Don't play stupid. Every time I posted a poll showing Trump winning you pulled out your pointy-headed arguments to say they were wrong.
I honestly don't commit your posts to memory, but I've answered a few cherry picked polls with a broader selection. The rule tends to hold and exceptions in polling tend to come down to bias, across a range. I also noted, late, when eightthirtyfive gave Trump a slugger's chance.
Now which poll had Trump winning late? I didn't see one. The difference between us wasn't you being right, that was your hope. I didn't share it. There were people on the Clinton side just as sure. The data indicated they were going to be right, though I didn't share their hope either.
Today...I just hope God finds a use for him. In a few days I'll give him the same approach I gave the outgoing office holder. I won't, as so many are doing and as too many did for Obama, claim that he isn't my president.
Well YOU were wrong, as you always are.
Given I'm against abortion, pro gun and a believer in Christ, not even you can believe that, but enjoy the dance. Is THall leading or are you going freestyle?
In the end, you're a leftwing hack
That's even sillier than what THall wrote...and that's saying something.
Maybe you should move to Canada and do us ALL a favor.
Maybe you should try to find the note your candidate had in his last speech...and how sad is it that you can't rise to that?