Yeah, that's entirely the same as people who just won a close contest writing:

Obamas legacy trashed by the Clinton crime family is a great take away as well as a complete repudiation of progressive liberalism. I would not be expecting pardons for any of the players from Obama at this point he may just let them face the music from a Guilliani led justice dept, the crime family foundation monies will be siezed under RICO as being gained by a criminal organization, and the players will all be facing their punishment. Hey, a guy can only hope...:thumb:

The problem with some arrogant fools on TOL...This thread is a clear record for anyone to differentiate between those that have lied and attempted deception, and those that understood the truth and got it exactly right. The Devil is the father of lies, and by reading through this thread, it is easy to identify the Devil's children.
I tried to get that as small as it could be...because it seemed appropriate.


Anyone who supports open borders and freebies like hillary did should stay out. The MSM are only believed by fools who are intellectual dwarfs. Hillary for prison 2016

Or the unintentional irony of:
When I see the utter ignorance of many of these posts, the only thing I don't understand is why I am the one who keeps getting banned. Oh well. I made it back in time to say....
to the anti-Trump imbeciles

And lest we omit Duke contingent (no, not that Duke, the other one):
I am ecstatic about this!

I don't care what Knight says.

I don't care what Sherman says.

People like me have prevailed.

White power!

Hail Trump.

Hail victory.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Ah, the graciousness of the mature victor. There's just nothing like it...repeatedly. :plain:

Congrats to the many Trump supporters who have demonstrated an actual grace and desire to see the country unified in hope and efforts to address the serious ills and threats to the vitality of our nation. God willing, with a great deal of effort and help, we can make strides together.

LOL. Says the guy who has lied through his teeth for a year now.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
LOL. Says the guy who has lied through his teeth for a year now.

Come on, Roman....Get in the spirit of "reconciliation....coming together to heal wounds............." and all that jazz!!! Give us a hug!!!!

All together, now..........

Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya. Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya. Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya. O Lord Kumbaya ...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Come on, Roman....Get in the spirit of "reconciliation....coming together to heal wounds............." and all that jazz!!! Give us a hug!!!!

All together, now..........

Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya / Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya / Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya.......

that sounds awfully kenyan to me :think:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
LOL. Says the guy who has lied through his teeth for a year now.
And yet you still can't provide one single example of it. Funny that in a not very amusing kinda way...
You have to overlook CC. He thinks that if he keeps saying a thing is true it becomes true...or maybe that's just as close to an argument as he can come without an aneurysm. Hard to say.

I've done so for over a year now. You have just chosen to remain dumb.
A lie, ironically enough. :plain:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
When I see the utter ignorance of many of these posts, the only thing I don't understand is why I am the one who keeps getting banned. Oh well. I made it back in time to say....
to the anti-Trump imbeciles

Well dude, it probably has something to do with you constantly breaking the rules of the forum. You do understand those, right?


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well dude, it probably has something to do with you constantly breaking the rules of the forum. You do understand those, right?

What he doesn't appear to understand would fill a...regular post by him, comes to it.

:think: So now we have a new agenda in play. I keep hearing people making hay about the Court. My wife was one of them. I said, listen, the liberals will hold on and the vacancy was made by a brilliant hard right jurist. At best you get another, though I don't see anyone of his timber and leaning out there. I expect we'll get a lesser light with a lighter tilt. But at worst (for the left) it just reestablishes the make-up of the Court.